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Everything posted by RLWP

  1. So - why do the outer engines cause one 'streak' and the inner engines two? I like the way the identical camo patterns are not exactly the same Richard
  2. So close - nearly hit the moon! Richard (38 seconds in)
  3. Second post, first page of this thread. Richard
  4. Another way would be to make the section from multiple strips of thinner sheet. Richard
  5. Typical - one man working, three officers lounging around! That's a lovely piece of work Miroslav, thank you for sharing Richard
  6. You can pre-order at that price on the Airfix website: https://uk.airfix.com/products/supermarine-spitfire-mkixc-a17001 Richard
  7. Is it? I can see two .303 and a cannon: What's missing? Richard
  8. You lucky, lucky B..... Richard
  9. I've seen Concordes like that at Heathrow. Not flying, of course Richard
  10. Those tiny pegs are incredibly useful, I have quite a few that I have cut just like yours Richard
  11. Has it been flying through heavy smoke? Richard
  12. Ahh, not just me then. Richard
  13. For good mulling, add wine Richard
  14. Playing hide-and-seek in a Moth Richard
  15. That engine has a nest of snakes on the back! Thanks for sharing your work, Chuck, it's inspirational and informative. And occasionally jaw-dropping Richard
  16. Beardmore W.B.III of 1917. How to make a Sopwith Pup ugly Richard
  17. Thank you for that insight I guess having a demotion from Sergeant and a bad conduct discharge isn't going to look good on your CV when looking for a civilian job Richard
  18. That's what the optional guide is for. It doesn't look much like an option to me, essential would be a better description Richard
  19. Backing up Iain's comments - if you try to push the blade too hard into the styrene the Olfa is inclined to wander and cut the wrong size. It works, it needs a bit of time and patience to get good results with. I have sometimes got better results turning the cutter the wrong way, so the blade scores a groove rather than cutting one Some day I'm going to buy a Dspiae Richard
  20. I was going to ask about that, I was trying to work out if it was a massive problem in lashing down before launch. General larking-about explains it nicely https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2018/05/09/soldier-found-guilty-of-cutting-parachute-straps-in-botched-humvee-air-drop/ Richard
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