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I'm on the fence regarding the material that has been released so far.  I don't have AppleTV so I'm not sure if or when I'll watch it.


That said, anything that can bring the memory of these guys and what they did back into the popular mainstage is something I support.  Say what you want about the recent Midway film, but it was enough of a hit to get some people talking and thinking about WWII. 


We, as a civilization, should never forget the sacrifices that were made by all during those dark times, yet I'm afraid we are doing just that.  And there is an ominous truth to the saying about those who forget history.  My son now lists Dick Best as one of his heroes because of the Midway movie.  He has already heard his classmates dismiss the Holocaust as a hoax.  He's 12.


So, again, anything that can bring some shard of memory of WWII to the popular forefront is fine by me.


</soapbox> :)

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I heard a great podcast about this today, this is going to be must see, there are comments on prior similar Spielberg projects, special note, Blythe survived the war, his fellow unit members did not know that when BOB was made and his fellow unit members thought he had died.  I am linking the podcast, it to me is must listen.https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/school-of-war/id1589160645?i=1000642621348

Edited by cbk57
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7 minutes ago, Martinnfb said:

What is the likelihood that Bf- 109K will appear in a small, but devastating cameo? :innocent:

The approach to the combat was to use the after action reports, so if you see a plane going down hit in the right engine, they are depict on the whole the real shoot down as it happened.  So if they know what type of plane shot down another, from the after action report, they said they were attempting to produce the same.

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17 minutes ago, D.B. Andrus said:

I read instead of depicting the B-17G in later episodes they used B-17Fs in natural metal to save money on CGI expenses. True or bs from the internut.


Unfortunately, this is indeed true. The rub of this, for me, is that they preached about being the first to accurately portray Tuskegee aircraft in the show (showing both the P-40 and the P-51). This is great and all, but I don't think you can be so enthusiastic about depicting accurate fighters, when you skimped on providing accurate late-war B-17's, arguably the star of the show. I think that's a corner that should have been cut elsewhere if money was the issue. It wasn't so much about saving money, it was more about they didn't have the budget to add the necessary upgrades to the two mockups and insert it in CGI to every single B-17 in the sky later.


For those of us who are accuracy freaks, it will bother us. Seeing "Our Gal Sal" on a B-17F, or "Mike" in natural metal on a B-17F, is going to bug the crap outta me. But, in the end, I am so tickled that this has come to fruition, after being introduced and announced over a decade ago, that I am willing to look past my own accuracy insecurities to truly enjoy the show.


- Dennis S.

   Mount Juliet, TN USA

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There you have it rightly Dennis.


I believe James Cameron's Titanic was applauded for delivering extraordinary levels of authenticity of props, or rather, the appearances of authenticity. However, RMS Titanic,  for real, in CGI or as stage sets was not the 'star' of the movie. 


My pal Jim, a Glaswegian ship's engineer, did show great enthusiasm for Titanic engine room scenes, especially the one that showed an engine being stopped, then run astern. He said, 'That is real.' He was correct, albeit the engine shown was aboard a different ship.

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On 1/17/2024 at 6:25 PM, ringleheim said:

It's worth noting HBO dumped the project, which has me worried.


It's very possible they dumped the series because it had a +$300 Million price-tag. Ok, that's not Amazon's "Lord of the Rings" series' level of spending (estimated at around $59 Million per 60 minute episode), but it's still a very big chunk of change. Despite their publicity-machines telling us otherwise, not all streaming-services are doing well financially. Even Netflix is now struggling to bring the bacon home. Too much competition, too many people cancelling their streaming to save money, just too much content (IMHO).


In a world in which a new Mission Impossible movie can barely make a profit at the cinema (I believe it's still in the "red", in Hollywood's very odd accounting terms), anything's possible. 



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2 hours ago, D.B. Andrus said:

they used B-17Fs in natural metal to save money on CGI expenses.

Ermmmm..... why would a NMF Fortress save money on CGI? Do you mean they used a modern-day survivor, that happened to be in NMF? I would have thought the cost of painting it in authentic colors would have been well within the budget of a big series like this one...


I'm looking forward to the show. It's about time that this part of WW2 was portrayed in a TV series. Having said that, I think there was a UK produced drama-series decades ago, called "We'll Meet Again", set in an Eighth Air force squadron.   


It's just a shame that the efforts of the RAF will probably never be given the same treatment. Even Peter Jackson couldn't find the money for a new Dambusters movie, despite his best efforts. 



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35 minutes ago, Confusionreigns178 said:

Ermmmm..... why would a NMF Fortress save money on CGI? Do you mean they used a modern-day survivor, that happened to be in NMF? I would have thought the cost of painting it in authentic colors would have been well within the budget of a big series like this one...


I'm looking forward to the show. It's about time that this part of WW2 was portrayed in a TV series. Having said that, I think there was a UK produced drama-series decades ago, called "We'll Meet Again", set in an Eighth Air force squadron.   


It's just a shame that the efforts of the RAF will probably never be given the same treatment. Even Peter Jackson couldn't find the money for a new Dambusters movie, despite his best efforts. 



I think the issue is they are using the B-17F to stand in for B-17G in later scenes.  It would be cheaper to recolor their existing B-17F CGI model in NMF than make a new B-17G CGI model.

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7 hours ago, TankBuster said:

i would rather watch episodes of 12 o'clock high. cheers.

May be it’s because you were less savvy about B-17s when you first watched them.

Still two more days waiting and we’ll talk. :P

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