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Unless I've overlooked it, I don't see anyone else in this GB with a George, so....




I've been meaning to build this in the near future, anyway. However, I still have to finish the Fw 190D-9 that I started, nearly two years ago! That project got stalled when real life got in the way (including a heart attack in August). So, I'm just wanting to get back to the bench, but figured this would be the perfect subject to help me brush the rust off. This build should be mostly out of the box, but I may order some HGW belts for it. We'll see about paint/markings. I would prefer to paint as much as possible, but haven't decided on specific markings, as of yet. I also wanted to use MRP's Japanese colors, but I had already purchased a bunch of Mr. Hobby paints that I'll probably use for now.





Edited by mywifehatesmodels

Not a ton of progress this week. I decided to order a few things for this build, most of which arrived today. I grabbed a Yahu instrument panel, HGW belts, Master brass cannon barrels and a set of masks from Dead Design. In the meantime, I got the basics of the cockpit together..






I actually spent most of my time so far on the engine. I wasn't going to really add anything to it, at first. I didn't think much would be visible once the cowling was installed and the prop in place. However, a test fit of the entire assembly, once I had the basics together, showed me that the engine is actually fairly visible on this plane. I was waiting for other items in the mail, anyway, so I decided to wire the engine. It's not perfectly accurate, but looks the part and I think it was worth the effort. 






The connections were all made with tubing stripped from fine electrical wire and cut to size. Here's a couple of shots with the wiring in place. Still need to add the rest of the equipment at the front of the crankcase, clean up and paint/weather, but it's starting to look like an engine.






Next, I'll be going back to finish the engine and cockpit, then on to the riveting tool.



Thanks for following,




Unfortunately, I didn't get as much time at the bench over the weekend, as I had hoped for. However, I am going to call the engine "done", at this point. After searching the net for reference photos to figure out the location of the last few lines/hoses, I think I at least have  a general idea of what it should look like and have it as close as I'm going to get it. Once all was finished, I gave everything a shot of MRP Matt Clear coat, then a wash using oils and some of the AK Interactive Engine Oil enamel. This is the first time I've used this product and I think it works fairly well. I did notice, however, that it's not as easy to remove the excess, as it is with oils. But, for a late-war machine seeing hard use, I think it looks the part. 







As for the cockpit, I have the base Kawanishi interior color sprayed and a little bit of an oil wash applied. I still need to get all the details in place and painted and will likely add a few more wires/lines, as well. I'll post pics as soon as that's completed. 


Thanks for following along!




That engine is truly awesome.  Apparently one of the things that impressed Japanese airmen after the war was how little the American planes leaked.  So, I guess we can infer that Japanese engine leaked...    some.

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