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1/32 Revell F-4E 50TFW - In-Flight and Lit Up


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At first I thought - Revell? This must be something dull...

Then I opened your topic here.

This is one of the very few builds that made me go through the whole building thread.

What you did with Revell's mediocrity is absolutely fantastic. The way you approached the whole subject is inspiring!

The finished Phantom is way more that one can expect, knowing the basic kit and the info about your goals in the beginning of the building topic.

I must say, that if more modelers were like you, we would've lived in a different world.

Are there any lows of the build that I can point out? Sure.

But the highs are so many, that I cannot even begin describing them.

I've seen better F-4s in 32nd scale. Never saw a Revell shining so bright.




Thank you for sharing and keep 'em coming.

You obviously have the Force in you. 

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