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vince14 last won the day on November 13 2023

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  1. It's actually nine threads on WNW that I've started. That's since December 2014, mind you, so I'm averaging out at one per year (in fact I've only started three WNW threads since they shut up shop, with the prior one started in March last year - I should post more!). The good news is there's a simple resolution to your issue. Go into your profile, click on 'Account Settings', then click on 'Ignored Users' and add vince14 into the box. Hey presto! You will no longer see any of my posts.
  2. Jesus, who pissed in all your cornflakes this morning? All this thread is about is the potential subjects WNW may have released - if you're not interested (and the thread title clearly states what the thread is about, so if you're annoyed with it then it's your own fault), then move along and read something else. I have no interest in the Kotare Spitfires or their planned future releases, but you don't see me in that 19-page long thread going 'Oh man, this is sooo boring' like a petulant child.
  3. Who died and put you in charge of LSP? No-one is forcing you to read this thread. You could have easily ignored it, but instead you chose (twice!) to comment in it.
  4. Yes, my other Fury is the original Montex kit and everything is much sharper and better defined. Looks like I have some work ahead - good job the GB runs up to the end of the year!
  5. Here's what I'm working with after an initial clean up... Fit on the underside isn't great, but is fixable. The line of lighter grey on the nose was an area of excess plastic flow, probably due to the mold becoming aged (I suspect my kit might have been at the end of the production run...). One fuselage half has the lip for the chin air intake, but it's missing on the other half. There's a significant step on the fuselage joint behind the cockpit. Looks bad, but is actually quite easily fixed as the fuselage halves here are surprisingly thin and can be easily manipulated into shape. The starboard fuselage half has a couple of poorly molded exhaust port holes. Again, fixable but a bit of a pain. Top wing is in three pieces, and initial test seems to show a decent enough joint. This will require metal rods inserted into the wings to improve overall strength. Lower wing fit is fine on the starboard side, not so good on the port side. All in all, about what I would expect from a low volume kit of this type. Nothing (so far) that is unfixable, but a few niggles to work through nonetheless.
  6. Technically, this should be a 'Book Cranny' - a nook is a corner, and a cranny is a narrow opening. Doesn't quite roll off the tongue as well, though...
  7. They're good kits that get better with every release, but you do have to treat them with a bit more respect than an injection molded kit. You need to be careful removing the 3D printed parts from their runners, and I recommend washing and then priming all 3D printed and resin parts before starting. The old 'measure twice, cut once' rules apply. Having said that, they're at the better quality end of the resin/3D printed model market and build up well. If you're looking for a relatively simple Lukgraph kit to get started with, either the 1/32 or 1/48 De Havilland DH.90 Dragonfly work well, or the recently released Hanriot HD.1.
  8. Probably with Alclad - I'm going to test to see whether their chrome or highly polished aluminium gives a better result. It'll be a while before I post any progress, as there's a significant amount of cleaning up required before I can even think about starting proper.
  9. It's about Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, which crashed in the Andes in 1972 whilst carrying a rugby club. The survivors were stuck in the mountains for 72 days and were forced to eat the bodies of those killed to fend off starvation. Eventually two of the survivors walked out of the Andes to find help. Although it sounds gross, it's actually a very uplifting story of human survival against the odds.
  10. To their credit Lukgraph have acknowledged there's an issue with the fuselage and they're going to fix it: 'Unfortunately, sometimes mishaps happen. This was the case with the Albatros W4. We made a really significant mistake in the design of the model. Modelers with a trained eye quickly discovered this. It's just a pity that not a little earlier. We are withdrawing the first series of cast fuselages. We are repairing the defective fuselage. Thank you for your watchful eye'.
  11. That's fine, there's no law which says we have to like every aircraft, or be happy if a kit of a certain aircraft has been released. I have the same feeling whenever a new Mustang, Bf 109, or modern jet kit gets announced. Take Kotare for example - I really hope they do well and succeed as a company, but I'm never going to buy their Spitfire kits.
  12. I still hold out hope that Lukgraph or CSM will tackle the Breguet 14 at some point, or maybe even the Farman F.40.
  13. It'd be facinating if, at some point in the future, someone could write a 'warts and all' history of WNW which included all of the potential kits.
  14. Over on the 'Great War in 32nd Scale' Facebook group Colin Owers has released a list of aircraft he was asked for research material on by Wingnut Wings before they closed - this is in addition to the unreleased Fokker Dr.I and Lancaster (which Meng and Border bought, respectively), Hansa-Brandenburg D.I 'Starstrutter' (CSM is planning on releasing their own version this year) and Handley-Page HP O/100 and O/400 (which, sadly, now seems likely to never see the light of day). Of course, there is no guarantee that any of these would have made it to full release if WNW had stayed open, but the list is as follows: Avro 504K B.E.2c/e Breguet 14 Caproni Ca.3 Caudron G.4 Farman F.40 Friedrichshafen FF33E Hanriot HD.4 (Colin states that it was a HD.4 but that must be a mistake, I think he means HD.3) Lloyd C.V Short 184 Of the above, Lukgraph have released a Friedrichshafen FF33L, Lloyd C.V, Hanriot HD.3, and B.E.2c/e. CSM are releasing a Hanriot HD.3 in the near future, and Roden has stated it plans to release an Avro 504K. The Caproni would have been epic, and the Breguet 14 would have filled an important gap. In addition, James Fahey states that he saw box art for a WNW Airco DH4 and a US DH4. What might have been chaps!
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