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Difficult Times


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Difficult times at the moment.  My wife Mariana - MrsC - has been unwell for some time, and at the end of last month was diagnosed with bowel cancer.  She had a date later this month fixed for surgery, but recently deteriorated and was taken into hospital early Monday morning.  So the op's being brought forward, in the meantime she's hanging in there, she's a "tough old bird" (her words not mine). 


If I'm ever unfortunate enough to be in her position, I hope I can face it with the same courage and positive attiitude she's showing.


So that's why I suddenly broke off a WIP thread and haven't been around much lately.



Edited by MikeC
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You have my deepest sympathies, as I have been thru this with family members in the last 5 years myself.

We had 11 (Eleven) deaths to contend with in the space of 12 months in 2016/17 which really hit us hard!!


I can help in whatever way I can as you know im local to you (We have PM'd before), so if you need anything, just shout, a shoulder, an ear, anything!

Cheers and stay strong!

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