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Hawker Hunter J-34/F.50


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22 minutes ago, Panzerwomble said:

That's the most impressive pitot tube I've seen for a while , superb attention to detail :goodjob:

The rest of the aircraft will be stunning in about 40 years 


Prompted by cheap kits on Ebay, I've just been looking at Revell Typhoon builds on LSP...



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I'd better explain all this nonsense


Firstly, it's my kind of thing. Exploring the structure and engineering of an aeroplane and replicating it in a model fascinates me. I'm an engineer


More to the point, if I go and cut a 'normous hole in the bottom of the 'plane and hang a gun pack below it, a lot of interest and pictures are going to be around the underside of the cockpit. So putting some kind of detail into the area below the cockpit floor, and in the front wheel well makes sense (to me...). Maybe even the wing wheel wells


I'm still worried by those RAF MK.II winches





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  • 2 weeks later...

Still going...


Three bits of sheet styrene made into a sandwich, then cut into little bits:




Cut to shape and stuck around the wheel well:




Making something that looks slightly more like a Hunter:




I was concerned about getting the AM leading edges and wingtips to bond properly, so I cut the kit parts about instead:









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