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Six Camels!!

Guest Smitty44

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There is a correction for the too short Sopwith Tripe fuselage. As far as the Camels from WnWs, they include the large wing cutouts required for the key Camel in the Hobby Craft Le Rhone Aces kit. As far as the decals in the Roden Sopwith Tripe, Phoenix has excellent decals. Also I found adding white glue to the water when putting in the decals helps. I like my Roden Fokker Dr1 and WnWs already stated that they aren't going to produce it since the Roden kit is good enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Twas not that bad really, not nearly as bad as I thought it would be...........not even the entire cantilever rear end was as difficult as I had suspected...EZ Line and having a specific rigging order helped tremendously in that effort. 




Going to pick up at LEAST 3 Camels!  Cant wait!


Beautiful model Brian. But it's why I haven't succumbed to WnW - there is no way I could ever hope to build such a model. It simply is way beyond my capability in terms of dexterity, patience, finesse and artistry.



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Tried to pre-order two of each plus one Duelist (yes, I know how much that comes to.)  Was informed there was only one of each available.  Moved on to shipping and found WETA had reverted to the "one kit, one Shipping charge" format so I would get charged $17.70 (to Virginia,) six times and would receive six packages.!  I feel a shift to WW2 and Modern Era modeling coming on...at least Sprue Brothers knows how to compute shipping on a multi-item order.


Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing?

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Just tried to order one of each (I know).


Offered to send out the one kit straight away, with the rest to follow, each with their own, full, shipping charge.


It really is very amateurish. Combining shipping charges is an absolutely basic retail necessity.


I'm not paying six shipping charges. 


I'll await until all kits are in stock - hopefully the system will be able to handle the complexities of shipping more than one kit in a box.

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The wheels really have fallen off at Wingnut Wings.

I only ordered a few weeks ago a few seperate kits all shipped together from NZ.

Now we are back to where they where when the whole Weta debacle began but this time its in time for one of there biggest releases ever.

Just hit cancel on a 5 Camel order because i refuse to pay seperate shipping per kit.

Id rather order from HLJ or someone else.

Some be shoukd be telling Wingnut they look mire like a Flying Circus right now...

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Well, something very odd is going on.


I went to Hannants, and they are offering the six kits for pre-order at lower prices than WNW/WETA are selling them for.


Significantly lower - for instance, Duellist kit from WNW/WETA is £202.89.


Same kit from Hannants - £170.99.


These include the 10% pre-order discount, but even when that runs out, the cost is only £189.99.


The difference post-discount is £12.89 - the exact cost Weta charge to ship. This looks like, to me, Wholesale discount are possible but selling prices must not undercut WETA, excluding shipping costs? Or do Hannants have greater leeway, but just choose to match Weta's costs and rely upon cheaper - or free from order over £100 - shipping?


Hannants must be getting a wholesalers discount. Their costs have always been much more expensive than buying direct. For them to suddenly be competitive to the point of being cheaper indicates their costs are significantly lower - they are getting a wholesale discount. Otherwise they are buying at the same cost they are selling - or even less during the discount period - so are, at best, breaking even. No business will do that.


Where this leaves WETA is debatable - why put up with very shoddy service and expensive prices when Hannants, with superb service, are an alternative, with pretty much next day free  delivery?


I'll be using Hannants from now on.

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For me I checked a little while ago and I couldn't even order anything.

Able to order, but like everyone has said, they charge shipping (~$18) per kit! Wonder if it's because it's a preorder? Their software may operate under the assumption that items that a preordered can come in at different times.

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