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  1. I'm back, and hopefully not with another kit that ends up on the shelf of doom. This is a bird that I've been interested in for a very long time, having read Termite Hill and Lucky's Bridge by Tom Wilson years ago, both of which focused on the Thud. I've also recently read Hunter Killers by Dan Hampton about the creation of the Wild Weasels, all of which I recommend for some background info on the F-105 and it's uses. So, after nothing was fitting on the T-28C/D Trojan I'd been working on, and the lack of interest in the plane as well, it's ended up boxed at this point, sitting on the shelf for (hopefully) another rematch someday. Now I've got the F-105G, and a bit of aftermarket, to make some winter time building. Now, the first thing.....this thing is HUGE compared to the other 1/32 kits I've built. It'll dwarf my Corsair and Dauntless, whenever it ends up in the display cabinet. I've picked up a few bits of aftermarket, with the Quintas Studio's cockpit the one I'm most interested in trying. I'm going to see what I can do to combine this with the Aires cockpit, Eduard PE and the kit parts. We'll see how well that works! I also have GT Resin's update set for the Wild Weasel, with a new nose, vertical stabilizer, engine, etc. New resin wheels/tires and also a nice turned metal nose probe to top things off. I'll also probably be needing to find some metal landing gear, as all of this is going to get heavy, plus adding additional weight to the nose to keep this from turning into a tail sitter. Special thanks to @Dragon for sending me some decals a while back that will get used in this build! And....finally, I also picked up something for later, Randy Coopers Blade Runner 2049 Spinner. This will be a challenge, as I've never tackled a full resin kit!
  2. I think this was one of the most wanted kits when it finally came out and I can see why people were disappointed with it. Aside from the accuracy issues we all know, I'll mention a couple that don't get discussed usually; to make 'K' correctly, you will need to add a reflector gun slight to the cockpit and the word 'nan' which was written under the cockpit in white on the port side. Fit of the windscreen, upper cowlings and prop are troublesome along with the decals which are fine for nice flat surfaces, but are a pain to put over raise surface detail or curves. The fuselage decals were even fused to the paper, requiring some replacement roundels from a Tamiya Spitfire. I also found the exhaust stacks in the kit unusable, thus these were replaced with leftover P-39 parts (you can't really tell the difference). 'K' was often flown by P/O Jack Bartle while he was with 112 Squadron RAF in Egypt in mid to late 1941. Bartle would go on to become Squadron Leader of No 1 Air Ambulance Unit and 450 Squadron RAAF during his 2 operational and 2 non-operational tours of duty. He survived the war with 6.5 victories. 'K' was not so lucky, being posted missing in action while being flown by her other regular pilot, P/O RJD Jeffries in December 12th 1941.
  3. Well it seems like i have not done a WIP for years , so heres one from me. This is my all time favourite kit. The 1/32 TBF-1C Avenger from Trumpeter. Its a great kit crammed with detail. I have built a few of these in the past so i am going with RNZAF Avenger "Plonky". The build will be mostly OOB. Heres my progress so far. I have assembled the interior. The forward section is my own mix of greens to get the bronze green colour , the rest of the interior is again my own mix of interior green. Everything fits great. I decided to go with the HGW belts. There is not a set for the Avenger so i went for the Hellcat set. This is good as there are 2 sets of belts , so 1 set can be used in the turret. Heres a view of the overall cockpit Those beautiful HGW belts. Well worth the effort assembling them. I decided to have a break from the interior , so i built the engine. Again its a beautiful little model on its own. Its not finished yet. More later!
  4. So here is the WIP, the weathering is ready, and it is finally ready: A ''walkaround'' in in-flight mode, first:
  5. Guys, i'm back! This time not with something in 1/48 or smaller. That thing... It's the Trumpeter kit, my second 1/32 scale model, and it's quite huge It's so ever slightly bigger than the F-15 in lenght and even in wingspan, which impressed me a bit. Alright, let's do it. I plan a rather slow and longer build. Some may know very well the quality and what's in the box, but i'm gonna make a thorough review these days whatsoever. Here is just a quick glimpse: And of course, i'll take advantage of the AFV Club's tinted canopy, cause i think it's absolutely necessary for a good looking F-117. I cannot tint such a huge canopy by myself and not leave any trace of dust, etc. In 1/48 or less - it's ok because the little imperfections are almost invisible, but this one is one, enormous and two, with perfectly flat straight sides. I'll also use the GTR Wheel set that i didn't use in my F-15E. The kit tires are from very hard rubber and quite small in size. I have the original dimensions of the plane's tires and did the quick measurements. The GTR tyres are perfect. Only the front tyre is a bit smaller in diameter so i might still use the kit's rubber tyre for the nose wheel. And on the other hand, i know that the F-117 had just about the same avionics as the F-18 and just about the same landing gear as the F-15, so that's the perfect moment to use the gorgeous GTR tyres and wheels. And finally, the extra PE screen for the FLIR and DLIR. This is obligatory as well, because the provisions for these sensors are huge. I did a little mistake though by getting the 4x6 screen mesh in believing that the holes are rombs. Yeah, they are rectangulars... i couldn't notice that on the photos and this is my firt time using such a PE screen. Nevertheless, i think i can place the screen at an angle so they can look as rombs. I plan to start from the landing gear and make everything moveable again, for "2 models in 1" - in a parked and in-flight mode. The canopy, the gear, all the control surfaces and the bomb bays will close/open. As for the airframe - i have no idea yeat, but i think it will be one of the early Nighthawks, something Desert Storm-related in a full stealth mode with all the lights and antennas retracted and without the two RCS enhancers on the sides. Quite weathered as well. I'm only looking for a pilot figure and if i cannot find any, i plan to get the F-16 resin figure+seat set by Aires. But i'll wait on that one yet. Nighthawk!
  6. Hi, i decided to show my new project which is older version of Thunderbolt. I will add Eduard etch for cockpit and cut out a panel on side to show guts behind engine. Trumpeter provided many interior goods so it's really a shame not to present them. Painting will be Pied Paper or Passionate Patsy, unfortunately Kagero done decals only for Bubbletop Patsy, so i have artwork only, without serial number on tail (problem) or code on side (smaller problem). Does anybody have photo of Razorback Patsy with 3 downed planes? I have seen model with that but have only photos where plane is without them. Seat is for P-400 Special Hobby but seems legit for P-47. I will need to repait it.
  7. Hi all After lurking in the shadows, I've eventually got my act together and am starting a post regarding my first build here on LSP . I've built quite a few kits, but this one is going to be my first in the public domain.....I know that there is an "In the Navy" GB going on, but I'm not sure I'll make the deadline for that GB, so didn't post this there. It's going to be a kitbash of the Hasegawa and Trumpeter Hellcats - if it goes that far - but my plan is to use the Hasegawa fuselage mated to the Trumpeter wings, as both kits IMO have their good and bad points. I've got a fair bit of AM to throw at it, and I know there will be some scratch-building required as well.... My overall problem with the Trumpeter kit is the fuselage - it looks way too blown and rounded, it should be more slab-sided, and the Hasegawa fuselage is way better (not perfect) in that respect! I do however like the Trumpy wings more than the Hasegawa offering (sans the Trumpeter mad riveter offering which will have to be addressed), hence foray into a kitbash. If it will turn out that way we'll have to see, I might end up doing a full Hasegawa if it's going to cause to many issues. But I do enjoy a challenge.....(ask my Revell Ju88C-6...it lived - many times it came close to doing a first and final flight into a wall) Here's pictures of the Trumpeter vs Hasegawa fuselages and cowls - you can see how bloated the Trump kit is... Trumpeter left, Hasegawa right. Hasegawa is not perfect, but it's a lot better!! Hasegawa Left, Trumpeter right. The Hasegawa cowl is WAY better than the Trumpeter. Might have to work on the chin and grin a bit, but I'll have a look once I've checked it against my cross-sections and references. So here we go. Hopefully I'll remember to take pictures as I go along If anyone has sage advice, please chip in!! Iain
  8. First of all I'd like to point out that I've been a long-time lurker that has gotten a lot of information on large scale aircraft here and figured it might be time to send something back. I'm actually a mostly 1/72 modeller, but after finishing a beautiful WnW Fokker D.VII as my first 1/32 kit in ages, I kind of picked up the bug again. My last 1/32 somewhat modern aircraft was a Revell F-14A in VF-1 markings that I put on the television back then -until my mom dusted it off and it fell off, despite the rubber grippy tires! As it would fit nowhere near on a modern TV I guess that tells something about how long ago that was... (I'm 42 now and live in the Netherlands). Some may know me from the Dutch Modelbrouwers or WW1 Aircraft forum there I go by the same name. The Intruder has always been a favourite with 1/72 builds of Italeri, Hasegawa and Fujimi kits, but I'd never gotten one as it was too big and expensive... however, when I discovered AoA decals I got a set for VA-65, and somehow managed a nice deal on an A-6A, mostly still factory sealed. It's this set: My kids want me to do the camouflaged version, but bought it for NL-413 or AA-511, though as you can see later I finished the MERs already and it'll have to be NL-401 or NL-413 now. I can decide later on, but it does feel like a bit of a waste of decals to only use so few on top... I started our with ordnance, as one of the things I dislike about modern aircraft is just that. The kit only comes with 12 simplefied Mk82 Snakeeyes and 2 MERs, but a fellow modeller who would replace them with aftermarket gave me another MER and 6 Mk82s. I'll be loading the A-6 up with 2 MERs outboard, and 1 on the centerline, leaving the inner pylons empty as I saw on a photo of this cruise. As I can't justify the additional costs of 18 Mk82s and 3 MERs in aftermarket I set about to improve what came with the kit. These Snakeeyes fit poorly and required a lot of work to get them to look acceptable. I poked the hinges (which should extend much more to the rear and be much taller as well) with a drill bit and needle, and used a JLC saw and a scriber to open up the fins. The rear part was modified with some punched card disks. Accurate? Not quite, but IMHO a lot better as what came with the kit. I'll be using pins to attach all of it to the model once done so if my lottery ticket proves a winning one I can always replace them. I used black basing and mottled purple red, yellow and some green, deliberately painting some parts more than others. This was then overcoated with olive drab and the noses painted yellow. All of this was Revell Aqua Acrylics, except the glosscoat, which is my trusty Tamiya X-22. The decals are from the kit and worked well, but don't have any letterin on them, they're just yellow squares and rectangles... better than nothing I guess. The fuses are Revell Aqua "Eisen" (#91) with an oil wash and satin varnish. The MERs needed a lot of filling and sanding, and had the extra wires for the top positions added, for some reason Trumpeter supplies only the lower ones. These were also painted black, mottled with medium grey and pure white, then painted with my Insignia White mix (95% Revell Aqua 04 gloss pure white with 5% Revell Aqua 43 medium grey mixed in) I wish I replaced the lower wires as well, they do look a bit different now. The VA-65 decals are from the AoA sheet and worked well, final finish was another glosscoat, some washes with oil paints and a satin coat finished them. In case you're wondering why one of the decals is angled, I saw that on a photo and figured it would be a nice little detail. I'm now working on a few more mods to the wings and fuselage, so more to follow! Jeroen
  9. Hello all! Having recently purchased the 1/32 Trumpeter MiG-21 MF kit, I started to compare it with my 1/48 Eduard MF, just to see if fuselage dimensions were similar after enlarging them 150%. I noticed the front fuselage was off and turned to a good scale plan and published dimensions of the fuselage length. The plan is from Wings and Wheels Publications and more dimensions came from the Docavia #33 on the MiG design bureau and has much information. Photos show the problem. The nose is short 8mm. It also looks shrunken. The error is all in the front fuselage starting at the dark vertical pencil line. The airbrake is OK, but the auxiliary air intake below the leading edge is 4mm too far back, and all ads up to 8mm total. I decided to check the diameter of the intake opening and found it also too small. The diameter should be 870mm, or 27.2mm in 1/32. This is represented by the circle drawn in the center of the photo. on the right is the same circle with the diameter of the Trump part drawn within it to show the difference easily. I wonder if anyone has noticed this before and if so, what you may have done to correct this, as it does seem to me to make a difference in the look of the finished model. Thank you in advance for your observations and remarks! Alain
  10. Hi guys! I really like these bright sandy Luftwaffe schemes from Africa/Tunis/Italy instead of those sad greyish colors from most of Europe. Trumpeter kit seems straightforward but I had problems with closing lower part of engine cover, raised the wings (nearly flat in kit...). You MUST correct kit ugly spinner and too short rudder (and if you are Meser maniac all control surfaces...) I replaced them with Revell\Eduard leftovers. I placed German pilot from ICM Axis pilots box with figourines in cockpit, added cables to engine. If you want to have 109 fast i recommend Hasegawa - most of their kits are totally plaything or if you like details ZM (but i saw that this isn't a piece of cake to put together...). Hope you like it!
  11. Hi all this is my latest build having finished it at the weekend. It’s the Trumpeter GR.7 kit and modified to a GR.5 with an adjusted instrument panel and a new nose from Miliput. The camera pods casings are made from the kit weapons by cutting and extending them to the correct length of CBLS2000 which were the base for the camera pods. The cameras and mounts were scratch built using plasticard and 0.2mm lead wire. The engine face has a clear disk which I roughed up to give the impression of engine running, including all the blow in doors open. This particular colour scheme is one of the first 3 which was then additionally painted blue and white for rough ground trials at Boscombe. This meant that it got plastered in earth and I’ve got reference photos but cannot share them. So for the first time I’ve done this and watched a few videos on YouTube from the Armour modellers, I sprayed away with light coats and then with dried out garden earth added to the paint, I dabbed it on with a brush. The black n white squares on the nose are one decal but the larger item on the fin is 2 black & 2 white positioned together. If you look at the fin one checker is over the formation strip and the other side has the strip going through the checker. This actually on the real thing. As usual my photography is not the best and it looks way better in the plastic as such. Thanks for looking. Steve.
  12. My Trumpeter Tomcat's main canopy hood has some ridges on it which I'm uncertain should be there. Luc Janssen kept them on his excellent build — https://www.largescaleplanes.com/articles/article.php?aid=3668 If they shouldn't be there we need a replacement canopy. My own VF-31 F-14D is in a plastic crate to start (box thrown out) so answers would be appreciated. Sorry I can't post pics. I don't have an image host these days. cheers Tony
  13. Hi guys n gals, Can anyone of you help me what purpose cylinders C7 in the Trumpeter SBD kits had? https://flic.kr/p/2nD7kg8 It can be found in the SBD-2 in the Museum of Naval Aviation. https://flic.kr/p/2nD12NT The empty brackets are visible in photos of the original manual on both sides of the pilots’ seat backrest. These last three photos are from The Cybermodeler site with details on the SBD. Thanks for your insights!
  14. Hey all, I'm back with another...ambitious project: Trumpeter's big Super Tomcat. SprueBrothers was lucky to get a new shipment in, and itching for a new project after finishing the Bug, I immediately jumped on it! After waiting a week from ordering, I was greeted by an email on the 30th of July saying I had a parcel waiting to be picked up at my APO box. Lo and behold (as if I didn't already know what it was) the Kitty has hit the deck. Upon opening the box, I was greeted by a very neatly arranged pile of styrene. For those who don't know, she's going to be a BIG 'Cat, as shown here by a reference photo compared to my F/A-18C Anyway, it's good to be back at the bench, and as always, thanks for stopping by the hangar!
  15. Hello folks and a Happy New Year to you all. I have been busy trying to make the Trumpeter F4-F4 into an FM-2 this also required swapping the cowling from the late F4-F3 kit giving a better starting point for correction of the cowling. The FM-2 was fitted with a single row 9 cylinder engine made by Wright instead of the 2 row 7 cylinder engines on the other Wildcats. This would be the make or break part of the conversion so it made sense to start here 1st, if this worked it would be time to buy a new resin engine from Vector resin. It did work out nicely so the engine was ordered Work commenced with marking the cowling with several rings which would make cut lines for removal of the front of the cowling once separated each half was sanded back a bit and then glued back together. This process was repeated 4 times to get the desired shortening of nose. Then given a nice coat of VMS Black super glue which could then be sanded back to give the right shape.
  16. Hello all, Happy New year and thank lordy 2021 has right done one...Lets hope 2022 is a lot, lot better for us all. This was started in 2021 so i cant really claim this to be a 2022 build, but one that rolled over into 2022. The Trumpeter P-47D kits seem to be a little hit and miss as i've built a few and this one was a real tricky customer which need a fair amount of filler, sanding and re-scribing (replacing panels that was destroyed in the sanding exercise) to look half decent. I'm working on a few more weathering processes to make my aircraft look more realistic, so if there are any comments on the weathering that may need improvement please leave a comment as all comment are welcome. This aircraft is: P-47D-30-RE Sno 44-20344 #54 ‘Norma/Little Bunny/Helen and flown by Lt. William "Willy" Lyke and shared with Lt. Brad Muhl. The Aircraft is finished in RAF Green upper surfaces and Medium Sea Grey lower surfaces. The aircraft has the Leading edge of the nose cowl finished in red while the tail and wings have yellow identification stripes. the aircraft was an ex-Brazilian aircraft that was turned over to the 57th FG who painted over some of the markings resulting in a patchwork Olive Drab/RAF green finish. The name Norma was added by Lt. Brad Muhl and this was to impress his girlfriend who was a nurse in Pisa, Italy. Paint: I tend to stick with Gunze as much as i can and went for 303 for the cockpit interior. 27 for the wheel bays, the main paints were 13 (medium grey) and 23 (RAF Drab) with 38 (US tank Drab) for the camo scheme. Aftermarket: Only added Master 32004 1/32 Gun Barrels, Brassin Wheels and Eagle Cal's EC#104 set. As ever Eagle Cal do a great job on their decals but i wish they included the prop markings in this set. Seat belt are scratch built with tape and spare buckles. As i said, please comment on the weathering is there is anywhere i can improve on this. Keep safe folks.
  17. OH yeah Baby...... Was hopping that one for a long time, everything was there, all the hardware, bell and wissel etc. but didn't feel the drive... Then there was my calling....lol ., that GB suggestion came up, and notice that perfect Angolian built a week ago.... Gonna go with everything or almost, from the Trumpet kit, Linden Hill decal sheet, the hole Aires package (pit, wheel and Exhaust) Quickboost scoops / spoilers, Aero discharge and maybe with a pilot..... also did put my hand on some Cutting Edge Atoll missile.. don't know if they ever used them but will find out. In the next few days, will definitly gonna go true Madmax Angolian WIP for some interesting ideal, but as always want to keep it a simple build and have fun first. Don't get far... Dan.
  18. Cheers everybody, it's bee a while since I finished my big Prowler - buying a new background for my photo booth was a good opportunity to finally take some photos of the finished model. For those who haven't followed the build, here's the link to the WIP thread: https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/57040-how-to-destroy-an-expensive-kit-with-just-a-few-cuts-or-prowler33/ Photo quality is not ideal, I've been playing around with the photo settings but I am obviously not a good photographer... Anyway, comments, questions and critique are welcome as usual. "Beaker" waiting for the rest of the crew to board the aircraft.
  19. Hello Gents, going to build this razorback for a german friend who owns some remains of this bird, This was a P47D-20 Razorback 4276428 (6M+H) from the 48th FBG 9TH Air Force flown by 2nd Lt. Glen V. Fleischer, on 23.03.1945 while attacking some strategic targets in the City of Bonn, they flew in the area and attacked German ground forces some 30km east of the Remagen Bridge When he dropped his fuel tank, gas was running out of the main tank and the plane went on fire, the pilot managed to bail out and became a POW, luckily he was free by Allies forces days later, my friend managed to contact the pilot in the 90's and after the pilot passed away at 93 years old his son in law sent him some photos, medals and even a piece of the chute he used to bailed out, now to complete the display I will build a 1/32 Trumpeter Razorback for him with the right markings, only a front view picture is known of this aircraft, I modified this profile to what would the markings have looked like. some fragments of the cowling checkers with OD paint
  20. Afternoon/evening everyone! Hopefully, everyone enjoyed the New Year. Here is my finished build of Trumpeter's 1/32 SBD-5 Dauntless. I've modeled this after the planes the RZNAF used in World War 2 for a 3 months by 25 Squadron before being returned the US, and switching to F4U Corsairs (thanks Alan!). After starting the 1/32nd world with Tamiya's Corsair, this was a bit of a change! Thankfully, even if it's not super crisp like Tamiya, it still built up quite nicely. Aftermarket includes the following: Archer Fine Transfers complete resin raised rivet set Archer Fine Transfers SBD stencils Synthetic Ordinance Works landing gear Master Casters SBD weighted wheels/tires Montex Masks Master .30 caliber barrels Ventura Publication decals Airscale placards Eduard canopy masks MRP, Tamiya and Alclad paints I think that's all...... A huge thank you to Woody @Archer Fine Transfers for letting me test out his rivet skins, they worked perfectly! For those of you considering them in the future, I HIGHLY recommend them to replace the recessed rivets on this kit. Everyone that provided information on the Dauntless and the RZNAF during the build, a big thanks to you too. Build thread is below. Feel free to critique, offer suggestions, point out anything I may have done wrong. It's just learning to me! Thanks for looking! Click on any picture to view it at Flickr and full resolution
  21. When the test shots cam out a few years back some drooled others were rivet critical and a few thought that this would be the ultimate Tomcat kit. There is no denying that as a package this model kit impresses before you open the box. A box which is so robust and protective that they even provide a carry handle built in so you can transport it like a piece of luggage. I've built several Tamiya and Revell big cats over the years and both of these had their good and bad points so I was eager to see what Trumpeter had come up with. The first thing to hit you is the packaging inside, everything seems to have its own niche with the more delicate parts such as canopy, intakes etc having their own box.
  22. I’ve been a little in the doldrums modelling wise for the last few weeks. My Harrier has stalled and made its way to the Shelf of Doom for a little while, I just can’t seem to get the mojo to get into it properly. This year and it’s madness has seen me forced to sell all my camera equipment to keep up with bills, as I had no wedding bookings for the entire year, leaving me with virtually zero income, and an uncertain future right now. Add into all this that I had a rude awakening with my health recently which means I’ve gotta commit a whole heap of time to exercising to improve that situation, and take some away from the modelling bench. I previously had one of these monsters built and on display at my old photo studio, but it got trashed by an misplaced lump of timber that my father was moving about. I was gonna attempt a salvage but then I saw one up for sale with loads of extras, so thought I’d do a build from the ground up again. So, I’ve pulled down the huge Trumpeter box that I recently acquired from another LSP’er. This is truly, a Flanker with almost everything being thrown at it. Along with the kit, there is the following that I’ve chose to use.... Zactomodels, Nose, intakes, canopy, pylons, and full missile setup. Aires, cockpit, wheel bays, exhausts, and a choice of ejector seat with our without a pilot. Master and Profimodeller, metal static dischargers, dynamic pressure sensors, and pitot tube. 2 choice of wheels, Contact resine, or Armoury. Begemot stencil decal set. Foxbot Ukraine AF digital camouflage masking set, and decals for said aircraft. I couldn’t quite find the room to put the kitchen sink into it as well, even though I may as well be throwing everything else at it. I have stayed away from adding any Eduard PE to it, I just can’t seem to get on with it to produce a satisfactory result. With all this, I’m attempting to build a showstopper, if I get it built how I have it in my mind currently. It’ll be a long and slow burner, the missiles individually are mini models! I’ve predicted my future, it’ll be saw, cut, trim, sand, dry fit, sand, dry fit, repeat until happy. Until then, I’ve got a lot of unboxing, cataloging, and sorting to get through.
  23. Hey guys, how about a big Flanker...? Sorry I'm late, but still, there is plenty of time for that big bird..... not planning to do fancy stuff nor scratch... for now.. I'm going to use Wolfpack pit, Linden Hill decal, Aerobonus pilot and maybe I'll try some Reskit after market like their Exhaust and twin store carrier.... . Had that huge box on my top shelf for over 10 years or so..... Wasn't sure about doing the version in the kit, until I got my hand on that Linden Hill sheet from a resaler at Ajax contest. The ''George and Dragon''..... Blue 43. So let's start timidly.... with the pit.. I always start with a solid XF-69, once dry, I'll put a few layers of clear coat before the wash step... Will do more this week-end, thanks for watching and have fun. Dan.
  24. This is the day I've been looking forward to since the day I started on this project in March, 2019. Our full rivet replacement kits for the SBD are finally bagged and ready to ship to LSP members exclusively at a $25 savings. The retail on this is $195.95 but your price is $170 plus shipping. The link to buy is HERE. You can see a full SBD-5 build using this kit HERE. Photo © Brett Matthews
  25. OK - want an excuse to build this - I have a hellcat (trump) and 2xTamy corsairs (all already on show here), but this is stinking up my stash... I want to build it 'in flight' mode using the 'blur blades' and using the Tamiya pilot and stand. That way I don't need to worry too much about the cockpit, and tires... ;-) Also experimenting for the first time with paining masks from Montex - this is my first GB or Build on LSP - so be kind ;-)
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