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Posted (edited)

Bill, that might be it. I'll see if I can find more info on it. Thanks.


Mark, nice catch there buddy. You know after seeing those set I think I will have to grab one myself as well ;)

Edited by Youngtiger1

I picked up "Coloring Russian Aviation 1909-1922", a series of four books (only in Russian, which I can't read, but it's all about the pictures). They weren't at all inexpensive, but I found them on ebay from the Russian Federation. They are much better than I had imagined, because they take all of those Cold War era books (printed on terrible paper) about the early aviation in Russia of the many factions before and after the revolution and put the old photos in much larger and clearer format along with some great color profiles of one or both sides and usually top/bottom of the aircraft in question.


I particularly like the color photos of some of the paintings that inspired the airplane marking art. This series is just full of color interpretations of the markings, some in new ways, but most with the back up of some large reproductions of the photos of that plane. If you are a fanatic of this relatively obscure era (to me in the USA, at least), this is a good set of books. The markings just cry out for some interesting new decals in our scale.




bought a 1/35 Mirror models Diamond T wrecker, IL2-3m, and Hase George at Orange Con. Saw Ed Boll, and Oliver there and had a great time meeting people. Some nice work on display as well.


As is typical for me lately, new kit purchases are kept to a minimum, but I do manage to score the occasional book now and then, this one being an example. Used, but in very good condition, these Koku-Fan books are very nifty, and I'm pleased to own several of them. (Price was right too.) Not in our references database yet, but soon will be.




Got my Trumpeter "Anton" today, as well as a set of barrels for it. The Master barrels intended for the Ar 196 are actually a perfect match for the armament of this early Stuka. So far, the kit looks really good and the barrels are a work of art.





I'll be starting on the Stuka as soon as I finish my BF2C build, which I'm hoping to have completed in the coming week.







 Echelon Pub.1969 signed by




This guy, Duerson Knight, from Chicago ILL. Attached to RFC for combat experience/training, flying SE5's with No.1 sqdn



   And a Jack Moses original from 1970.  Who dat?


   And last but not least, an original by 'Hagel' one of the many ''lost'' artist of the past........


                   Health and Happiness


  Thanks  Maru, that was very nice. and to all who dropped me a note, MWHM, Martinnfb, Mark31, Lud13 and Harvey, thank you!


Nose Art, your avatar is just  plain (plane?) perfect. The upturned cap and Blondie from that great photo of a classic example of P-51D nose art really make it say your name.






 Hey y'all,

               Thank you Tnarg!! Do you have any airplane projects in the build process that we can see?

       For those of us who have a thing for books..........


    LH to RH, British Aeroplanes by J.M.Bruce 741pages 1957 issue price 27.50.   Midway The battle that doomed Japan, by Mitsuo Fuchida (lead air raid on Pearl) and Masatake Okumiya, 1955.

   I Flew With The Layfayette Escadrille by Edwin C. Parsons,1937.  1000 Destroyed, The life and times of the 4th Fighter Group, by Grover C. Hall, 1946.  War Eagles, The story of the Eagle Squadron,

     by James Saxon Childers, 1943.  The Years Of The Sky Kings, by Arch Whitehouse (WWl aviation) 1959.  Night Raider Of The Atlantic, The saga of the German sub 'The Golden Horseshoe' and her

     Capt. Otto Kretschmer (WWl) 1956.    and LBNL  Wings by John Monk Saunders 1927......


                  Health and Happiness



My sister was persuaded to buy this for me as a late birthday present, and I must say that I'm impressed. I've never seen so much data on Immelmann and Boelcke in one volume before.




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