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B-17 Color Assemblyline Footage...

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Even allowing for the fact that this film was scripted and choreographed to impress the matinee crowd, you have to wonder how the leadership in Germany and Japan ever thought they could have kept pace with American industrial capacity once it got cranked up.  What on earth were they thinking?  I was most impressed with how all those various pieces of airplane  just dropped into place like the parts in a Tamiya kit and almost before you could comprehend it, you were looking at an airworthy B-17.  Sadly, those days and accomplishments are far behind us and not likely to return.  My mother-in-law was a very young Rosie during that war.  She built Liberty ships and B-29s.  I cannot imagine her making a weepy, snot-slinging video about how hard and unfair and unfun it is to work a strict 40 hour week, driving thousands of rivets a day in a cramped space, and then have neither the time nor energy after work for clubs and boys and $200 manicures.  Different time, I guess.  

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1 hour ago, LSP_Ron said:

It's amazing to see zero PPE in a manufacturing plant. No safety glasses, no gloves, no safety footwear, absolutely nothing.

No hearing protection either.  A B-17 has how many rivets?  That shop floor had to be one noisy place.

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On 1/9/2024 at 10:48 PM, Pete Fleischmann said:

at least they got cigarette breaks-

Smoke breaks??  This is old school America we're talking about.  I'd be shocked if smoking was prohibited anywhere at that factory, except maybe during the painting process.   As noted above, it's crazy to see absolutely no PPE and workers standing on the wings as they are lowered from the ceiling with no fall protection, etc.     It's so bad, I think OSHA should retroactively fine Boeing a few million dollars for all those violations.    


Actually, skip that last part, Boeing has enough problems to deal with right now...

Edited by John1
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Stationed on the  bridge of the USS Maddox during gunnery practice, watching and hearing those twin 5 inch 38's go off right in front of me. No ear protection, and nobody cared.   This was back in the early '60s.  I have hearing problems to this day.


Names, Patrick, cold war sailor

Edited by Patrick HMD
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On 1/15/2024 at 3:31 AM, Patrick HMD said:

Stationed on the  bridge of the USS Maddox during gunnery practice, watching and hearing those twin 5 inch 38's go off right in front of me. No ear protection, and nobody cared.   This was back in the early '60s.  I have hearing problems to this day.


Names, Patrick, cold war sailor

I was an Army Grunt in an earlier life.  They gave us ear plugs but the only time I saw anyone use them was on the range (and even then, it wasn’t common).  For live fire “ tactical” exercises, we never wore them.  I’ve got degraded hearing and am 100% certain that my stupidity was the cause of this.  

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On 1/9/2024 at 1:01 PM, LSP_Ron said:

It's amazing to see zero PPE in a manufacturing plant. No safety glasses, no gloves, no safety footwear, absolutely nothing.

As a tinnitus sufferer, all that riveting with no hearing protection is painful to watch!

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