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Spitfire Mk1. Differences between Mid and Late

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5 hours ago, Stew Dapple said:

Both releases of the Kotare kit so far include two small square 'windows' on the clear sprue marked on the instructions as 'not for use' - perhaps that's what they are for?





Seems likely.  Let the speculation on exactly which other variants are to come begin :evil_laugh:

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11 hours ago, Pete Roberts said:

Sorry Mike, should have posted an example but Dennis has covered this well above. They can be very difficult to see in photos at a distance, especially in a less than clear photo.

No problem Pete, gotta be quick on the trigger with this croud ;),

appreciate the effort anyway.

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6 hours ago, Stew Dapple said:

Both releases of the Kotare kit so far include two small square 'windows' on the clear sprue marked on the instructions as 'not for use' - perhaps that's what they are for?





Good morning Stew, and welcome to LSP…..it’s good to see you here! :clap2:

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On 12/7/2023 at 7:32 AM, BarryWilliams said:

I have a specific late production Spitfire 1 that I would like to build.  Specifically Bobby Oxspring’s X4170 that was shot down in October 1940, crashing near Capel Le Fern (not far from where the Battle of Britain memorial is now sited). Oxspring survived the war and became an ace.  I have a set of cufflinks made from that aircraft’s Meriin engine and want to display the cuffs alongside a model of the aircraft. 

I have been waiting for Kotare to produce a Late production version but I am getting impatient and will make adaptions to a mid-production Kotare Spitfire instead. 

Does anyone know the changes I  need to make please.  




X4170 was the second series to be fitted with the Hydraulic engine actuated undercarriage lift. The R series which preceded the X series, were the first from May 1940 to be fitted with the red Aeroplastic seat and automatic undercarriage retraction.The hydraulic fluid reservoir mounted on the starboard side behind frame 11 was moved to on the forward side of frame 5 under the engine cowl. Some cowls were fitted with a hydraulic fluid access hatch on the rear of the engine top cowl on the starboard side but not all They also lost the forward parachute flare dispenser, but gained a downward firing plessy flare dispenser with a Bowden pull trigger mounted to the left of the pilot's seat. The instrument panel was also made of Aeroplastic and painted black which gave the main panel a slight red tint compared to the blind flying panel which remained made of aluminium. All X series aircraft were fitted with a DeHavilland CS prop. Formation lights were fitted sporadically from R series aircraft and are present [but painted over] on X4590 see below, but not on all aircraft in war time pics, so you really need to find a pic of an individual aircraft to see whether it had these lights. The same is true of the downward firing Plessy dispenser, though all R series aircraft seem to have them so do most X series. Again X4590 shows where the downward firing port has been plated over.Screenshot-2023-12-25-at-12-45-11-Superm

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