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JA 37 D(I) - 1/24 ---- SOD

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man that looks good Rainer - I am absolutely thrilled you gave skinning a go, you have a definite talent for it..


..starting with full-on compound curves is certainly a steep learning curve that will stand you in good stead for the more simple parts of the airframe!


..as for an NMF finish - go for it.. (you know you want to :whistle: )




heh heh



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Hello Rainer, good to see you back at your big Viggen. Perhaps comparison with another's work is unnecessary? For my money, your work stands on it's own merits and the particularly in the second image it is as good as any BMF work that I've seen.


Personally I would opt to go for the smaller, more in scale rivets but that is a personal opinion and I'd guess there will be others who favour the more artistic rather than the realistic approach.

Even if you choose to paint this model you will still have a superb finish as there can be little that looks better than real metal whether it is under paint or bare.


I'm eager to see more progress and follow how this works out.




Thanks for your kind words, Gee. I'll do some more tests with my 0.3 mm riveting tool (I use hypodermic needles) to see if I can achieve more uniform results. Personally I would prefer the more in scale rivets as well.



Great work Rainer. I'm way too intimidated to try something like that, but I love it when I can live vicariously through the adventurous folk on LSP. Most pleased to see you back at the bench.





No need to be intimidated, Jim. Just follow Peter's fantastic tutorial and after some time it comes quite natural (pun intended...). But it is a LOT of work, I grant you that.



man that looks good Rainer - I am absolutely thrilled you gave skinning a go, you have a definite talent for it..


..starting with full-on compound curves is certainly a steep learning curve that will stand you in good stead for the more simple parts of the airframe!


..as for an NMF finish - go for it.. (you know you want to :whistle: )


heh heh




Thank you Peter, it was a steep learning curve indeed and it still is,


As for a NMF Viggen, nope. Frankly I never really liked the Viggen in NMF. But there are a number of other subjects that really cry for skinning with metal. Heck, I have the drawings for one bird already scaled up to 1:24. I will have to stock up on aluminum sheet before I can start that one, however. I guess, 2 or 3 square meters should be about enough...


Ok, back to the bench...




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Thnks a lot for your nice comments, guys! It's very much appreciated.



Nice! For a first effort I reckon it came out spectacular! May I ask where you obtained both the aluminium and pewter from? This is looking very much like what I need to do on my B-17.


Keep up the good work!




Craig, the aluminum sheet should be no problem. Just google for "aluminum sheet" and there should turn up severeal vendors,  I got mine here.

But there should be suppliers in your country as well. It usually comes in "soft" and "semi hard" variations. Both are usefull, depending on the task at hand.


Now, the pewter (tin??) foil is a different story. It's a bit hard to come by. I eventually found it in an online store for dental supplies (our very own Paul Budzik should be able to name a few suppliers in the US as he is a dentist). But be careful. Sometimes the 0.2 mm or thicker foil is in fact tin covered lead foil and I wouldn't use that, since it is toxic.


The tin foil I have is 99.9 % pure tin and is soft as butter. Not cheap, though. I paid 21 Euros for 150 grams. And the stuff has a specific weight of about 7.2 grams/ cubic centimeter (about three times as high as aluminum). So you don't get a lot auf mileage (ah, that should be "square mileage", shouldn't it?) out of one roll.





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  • 5 weeks later...

G'day ladies and gents,


here is a small update on my ongoing efforts in learning how to skin models with aluminum and pewter sheet.


This is the tail section of the Viggen:






Much better than my first attempt. The aft panel is pewter. After some sanding it looks more like steel than aluminum, but I don't care as it will be painted anyway.


The lower surface of the tail section looks like this:



Photo copyright Luc Colin, used for illustration purposes only. If this is considered copyright infringement I will immediately remove this picture.


I contemplated quite a while about how to make these panels. And then it hit me like a rythm stick... Why not use metal? So I resurrected my soldering iron and made a template from 0.5 mm brass rod:




The template on the left, a part that didn't pass QC on the right. The annealed aluminum is so soft, that it can be pressed into shape quite easily.


After cutting and adding some rivet detail it looks like this:




I'm fairly happy with how it turned out. After some weathering it will look rather convincing I think.


Oh, the JA-37 has a different RWR than the AJ that is shown in the photo of Luc Colin.


Thanks for your continued interest.




Edited by Rainer Hoffmann
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