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Tamiya's big Spit

Wolf Buddee

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Looking mighty fine, Wolf. I've been saving all of your in-progress shots so I can shamelessly copy your detailing when I get back at my big Spit.


If I may point one thing out, though; I don't know if it's a camera parallax thing or not, but the 20mm cannon looks as if it has a distinct downward tilt - it should be parallel to the panel line that runs along the fuselage through the bottom of the cockpit door.


If it is indeed a camera angle thing it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong!




Hi Tony, you are absolutely right about the angle of the dangle of the cannon barrel. It's not glued in place though and alignment will be corrected when I finally affix 'er with 5 minute epoxy!


How's the WNWs project coming along?







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Lookin great Wolf...Very much like the prop and spinner with just a subtle hint of grunge..less is more,and you know that better than most. Cheers .


PS...Ya....fix that cannon. :rolleyes:

Thanks Bill! The cannon will be straight when she's finally glued in place. I'm still tryin' to figure out whether I should glue it in place before painting the airframe or paint 'em seperately and glue 'em after. It might be easier to tape the demarcation line between upper and lower camouflage colours without the barrels in the way. Either way I got to figure it out soon 'cause painting should commence soon.






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Thanks Bill! The cannon will be straight when she's finally glued in place. I'm still tryin' to figure out whether I should glue it in place before painting the airframe or paint 'em seperately and glue 'em after. It might be easier to tape the demarcation line between upper and lower camouflage colours without the barrels in the way. Either way I got to figure it out soon 'cause painting should commence soon.




I knew it was just hangin there :rolleyes: I would paint the airframe with them off,they look to be a great fit and it would make the upper lower seperation a clean job. just send it to me and I'll finish it up for ya. :innocent:
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Hi Tony, you are absolutely right about the angle of the dangle of the cannon barrel. It's not glued in place though and alignment will be corrected when I finally affix 'er with 5 minute epoxy!


How's the WNWs project coming along?




Oh good. To be honest I would have been pretty surprised if you had indeed missed it, but I figured I'd better speak up just in case.


The WnW RE.8 is coming along slowly. I've been dealing with some crap recently that's keeping me away from the bench, so for now it's vicarious modelling for me...




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A little project for my Thanksgiving weekend. An omission in Tamiya's big Spit kit is the gun heating ducts within the rear of the radiator housings. Hot air through the radiators was forced in to the ducts and this heated the wing guns. As I had already added the actuator linkages for the radiator housing flaps I figured I'd go one step further and add the ducts too. The pics show the starboard duct and it's mounting flange, the penny is for size comparison, a photo of the actual duct, and the drawings I worked form as well. It aint perfect but I think it should look fine when painted and installed.It took me a little while to figure out how I was going to make the little beast. The black rivets are Archer Fine Transfer rivet decals, some photo-etched slotted screw heads, and a couple of photo-etch bolt heads, plus some laminated styrene card stock and rod make up the rest. One more to go but as you can see from the drawings it's a very different shape.












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Wolf that's scary-good...we should get together for lunch or coffee one of these days,maybe that pub we went to a while back.Great work on the Spit!

Thanks Dave! Good to hear from you. Yeah, Lou's bar and Grill on #11 Hwy just coming in to town. I'm off on Wednesday's. Let me know if that works for you.







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One last pic of the starboard heating duct. The duct has been painted and weathered and I've removed the radiator housing flap to show the duct in place. Nothing's been glued yet, everything's just drop fitted in to place so the duct positioning will be tweaked slightly. I was worried about the Archer Fine Transfer rivet decals being too big but in the end I was worried about nothin' as they look awesome under a coat of paint. They're visible enough to show they're there but not overly conspicuous so I'm very happy with the end result. I definitely give 'em a 10 out of 10 for what it's worth. The weathering was done using the Pro-Modeler Dark Dirt wash. It's the first time I've used this stuff and I really like it. Now it's time to get back to the bench and get the other side done.


I'd like to acknowledge and thank two gentlemen for helping with this little detail. Edgar Brooks, thank-you for the drawings, they helped immensely and Derek Pennington, thank-you for the photo of the actual duct. Both are very much appreciated!clap2.gif






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