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Preview: HK Models 1/32 B-17E/F


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I don't think that's going to be the case.  This is a test shot.  As far as I'm aware the kit will be released as an E and separately as an F.

Which version will give the coolest decal options? The F???

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hmm, for my part that early G is most appealing but I would not purchase two of these kits to do it. I guess we shall see what F forts can be built from the box without major surgery and that will impact if I purchase or not (dont get me wrong - it looks nice, but personally I do not want to do the Belle...)

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I've been studying the photos as best I can on my IPhone screen and would offer up one suggestion for the F version. Because the F nose piece was different from the G, as included in the first HK kit, I would suggest redoing the clear nose to more correctly reflect the B-17F-- and then do two versions of the nose. One with two .50 caliber mounts like the Memphis Belle-- actually an uncommon variation, but necessary if you are including markings for the Memphis Belle. The second nose variation should be the clear nose with the braced center mounting for the .50 caliber mount. This is probably the most common mount on a B-17F in the 8AF and will allow the building of most variations of F's. I would think that the tooling for these two parts and supporting parts shouldn't be too complex or costly. Believe me when I say that the shape and features of the clear nose piece will be one of the things that B-17 aficionados will be looking for as it was so distinctive on the B-17F. If indeed, HK modeled the nose after a faux F, I would strongly suggest that they reconsider looking at drawings and nose pieces for an F. The real Memphis Belle is being restored in Dayton at the NMUSAF. I suspect arrangements could be made to visit the Belle and measure and photograph her nose piece. I was able to arrange a visit to see the Belle and the Swoose last summer-- very impressive and inspirational by the way!! I'm assuming the Belle still has an "F" nosepiece.

Otherwise a very impressive kit. I plan on getting one for sure. Thanks for posting!

Bill M.

Edited by Bill M.
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Looks great! But I didn't see any photos of the top turret. Several variations for the "E" and "F". Did I just miss them? And I guess I'll have to start putting some $$ back for this one! Might have to do some re-arranging on my work desk too!

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Guest Peterpools


Excellent Preview.

For my money looks like a great kit and another wonderful addition. I've held off buying the larger kits as display room is an issue I have to deal with.

If I could ever figure out how to display one, I wouod have no hesitation in buying the Fortress.


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Yes, the top turret should be addressed too. Need to make sure that the kit has the correct upper turret.

Bill M.

Looks great! But I didn't see any photos of the top turret. Several variations for the "E" and "F". Did I just miss them? And I guess I'll have to start putting some $$ back for this one! Might have to do some re-arranging on my work desk too!

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Excellent Preview.

For my money looks like a great kit and another wonderful addition. I've held off buying the larger kits as display room is an issue I have to deal with.

If I could ever figure out how to display one, I wouod have no hesitation in buying the Fortress.


Just do what I do, buy the kit, start building it THEN worry where to put it :D



I would really like an E or F to be honest, so will check my funds once they're out!

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Are there different types of props, Kev? The E had narrower chord blades and slightly longer cowlings. Couldn't see any extra props or cowlings in the pictures. The ones I can see in your images are ok for an F or G, but would be incorrect for an E version.


There are 4 copies of the following sprue in my sample, which appear to be the original sprues from the 'G' kit, containing cowl fronts and prop blades (among other things):



I'm assuming these sprues will still be in the new kit, as they also contain the tyres and engines.



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Very much wondering if those "G" only parts will be in the final release? It would certainly make the kit more appealing (to me at least) if more versions are possible outta the box....


Here's the sprue containing the 'G' nose and tail:



If any of those parts are required for the 'E' or 'F' versions, then I dare say that sprue will be in the kit.



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Looks great! But I didn't see any photos of the top turret. Several variations for the "E" and "F". Did I just miss them? And I guess I'll have to start putting some $$ back for this one! Might have to do some re-arranging on my work desk too!


Those parts should be there somewhere, John, as I photographed every sprue (except for the multiples).



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