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Telford Pics


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My first visit to Telford and it did not disappoint.


Three halls full of exceptional models and traders stalls to empty your wallets and max out credit cards.:D


Anyway- a few pictures of the well deserved Best of Show 2023-Aircraft...










 this Short Empire Flying Boat was 1/48th scale and compartments fully lit and detailed inside. The images speak for themselves.


Sorry I don't know who built it as when the competition tables were open for inspection following the judging, there were no names with the entries.

Maybe someone will post the results and winners?

Edited by LSP_Kevin
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14 hours ago, NewtonK said:

Great models all of them. Were there no helos there this year?


Ahh, helos... Yes, there were some.
Although only that Mojave was large scale, I think. Maybe the red one behind it too? I'm not into these, sorry...





And yes, that Short Empire Flying boat was really magnificent.


Edited by Trak-Tor
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