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Trumpeter A-6A Intruder


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To to refresh my foggy memory......

basically one end is capped off, the "container" intake part(s) are then filled with the latex, paint is allowed to bite and then poured out.......repeating as needed?




Yep this is pretty much it. I am not real thrilled with the outcome using the Kilz; it looks to have dried uneven in spots. Hopefully once dry it will sand out a little and be OK.

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Well the latex paint poured intakes were a bust - it dried very uneven and had collected a bunch around the end of the intake in a "lumpy" fashion. Tried to sand it down but it did not take to sanding very well. Sooo, stripped the paint off of the parts, sanding the residue off - very time consuming....


Otherwise started the wings and have one about complete - lots of parts involved - the fit was decent overall though I think I ended up with a few spots where I could have done better on the flaps; next one I build will probably have the flaps and slats dropped as it will make the build a little easier I think.


Fairly large wing area on this beastie; comparing to another 1/32 project I have underway:



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The last time I tried the laytex trick, I had the same problem. I'll stick to the old school way! I too have noticed while building my beast on how big this thing is getting! Next to a F-4 or Hornet I'm working on, it's a fat cow of a model! I've been trying to deside to build the whole wing before attaching it and your wing looks good! I did sand off the clip on the wing root so I can test wit, wish Trumpeter wouldn't do that!!





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Got mine yesterday.....WHOA......

Can't wait to see one of these done by you "Master Builders" out there with everything "hanging open"....

And following the (hopefully many, as long as we have waited) builds with tips, tricks and helpful build notes to assist me in my build.


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I'm real close to having one in paint, and there are a few tips for this build. Some things I'll do differently on the next. But who know's what will be available in the coming months! Photo Etch would be a great sourse for detail. As I've said before, I think the E will get more attention than the A! Just hopeing for a KA mod for some tankers! I'm having allot of fun with it and boy is she big!............. :P




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I have had some luck using floor polish and a cotton swab. Let the polish sit a bit in a small container, it will thicken. Dip a swab in and swirl it around inside the intake. Let it harden and do it again. It may take a few times to fill and smooth, but once it is hard, you can throw in the paint.

Edited by Harold
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I have the intakes about sorted via multiple heavy applications of tamiya spray primer from the can - takes many coats but seems to be working out. Wings are together and I just need to make mods to make them match A-6A details. Hope to have more pics up this weekend.

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theres no easy way to do the intakes i tried the Kils Method on anF-16 and I ruined the part..... I think the best method is the old fashioned way.... I try to use tape inside before applying a filler to limit the mess I have to sand then I fasion some sanding tools that will fit in the intakes Im doing..... Needless to say I usually ONLY do these in 23 scale kits these days,,, For some reason model companies seem to place ejector pin marks in the WORST places... !!

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That is one hot looking Intruder! I've had the box in my hands this weekend - didn't buy it (yet) - and it is really impressive. I always thought that I would wait for a Prowler, but looking at the kit and your work, makes it really hard not to build one.


I've always had a dream of building a maintenance diorama, and looking at all the details in this kit, I don't think there is a better base around.

Fantastic job so far! That nose gear looks super!



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Really great looking model, even setting unpainted as it is! The more I see this thing built up, the harder it is to hold off for the inevitable EA-6B.


BUT, the significant lack of cash and over-abundance of bills makes it much easier.

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Looking really good. I too had alittle problem getting the wings together and true on my build, think next time I may take the outboard pylon off and add them when the wings are done! Over all it's a good kit, can't wait to see some color on this BIG sucker!!




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