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Jan_G last won the day on June 3 2022

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About Jan_G

  • Birthday 10/26/1980

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    Bratislava, Slovakia

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  1. Very sad to hear about your loss Kev. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Jan
  2. Super finish and interesting camo Miloslav! wow!
  3. Well, looks like impressive model. I have expected such price, catapult/base seems to be included which is nice touch and justify the price even more. And while HPH kits deserve a lot of attention and patience, their chosen subjects are exclusive. And the most important - it's flying boat! we need more planes in 1/32 that can land at sea and take off again
  4. new rebox - SWS 23 https://hobby.ec.volks.co.jp/item/4518992232492.html
  5. Would love to have one as well Thierry, but I hope that they will keep price somewhere in 600-700€ range, when considering there are no engines and no undercarriage and I would guess they will sell catapult separately. They will be in Moson during the weekend so maybe we will have some price estimate.
  6. Mirek posted some progress on this one https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=105045&start=5580
  7. Mirek posted pics of finished model on modelforum.cz it should be available to order during the May https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=152824
  8. new rebox of A-4 available for preorder from March 30th
  9. Wow! Impressive model. I can imagine all the effort you put in it.
  10. There are just too many missing. I fully agree with Kev about He 177. However being these days into airliners somehow it would be great to have: 1. C-46 2. DC-4 /6 3. Martin 202/404 4. Convair CV 240/340/440
  11. seems that Bv-138 is almost ready Mirek posted some updates over on modelforum.cz and states that first pieces should be available for the Moson Model Show (20th of April)
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