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Hasegawa Ki61-I --- Finished


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So, while I'm still working on the Corsair, I did do some research on markings for this kit.


As far as I can tell, a Tei cannot be built from the kit without surgery. I plan on some more research to sort of figure out just how much surgery.


Research material:




ATM, I'm leaning on this aircraft. 





The top profile is from Nick Milman's Osprey book on the Ki61 and Ki100. The bottom profile is from the Kagero book. All the markings should be able to be masked and painted. The kill markings under the cockpit might be a challenge. It should be a colorful aircraft and there doesn't appear to be a lot of chipping except along the wing roots and a bit on the fuselage. I wasn't thinking that I wanted to get into one of the wild camo schemes. 

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Um, the kit is a Ki-61-1hei (Ki-61-1c), while the red tailed 244 Sentai birds in the profiles are Ko, (a) models.  These have retractable tail wheels, and different armament configurations than does the Ki-61-1 hei.  Figured you might have missed that minute but important detail.  If that’s not gonna bother you then forget I mentioned it and carry on. ;)


You are correct that a Ki-61-1 tei (d) cannot be built from the Hasegawa kit without the now OOP Wolfpack -1 tei conversion.

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If you’re interested in the 244th Sentai, this is a great reference.




Hasegawa also did a limited boxing with 244th Sentai decals.  They flew multiple versions of the Ki61.  Photos of Sgt Nakano’s Ki-61 in the top scheme show it was definitely a Ko, and decals for his plane are also in the limited Hasegawa boxing.  That kit also includes parts for the Ko, Otsu, and Hei versions.



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Thanks. Well, I did overlook that the kit has a non-retractable tail wheel. So, perhaps I'll see if I can scratch some of the parts or see if I can pick up one of the other kits, perhaps at NATS. Everything that shows up on ebay right now are rather expensive. Or perhaps, change which aircraft I'm modeling.

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Okay, I had a look through the listings again and decided to purchase this one. I had picked up an Alley Cat resin set for a Ki-100 and this one wasn't much over the price of buying a Ki 61 kit from SB. So, I'll use the new kit for the Ki 100 and borrow the tail wheels from it for the Ki 61 Ko.




The only markings from Sgt. Nakano's aircraft that will be an issue are the kill markings and I had already been mentally working out how I was going to reproduce them. 


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