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HK B-17F


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I still don't know the "error" with the G, must have missed that one, and don't bother telling me cause I don't care, thanks.

but it didn't stop David Parker producing a stunning model from the kit and I couldn't see any glaring errors with that one.

And I will be getting the F, might even get 2 to make an early G from the first one.

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I still don't know the "error" with the G, must have missed that one, and don't bother telling me cause I don't care, thanks.

but it didn't stop David Parker producing a stunning model from the kit and I couldn't see any glaring errors with that one.

And I will be getting the F, might even get 2 to make an early G from the first one.


Won a Gold too at last years ('15) Scale Model World.



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All:  I just love a good looking B-17G and the last two pictured here are amazing.  Especially Scotts' D-Day Doll from the 447th BG, who my friend flew with as Capt of the Blue Hen Chick. (What a cool place to have a contest too!)


I understand some folks like do the research and point out in inaccuracies in the kits we build (like the Alison floor in the Tamiya 1/48 Mustang III), and I appreciate hearing what is and is not accurate so I can decide if I want to fix it, let it be, or not buy the kit, but we are talking first-world problems here.  Not life and death. My view is if the inaccuracy bothers you, don't build it.  I love the Mustang III kit personally and am building my second right now.


But the vitriol in the postings is uncalled for.  What I enjoy about this forum is how, in the rare 'arguments' that I've seen, people here are perhaps overly polite and  when someone points out that someone was particularly off-base or rude - apologies usually follow in rapid succession.  I appreciate that civility. 


I'd love to build a 1/32 B-17, but honestly have absolutely nowhere to put it. It won't even fit in my glass display case.  My loss - as I think it would be amazing to build such a great aircraft in a scale that would be so cool to detail the interior on.


So I'll just live vicariously through those wonderful souls who have the fortitude, skill, time (and SPACE) to build these beauties - whether the cockpit gets 'fixed' or not.  :innocent:


Back to the Mustang.... :piliot:

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Regarding Juggernut's post, #152, I couldn't agree more!

That link pretty much sums it up.


All this debate, whether it be about the G or to be released F --- and it still comes down to three options:

  1. If the errors don't bother you, buy it and build it.
  2. If the errors bother you, and you want a B-17 as accurate as possible, buy it and fix it
  3. If the errors bother you, but you aren't capable or willing to make some corrections --- then don't buy it!                                                                                                                                                                          





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Man, that kit looks HUGE!


I have never seen one but I can only but imagine how big it is, how impressive would it be to see in the flesh all built up!!!


I think these big kits would be great in Museums where people can appreciate them. Especially all dirtied up just like they actually were....we wouldn't want to dirty up that lovely polished aluminium one on display. Although I think it might look impressive to stand before and see the hard life some of them got. Actually just thinking about it, I guess that is what the B-26 "Flak Bait" will be like once back on display.....how impressive.


Anyway, back to the HK B-17, I am digressing!




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