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From Mirage to the American kfir . end of the story ..Dec 24


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Hi Dutik


For riveting , I use the real ROSI , with 1mm  space ...I draw a pencil line , and just have to follow this line as a guide .... If that go wrong or misfitted  as you say , I fill the rivet line with CA glue , and do it again , but I rarely do crisscross rivet lines ( I am kidding ).. I am not an adviser , but try it and train yourself .....if needed 


if I may :( sorry if I am boring ) do not hesitate to press on the tool to get a nice rivet , you will get a some kind of " rivet head " useful for weathering effect '( hope I been understood) 



Edited by alain11
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You technique is so clean.

From the first time we talked about rescribing and riveting, i'm still paralyzed by fear. i dont know if you remember, it was about a FW190A9 i want to do.... Still in its box waiting for the riveting.... so scary !

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 scary!!!??? Nicolas I can't believe it from you , we all know here your builds , you are sometime daring risky stuffs , I remember I "advised " you to try and train yourself . do you know this motto??? who dare win   :fight:  


 Peter , it's a good tool , just a warning : when rolling the rosi , be careful to keep it perpendicular to the surface , if not you will get a nasty groove parallel to the rivet line , this , due to the holding system of the roulette rubbing the plastic surface :mental:  , that's why I "softened " the angle of this " system"......not sure I've been clear :hmmm:



Edited by alain11
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the today update : the fuselage engraving : for me , it's the longest , and boring step . The layout of panel is  different from Mirage III to the Kfir version , there are a lot of panels to engrave , I have to measure each of them ,  transfer to the fuselage , and do the same on the other half fuselage  symmetrically . not always "easy" on curved surfaces ...  Isracast provide resin grids , nice !!!! , but some of them are badly cast , too bad , I should have to redo them with plastic card .....one the third picture , the big air intake is not glued , it will be done later  







The engine air intakes are desperately empty , something must be done to hide the misery ....I remember that E Gallier had produced a while ago improved resin intakes, fitted  with intake duct  ....I 'll try to do something that "looks like" with thin aluminium sheet , cut , and bent ....once painted in white , I think it will work









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A little bit more.................

The Isracast instruction sheet say : before delivering Kfir to the US , cannons were sealed ....great!!!! that suit me fine . so let's seal them ....the ingine intake is glue to the fuselage , note that no putty is needed  






the bottom of the fuselage , again , engraving , more panels must be engraved once the halves fuselage will be glued ..... I remove the kit wheel bays , and at last, test fit of the wing / fuselage ..Well the joint line between these parts is not bad after all .... The wheel bay should be painted white , mine looks rather yellowish .. it's the Yuma desert dust     







I said upward , that the wheel bays location is random ....here is the prove , note the white plastic card around the bay , I glued the resin part too much outward , so it result of a gap that must be fixed



thank you for your interest .....to be continued 







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