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Meng Models ME-163B 1/32


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Guest Dekenba

But you can buy a very similar shaped aeroplane model in the same scale with the very same crooked cross for a quarter of the price.

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But you can buy a very similar shaped aeroplane model in the same scale with the very same crooked cross for a quarter of the price.



And a quarter of the detail too.



I doubt that will end up being the final price, since Meng hasn't announced anything, companies are taking a shot in the dark as to what the price might be. I'd probably peg this kit closer to $50 when it comes out, maybe $60 at the outside.




Matt :frantic:

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It's all in how much work you are willing to put in. The "other" kit requires scribing (not anything against raised panels when done fine, but I have yet to figure out how to fill seams, sand, and restore raised panel lines) and a lot of detailing that I'm guessing won't be necessary on the new kit.

The little Komet isn't too hard to rescribe everything, though.


Pretty much have to weigh in the costs. First, that price is probably going to be a bit lower once it hits the street. Stuff is extremely expensive in the UK. I'd wait until it gets wide release before I pass judgement on the price. Second, once you add in the price of the desperately needed aftermarket cockpit for the Hasegawa kit, the prices start to become much more comparable.


Case in point.....I can go out, get an old Monogram P-51, spend 50 bucks in aftermarket, spend countless hours doing mundane tasks such as sanding off and rescribing detail. In the end, the kit still won't be as accurate as, say, a Tamiya Mustang for about twice the buy in price unless I spend 10x the energy and skill (that many may not have the skill or desire to do).


If I was penny pinching, I would probably save for the better kit. It gets extremely tiresome hearing about kit costs compared to kits from 30-50 years ago. Take a look at what's in the box. If i spent $100+ on a kit and got a couple small sprues with the little detail present being soft, I would be ticked. But that's not what's in a typical model box these days. There's a reason those old kits are so cheap. You're not getting a whole lot. On the other hand, some of the new kit costs are a bit of sticker shock. But wait a few months and you can usually get a good deal.


Sorry for the rant.....it just seems like every topic these days about a new kit degrades into complaints about the price. I hear 1/72 is much cheaper.....



Edited by csavaglio
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I agree! If the kit is good - which it probably will be - that's not too bad. If it would be in a Tamiya box, everybody would be yelling that it is a bargain! I don't really care about the brand, I hope it is a nice kit with loads of details!


And I hope to build one someday !



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Sorry for the rant....

For me, it all boils down to which is cooler to have; a 1/32 Komet kit or $100 to spend on other stuff? In this case, the $100 wins by a landslide. Plenty of other kits out there that offer much more for much less, IMHO.


After seeing the price of this kit, I went ahead and ordered two of the CMK Me 163B Cockpit sets for the two remaining Hasegawa Komets in my stash. If you're in the same boat on this one, don't miss out on the 10% off sale at Sprue Brothers this weekend...



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I'd buy one of these little rocket powered butt plugs (what I used to call the Me163 in Aces High II) if the price point is where it needs to be for me to trade my money for it. If it's around $100 that may be too steep initially but if they come down around $50-$60 I will get one. We'll just have to wait and see what the deal is when the kit is released.

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Up for Pre-Order at Hobby Easy:



Price... around $40. Avaialable end of the month.

Thanks for the link! That's a whole lot better than the $108 at the link Kagemusha posted. $41.80 isn't too bad, even after adding $14.83 for shipping from HK to the US.



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Guest Dekenba

Up for Pre-Order at Hobby Easy:



Price... around $40. Avaialable end of the month.


Now stop gnashing your teeth and go build something ;)


Marc B.



Bloody hells bells, that's cheap even with the postage costs - assuming Parcelfarce don't nab it for VAT.


I take it all back, I'm getting one!

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