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Airfix Spitfire v2.0 - Finished.

Stokey Pete

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Does look really good. Nice one Pete. Wish I knew the secret of building as quickly as you!


Please can I ask what colours you used for the roundels? I’m seriously considering painting them on mine with masks - but I’ve never done it before so I’m unsure of the colours - and yours look spot on to me.

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30 minutes ago, Shoggz said:

Does look really good. Nice one Pete. Wish I knew the secret of building as quickly as you!


Please can I ask what colours you used for the roundels? I’m seriously considering painting them on mine with masks - but I’ve never done it before so I’m unsure of the colours - and yours look spot on to me.

There’s no secret to the speed other than not building half the parts available, and building a subject of which I have no real knowledge to eat away at me when it comes to being historically accurate. I’m a bit of a night owl/insomniac too, so I tend to get quite a bit done in the small hours. 

As for the colours……I’m using MRP paints exclusively. All I’ve done is add browns or yellows to the green to change the tones/hues. With the grey, all I’ve done is lightened or darkened with other greys. All done at random to no particular ‘recipe’.



When they’re compared to the decals, which look very highly saturated and a bit too ‘new’, they look nicely faded straight out of the bottle. 



Edited by Stokey Pete
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12 hours ago, Stokey Pete said:

…I’m using MRP paints exclusively. All I’ve done is add browns or yellows to the green to change the tones/hues. With the grey, all I’ve done is lightened or darkened with other greys. All done at random to no particular ‘recipe’.


That's exactly what I did with my Hurricane.  :thumbsup:


Hope your troubles are few and gone soon.

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The stressful bit is over……..they’re just about aligned across both sides. 
Top surface stencilling is nearly done.


The masks are awesome, but they are a little labour intensive. Getting them located correctly without damaging the fine lettering, and then having to mask around them to prevent overspray marks. 

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3 hours ago, Zola25 said:

That looks really good - whenever you see that shape you just want to reach for the box on the shelf and start building right..?



You’re absolutely right. It’s such an iconic shape. Add to this, that the Airfix have given us kit that is a total joy to build. 

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Apart from the yellow wing bands, I’m just about done with the painting of this little beauty. I added to only decal to be used……the nose art. 
Also got the underside paint done. 
All I got left is to sort out the last remaining parts, the exhausts, fold the gear into the wings, get a wash onto it, and varnish it. 





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Looking good, I hate to say it but the only niggle I have is that the walkway lines did not cross the upper wing roundels on the real thing.


Official instructions were that nothing should encroach onto the roundels. Remember that the line ran along the line of the mainspar, so you're probably seeing that panel line showing through, not the paint.



Cheers and apologies



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I’m calling it done! 










A short wrap up from me.

I’ve built this fairly clean, with relatively little done in the way of weathering beyond tonal variations in paint, and a dark(ish) brown wash. 

The Airfix kit is wonderful to build. My only minor gripe is the exhausts. I don’t really see why they needed to be in pieces, and those massive cavities underneath them………

1 man army stencil masks are incredible.

This is not my best work by any stretch of the imagination. There’s minor flaws aplenty, but I can live with them rather than try to fix. It’s by no means historically correct/accurate. Again, I can live with it. I’ve essentially built it to the instructions, following their colour call-outs. 

I’ve yet to work out how I’m going to display it, apart from knowing that it’ll be a wall mounted display, in the ‘Spitfire Corner’ of my office. It’ll be joining this framed print that I’ve had for a few years. 


I see a Kotare kit, and a Hawk in my immediate future, to build, display, and compliment this work of art. 

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