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Preview: HK Models 1/32 B-17E/F


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As I have said before and to HK themselves they have to have the single mount gun through the nose as an F model  as Bill M states which was the majority of gun fits in the 8th and 15th Airforces and this should cover most of any future decal releases by the aftermarket guys.  Simple really




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I'm wondering if the presence of two new instrument panels reinforces the idea that the forward fuselage has been flattened slightly. Are they so different between the 3 versions that they'd each require their own treatment?




Judging by what I'm seeing in the photographs, the forward fuselage is exactly the same as it was in the B-17G release.  I'll have to look into the IP's of the E, F and G models.  I don't think they're that different but I'm just guessing at this point.  I did see B-17E style control wheels in the sprue photos so there's definitely an E out there someplace (as if the greenhouse nose blister wasn't the first giveaway).  The F and G control wheels are in photo 16 while the E style are in photo 24.  An early E isn't possible (yet) as I have not seen anything resembling the Bendix remote turret that predated the Sperry ball turret but since that's not a huge deal (there weren't many built with the Bendix remote turret and I believe some of those that were so equipped  were converted to the Sperry ball turret at some point in their operational lives).  Boy, it sure sucks not having access to all my information....  I can't wait until we move out of this apartment and into a home so I can unpack.

Edited by Juggernut
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Concerning the existence of an original F nose piece and top turret, I tried to post some photos of my recent visit to the Memphis Belle and the Swoose being restored in Dayton.  I couldn't post the photos-- instead got this error message;

"You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."

Reminds me of why I never post photos here.

Anyway, the photos show the top turret and the nose piece of the Belle.  I would guess that if HK or a representative wanted to measure and phtograph these items, they could make arrangements to do so.  Just saying.

Bill M.

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I couldn't post the photos-- instead got this error message;

"You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."


Bill, can you paste (or send me) the link without using the 'image' button? That way I can get a look at what the forum software is complaining about. If it's hosted on Photobucket, and you've done any editing to it there, it may well have the text "~original" at the end of it, which is invalid for an image extension. Removing it from the link after you've pasted it usually works (assuming that's the problem, of course).



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Is there a release date on it yet Kev?


Nothing definite that I've been told, but I'd imagine it to be sometime before the middle of the year. If I find out more, I'll let you know.



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A few more observations I have, and another suggestion. First, looks like we may not get a new forward nose floor, so filling in the recesses for the chin turret will be necessary. The new prop blades do not appear consistent with the needle type E blades, so those are still missing. The late F and early G style waist windows are not present, only the sliding type appear to be included at this point. Not a must for this kit as most F's didn't have them, but I saw mention and it would be a nice touch.





A suggestion I have to add to the kit are the clear plastic covers on the sides of the ball turret that were seen on many E's and F's that protected/streamlined the 'ball' shape and vertical traverse rotation points. Would be the first kit to accurately have them!






- Dennis S.

Westminster, CO USA

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There are 4 copies of the following sprue in my sample, which appear to be the original sprues from the 'G' kit, containing cowl fronts and prop blades (among other things):



I'm assuming these sprues will still be in the new kit, as they also contain the tyres and engines.



Thanks, Kev. In that case, the props and cowlings are incorrect for an E - unless there's another sprue containing new prop blades and cowlings that HK have up their sleeves but we've not yet seen...

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