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Welcome to The Blue Box of Happiness Group Build!


The brief is simple: Revell LSPs. Revell kits not in their traditional blue box are included along with other manufacturers kits so long as they are in a Revell box. Runs from September 1st to February 28th 2022.


The standard Group Build qualification rules apply: your entry must be an LSP subject, and be less than 25% complete at the time of your first post.


Have fun!



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Count me in: after saying that I was vacillating between a reboxed ICM Bu 131 and a Hunter :hmmm: I picked a P-51D-5 out of the stash.  :)  I haven't decided the subject yet, but have three candidates depending on whether I can cut the masks for the markings I have in mind. All are from the Mighty Eighth of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, John Stambaugh said:

Hey guys, haven't taken part in a group build before. So may I ask; how do I participate? Do we share in progress updates? What all is involved?

 Thanks, John 

 Start a thread in this Group Build and take pictures as you progress showing what you've done and give us some text explaining what you did, troubles you had, points to look out for etc. You will also need a picture hosting, here is a link explaining how to do that if you don't know. 




When you finish, post up some completed pics and I will add them into the gallery for you.

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  • 1 month later...
6 hours ago, artoor_k said:

How about Kangnam F-16XL which was reboxed by Revell? I don't have box, decals are a mix from Kangnam and custom printed. 


I could just pretend you didn't say anything and that is from the Revell box. ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...


just stumbled in this page.

on the stash I have a lot of boxes, from very old to brand new on the market, but in percentage I guess a good lot of these are blue boxes, well, of happiness!

here a pic from my pc station toward the passage room. on the ceiling the trap door wich drives to the magic stash's garret, on the right some...blue boxes waiting to be disposed.



that said, I must pick up one of these from the garret and join the group, if you don't mind!:thumbsup:



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  • 1 month later...
8 hours ago, MARU5137 said:

Brad, Where is the gallery please ?

I seem to not find it.

thank you muchly. 


(did you watch the Test Cricket..  :yahoo:  ).


Highlander above has the link, they are always in the same spot.


I did watch the cricket and I was a little disappointed that it didn't go later into the 3rd day because my cricket club was one picked to do the 'bash for cash' in the lunch break. Actually yours truly nearly ended up on TV but one of my team mates ended up going to do it. The idea was that out of a few clubs, the person to hit the ball the longest distance would get 1000 dollars for their local club. However as the test was over before lunch, they never got to go on so they just gave each of the 4 clubs competing 250 bucks.

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Kev I’d like to jump in and try to finish up my Hawker Hunter before the blue box of happiness is over! My son got this for me for Christmas and I totally spaced on this GB before starting…i’ll blame being sick all week lol

Anyway I believe I’m within the limit. I have the cockpit completed. Still meet the 25% limit? 

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40 minutes ago, themongoose said:

Kev I’d like to jump in and try to finish up my Hawker Hunter before the blue box of happiness is over! My son got this for me for Christmas and I totally spaced on this GB before starting…i’ll blame being sick all week lol

Anyway I believe I’m within the limit. I have the cockpit completed. Still meet the 25% limit? 


Yeah, go for it.



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