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Hasegawa 1/32 Kawanishi N1K2-J "Shidenkai"


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So, a little more progress. I've finished all the rivets on the fuselage and cowl, spare some needed fixes I see every time I look at new pictures I've taken.:rolleyes:

The cockpit is now glued into the fuselage and I've done a test fit of the engine and cowl. Currently working on riveting the horizontal stabilizers, but my back needs a break, so I thought I would post my progress. The rivets on the cowl were difficult. The areas around the latches giving me the most trouble. If I had to do it over, I would have used the jeweler's punch for those rivets, specifically, so that I would have had a little more control over their placement. I went back with the punch in an attempt to clean them up. It's better, but still not what I was hoping for.  At this point, I don't think I can start over again without a different cowl, but I think this will pass as "good enough", once the paint is on.





Thanks for looking!








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Thanks again, everyone!


On 2/7/2023 at 4:06 AM, Greif8 said:

The riveting looks really good John!  Looks like you have gotten a nice clean join of the fuselage as well.



Actually, the join on the upper seam should have been much better than it is. I normally use CA glue for everything and in pressing the fuselage halves together, I was more focused on the bottom seam.... Unfortunately, everything dried before I could get a perfect join on the upper seam. It was still close enough and I was going to fill/polish the seams anyway.  So, it seems to be turning out fine. In my opinion, this kit was designed for liquid cement, which is something I'm not accustomed to. However, after this little episode, I ran to Hobby Lobby and bought some Tamiya cement. I used that to attach the horizontal stabilizers to the fuselage and it worked perfectly (I should have been using this stuff years ago! :lol:).


I'll post more pictures in my next upload, once I have all of the main components riveted, assembled and ready for primer.  For today, I just finished the lower wing/belly rivets and gave it an oil wash. I have to admit that I used John's (Thunnus') fabulous build as a rough guide for the rivets on the underside. I think they turned out well, spare a few small flaws here and there. 





I'm still debating on markings for this build. I have a mask set for the plane on the box art, but it seems to be done by almost everyone building a George. I can see why, since "colorful" Shidens really didn't seem to exist. Or, at least, there just aren't any photos of them. I've seen other schemes showing various fuselage bands and white spinner tips, but I don't think I've ever seen an actual photo depicting such a plane. The other decal option is "03" (inside the fuselage Hinomaru), with the white band at the rear of the fuselage and that is a contender, also. I could still use the mask set for that plane, but would have to make a couple numbers on my own for tail and fuselage. So, if any of you out there have some books with hard to find photos that may spark some new ideas, let me know! 


Thanks for checking in.


John :piliot:

Edited by mywifehatesmodels
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Thanks again, everyone!


So, I was able to finish riveting the tops of the wings. For the moment, I have the wings glued together, but they're just snapped into place on the fuselage. The same goes for the engine and cowl. There were plenty of errors, but nothing that I think will stand out through paint. I still have to finish a lot of seams and then tie in any rivets and panel lines that may be left. After that, I can glue the wings on and, given the fit that I'm seeing, the only real chore left at that point will be smoothing out the seam on the belly, then....you guessed it.... more rivets! :lol:


Here's where I'm at, for now.










Thanks for checking in!



Edited by mywifehatesmodels
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