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F-16C Block 52+ "Raven" Polish Air Force - First LSP


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Greetings all.  This will be my first LSP build and my re-start in the hobby after taking a break back in 1993.  I’ve been lurking for many years now and have found much inspiration from all of the talented modelers here.  The Hobby is so much different now than when my last Hasegawa or Monogram kit was completed. 



Here is what I plan to build.  




F-16C Raven Start




The base is the Tamiya F-16C Block 50, which will need some aftermarket changes to build a proper export Block 52+ of the Polish Air Force in this most impressive 100th-anniversary scheme from 2019.  


F-16C Raven Start


The Grand Models NSI intake and the ResKit P&W burner can are a must, with the Grand Models CFTs being an option. 


F-16C Raven Start


F-16C Raven Start

Given this impressive scheme, I’m leaning toward an in-flight build allowing a full unobstructed view of the markings.  How to mount the jet is something that is not fully worked out just yet, but I do have a plan – more on that after a bit of progress.  Should the final path end up being in-flight, the gear bays and cockpit will remain OOB, but should the build go another direction, I have plenty of options on hand.  


It appears there are two different jets sporting this scheme – Tail 4047 and 4050 – with the latter carrying QH on the tail vs. WX of the former.  Again, more on the final scheme once I get there.


Lastly, my adult supervision is always attentively watching, so hopefully, she will keep me on track.  All critiques are welcome, as they will only help improve this build and those that follow.  My skills are far less capable than my desire, which is helpful - something to work for is always good motivation. 


F-16C Raven Start



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3 hours ago, chaos07 said:

Greetings all.  This will be my first LSP build and my re-start in the hobby after taking a break back in 1993.  I’ve been lurking for many years now and have found much inspiration from all of the talented modelers here.  

Lastly, my adult supervision is always attentively watching, so hopefully, she will keep me on track.  All critiques are welcome, as they will only help improve this build and those that follow.  My skills are far less capable than my desire, which is helpful - something to work for is always good motivation. 



Welcome to the club!
I’m like you: I saw so many beautiful things on LSP that at some point, watching I couldn’t resist and I got caught by something!
There are so many talents on this forum that you will have a relevant answer to each question and that you will surprise yourself to make huge progress in a very short time.

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Welcome back.. and what a cool subject to chose. From the looks of it you have also picked out some of the best aftermarket parts to go with it so it should be a fun build.. The Tamiya F-16 is just the best kit out there in 1/32 if you ask me. 


The Reskit exhaust you have picked out is beautiful but unfortunately does not include the rear section of the fuselage to go with the correct engine. Something that only comes with the resin exhaust set from KASL. The kit does not include it either ( only the out of production Tamiya Thunderbirds kit includes it ).



Edited by Zola25
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On 7/23/2023 at 10:58 PM, LSP_Kevin said:

Welcome back!




On 7/23/2023 at 10:58 PM, Citadelgrad said:

Welcome, Duane.


this is a very supportive bunch.  I just finished my first LSP and enjoyed the support and encouragement.  

I’ll follow this build closely.  



On 7/24/2023 at 1:33 AM, MikeMaben said:

Looks like you're all set for takeoff Duane.  :thumbsup:  Cool scheme, have fun.


On 7/24/2023 at 2:04 AM, Furie said:


Welcome to the club!
I’m like you: I saw so many beautiful things on LSP that at some point, watching I couldn’t resist and I got caught by something!
There are so many talents on this forum that you will have a relevant answer to each question and that you will surprise yourself to make huge progress in a very short time.


On 7/24/2023 at 5:53 AM, Robthepom said:

such a good kit OOB, but that aftermarket stuff looks great. I'll follow along


On 7/24/2023 at 2:13 PM, scvrobeson said:

Really looking forward to this project.  A fantastic paint scheme that you've picked out for it.





Thanks, Gents.  I look forward to getting some plastic on the table soon. 


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3 hours ago, Zola25 said:

Welcome back.. and what a cool subject to chose. From the looks of it you have also picked out some of the best aftermarket parts to go with it so it should be a fun build.. The Tamiya F-16 is just the best kit out there in 1/32 if you ask me. 


The Reskit exhaust you have picked out is beautiful but unfortunately does not include the rear section of the fuselage to go with the correct engine. Something that only comes with the resin exhaust set from KASL. The kit does not include it either ( only the out of production Tamiya Thunderbirds kit includes it ).





I was not tracking that - thank you for the info - one on order along with some stencil data from PROcal decals.  


Digging through the stash, a GT Resin set is in hand, but it's not in real great shape - artifacts in the burner can area, the turbine is misshapen, but likely not noticeable after paint, but overall very rough.  Not sure how these found their way to me, but provide another option should it be needed.   






The good news is it appears I can graft the Reskit can on the GT aft fuselage part if needed - this is the aft part of a stalled/failed SUFA build showing the fit.





Thanks for checking in!

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Not much for a weekly update this week, but working out how to display this model in flight needed to be sorted out before I started gluing plastic.  My thoughts were if a suitable method could not be sorted out, then on its legs it would go, and that would change the cockpit for an aftermarket option, as well as the main gear bay.  


I think the in-flight pose/mounting is worked out.  Initially, an aluminum/mild steel bar stock was the plan, tapered, drilled, and counter sunk to allow a couple of tee-nuts to be epoxied into the wheel bay, then screw the model to it.  The hardest part would be mounting the tee-nuts into the wheel bay, and getting the right compound bend in the metal.  The downside is it would obstruct the raven on the belly, which is the only reason I want to pose this kit in flight.




The second option, now the primary plan, is to use some 1/2 inch diameter acrylic rod and go right up the burner can.  This should be very easy to bend with a heat gun, and a template will be employed to ensure a nice even bend in the rod.  A brass/copper pipe will be secured the full length of the engine bay, allowing for a very secure mount.  I think it will also alleviate any potential stress on the resin-to-plastic joint of the aftermarket exhaust and use the kit structure as a whole for support.  This will allow for a clear view of the underside and an adjustable level of bank, that would have to be carefully bent into the metal support of the other method above.  The KASL burner can is on order, and with any luck will be in the post box by late August which will allow for a final fitting and mockup.  




1/2 inch seems to be the right diameter that allows for some of the detail internal to the burner can to be visible, but large enough to provide a stable mount for the kit when completed. - the nose weight will likely be left off, leveraging the tail-heavy nature of the kit itself for stability once "in flight".




Raiding the spares box from an Academy SUFA the JHMCS helmet/head will be grafted to the Tamiya pilot.  Reedoak has a beautiful F-16 pilot with this helmet, but my painting skills would not do one justice, and with a closed canopy, much of the fine detail will likely be lost - or that's the story I'm sticking with.




Additionally, the same kit had a spare intake pylon that is needed for the Sniper pod to be mounted on the right side - which will be in the form of the Eduard offering.




Hopefully, some plastic will be freed from the sprue tomorrow for the cockpit and pilot figure - with some paint in the airbrush shortly thereafter.  


Thanks for checking in!



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  • 3 weeks later...

No real progress yet.  Getting the boy out to College this week and was on a celebratory vacation with him last week.  But the mail did not disappoint on my return.  


The PROcal Decals arrived, and they look nice and crisp.  These should be the correct shades of gray for the raven scheme.  




The KASL burner can looks good, though I do like the details and refined shape of the ResKit version a bit more.  This one is for the Academy kit and hopefully the fit will be close on the Tamiya aft section - fingers crossed here.  My google-fu has not turned up any available versions specific to Tamiya in 1/32.




Lastly, I stumbled across the JHMCS sensors for the canopy via Flight Line Resin - I had planned to scratch one up, but was unsure how I was going to tackle the open areas on the inside of the sensor.  No longer a concern.  6 in a package, and he was running a 20% off sale too.






 My goal is to get some bench time in this weekend and make some progress.  All of the materials needed for the base and stand are also in hand.  The only area of concern at the moment is the fit of the KASL burner can, but we shall see soon enough on that.  


Thanks for checking in!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A very small update for this week.  The breakage of my air-conditioner earlier in the week put a damper on bench time.  Back up and running now, and a little progress.  


Starting to mock up the cockpit and driver.  Apologies for the photos, my phone only does as well as it can.






Tasks ahead include:


 - Oxygen hose from the mask to the CRU-60 on the harness

 - Oxygen hose from the regulator to the pilot

 - Air hose to the G-Suit

 - Cable on the helmet - not sure what it is called, but I've seen one on the back in photos - one from the back of the block behind the visor to the bottom/back of the helmet, and the helmet to somewhere on the pilot/cockpit.

 - New foldable pitot tubes on the seat - kit parts already removed, filler next

 - New AOA indexer lights on kit cowling -on either side of the HUD.  These were taken from a Wolfpack Sufa kit and can be seen in the first photo in the background

 - Add vents and panel lines/rivet detail on kit cowling which is very baren


Lastly, kicking around using a set of 3d Printed cockpit decals for this one since it will be a closed canopy, and I would want the screens to be on/active as though it was powered and flying.  This would save a little time at this stage, as I prefer to paint the cockpits most of the time.  On the other hand, a full complement of Anyz decals/switches and Airscale decals are within arms reach and I can re-create what I need on the screens with those, and paint as per normal.  Any thoughts from the peanut gallery?   Most of the detail will be covered by the pilot and obscured by the canopy - so I'm tentatively leaning toward the faster option with the Quinta set, and potentially saving the time/effort for an open canopy setup.  


Any thoughts?  Hopefully, the storm in the gulf will keep away and allow some bench time this week -and if the planets align some primer and paint will make its way through the airbrush.


Thanks for checking in!



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No reason to worry about whether or not the academy boxing of the F100-PW200 burner-can from KASL will fit the Tamiya kit - it doesn't.   The cross-section is a different shape from the Academy offering and is smaller.  Making up the difference is a bit more work than I care to attempt on this.  I did locate a Tamiya version and have it on order.  






Thanks for checking in!

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