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About J.C.

  • Birthday 03/25/1964

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  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario, (aka The Great White North)
  • Interests
    History (I am a history teacher) vintage aircraft, though I am known to do the occasional jet. Reading LOTS of history and historical fiction.Chasing airshows and of course I always have a project on the go, when time permits, of course!

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  1. You can actually purchase tickets to take a flight in the Hamilton Lancaster. Not cheap, but one insane experience!! The other aircraft in the museum are pretty awesome as well. Enjoy!
  2. I think the vast majority of people who read your post understood the implication that this was a global statement, not related to any particular nation. No offense was taken here either.
  3. The war ended close to eighty years ago. With the average age of soldiers being somewhere around 21, that would place survivors right around the century mark, with the youngest being in their nineties. My mother (a Holocaust survivor) was born in 1929. She was SIXTEEN when she was liberated by the Canadians. Today, she is 92. The veterans and survivors alive today will most assuredly be gone in another five to ten years at the outset. Who will be left to keep the memories alive and to ensure fascism and fascist states do not endanger the safety of the world again? It is the responsibility of our generation and future generations to keep these lessons alive. To be honest, given the rise of racist and fascist ideologies all over the western world these days (yet again, UGH) I am not holding out much hope. Just yesterday, Whoopi Goldberg very publicly on American television stated that the Holocaust was not about race and racial politics. The Great Amnesia has already started.
  4. To all who celebrate, wishing you a very happy Easter!! May your holiday be filled with warmth and happiness and health, of course!!
  5. That is simply superlative work, Chuck. It actually looks real. Quite masterful, actually. I thoroughly enjoyed following this thread and learning from your tutorials. Thank you for sharing this wonderful build with us. Cheers!
  6. Then you know you are into the good stuff. Level up!!
  7. Ahhh, a nice-sized dram of Lagavulin will do that trick fer ye, laddie!!
  8. Great suggestion, Chuck! They both offer vastly different experiences and both are fabulous in their own right. By the way, FS2020 now has VR capability as well. Mind blowing, it has to be, with those graphics!!!
  9. That looks like a smoking set-up! As to your question about which flight sim to get, it really depends upon where your interests lay. DCS World is outstanding if you want to fly war birds, and their WWII collection is growing all the time!! So if flying war birds is your thing, then I would highly recommend DCS. The downside is that the graphics are not on the level of MSFS2020, there are features that MSFS has that DCS does not. The flight model in MSFS is also more realistic, so I am told. I have experience with MSFS2020 only, so I am going on what the flight sim community generally agrees upon. Basically, MSFS is for those who lean towards more of a total flight experience, real world kind of stuff. DCS is more action. People generally refer to MSFS as a "real-world simulation" and not a game, specifically. I would recommend looking at the Discord community, researching what those folks conclude about the differences before you pull the trigger. Think carefully about what it is you want to experience before you buy, as both options can be fairly expensive (as any hobby these days, I imagine) especially when you start buying the add-ons. My goal is to eventually obtain my private pilot's license, so I purchased MSFS2020 and bought the Logitech flight yoke system, throttle quadrant and rudder pedals. I am training on the Cessna 152 and 172 as they are the easiest to learn on, and in my area in real life, they are the most ubiquitous to obtain. My next purchase will be the Logitech autopilot/gps panel that attaches on top of the flight yoke. Sorry for the long-winded response, but I hope it helps to guide you in making your choices. And whichever road you decide to go down, welcome to the black hole known as the flight simming world!! You are going to love it!! Cheers!
  10. As already stated above, that is an outstanding achievement!! You deserve to be extremely proud of yourself!!
  11. Hi Chuck; For what it is worth, here is my opinion. I think you have reached that stage in a truly excellent build process, where now all you can really do is fine-tune it to personal taste. It has to be what looks right to your eye. I think at this point we have left behind the science and have leap-frogged into art. Personally, I think it looks outstandingly realistic judging from the pictures of those CF-104s I have seen. But you are the one who has to look at it, so again, if you are not entirely happy, play around with it. As you said, it is only a matter of wiping off the wash and starting again, so have at it!! On another note, I have learned much from this thread (I know I am repeating myself) and it will make a fabulous reference for us, so thanks again for sharing your build process! Cheers, J.C.
  12. I just love how you were able to blend the decals in the weathering process to make them look painted on. Outstanding!
  13. Excellent paint work on the Hurricane! Nice and clean. Glad to see you, Dale.
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