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Preview: HK Models 1/32 B-17E/F


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Thanks Karl. There is an opportunity on their Facebook page to bring this up. KH asked for possible box art and marking requests, but someone has already chimed in with nose details for the E and F versions, so the door is opened I think.



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It looks like Neil of HK Models is listening-- good news! I posted on his Facebook account where he was asking for suggestions, including markings, that offering nose options was more important than decals because I figure the aftermarket decal folks would offer all sorts of decals. I suggested that in addition to the Memphis Belle two gun nose, they also should offer the more common braced single gun nose at a minimum.

Bill M.

Neil of HK Models has posted revised pics of Belle's nose on their Facebook page and is seeking comments.





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But is the Belle with a two gun nose config rare, or do you mean two gun fitted for, but only used 1? The pics that Karl posted showing Belle with a single gun would be more common wouldn't it? I also posted on FB and asked Neil to look at the top turret.



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I guess I should have said two-gun mount nose for the Belle, because, as you noted, the Belle may have had two mounts in the nose but apparently flew with only one .50 cal. gun mounted in the nose. Same nosepiece and mounts, whether it had one or two guns mounted.

Bill M.

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Karl, That pic you posted of the nose showing Flying Flit Gun with the 3 ball sockets in it, you stated it was Factory setup, does that mean factory for all B-17Fs?



That nose was for Boeing built F's through 42-42-5174 (middle of F-40-BO Block). It was then replaced with the smooth contoured nose cone. Which was the one that was usually modified with a single centered nose gun. Factory vs field will always confuse the issue!

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But is the Belle with a two gun nose config rare, or do you mean two gun fitted for, but only used 1? The pics that Karl posted showing Belle with a single gun would be more common wouldn't it? I also posted on FB and asked Neil to look at the top turret.



There was a setup for two separate nose guns as in the Belle, "Connecticut Yankee" and probably a few others but it was not common. There was a different setup with a pair of fifties paired together. There were also versions with a fifty on one side and a thirty in the other. There is a photo of Delta Rebel No 2 with a fifty in the upper right, a thirty in the upper left, and another with two fifties in the upper nose and a thirty in the lower right. Variations were many ; ) !

Edited by Karl H
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It looks like Neil of HK Models is listening-- good news! I posted on his Facebook account where he was asking for suggestions, including markings, that offering nose options was more important than decals because I figure the aftermarket decal folks would offer all sorts of decals. I suggested that in addition to the Memphis Belle two gun nose, they also should offer the more common braced single gun nose at a minimum.

Bill M.

Wow, that thread has gone nuts. He can't offer every possible nose combination. There were two different factory noses and at least three different common single gun mods and Lord only knows how many other mods. And at least four variations of side windows from Vega on top of the two from Boeing and Douglas. And then there is a variety of combinations of astrodome with upper windows and without the upper windows. HK Models can't win! I think we should just let him release the kit, warts and all and let the aftermarket come up with the variations ; ) !

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IF they release it with the "Memphis Belle" markings (and I do not know that that decision has been made), it would need the "dimpled" nose and the type 3 turret dome. These would be simple for the aftermarket industry to come up with if the demand was there. And it is possible that most folks wouldn't worry about that, they just want to build it and enjoy it.




Here is the Type 3 dome, notice the way the sections bolt together:




A note about that turret, the metal panel outboard of the guns was sometimes replaced with a clear panel. Just another mod...


Another view of the turret (screen shot from extra Belle footage):



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Well, if he plans to have the Belle as the box art with her basic war time setup, I am sure that there are 1 or 2 others with similar setup that HKM could include in the box correct? Why purposely put incorrect parts in a kit, when they could do it right for 2-3 B-17Fs and include the options in the kit?



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There were many airplanes with the Type 1 (or dimpled nose) that would be worth consideration. The Belle of course, "Hell's Angels", "Delta Rebel No 2" and many more.


"Hell's Angels" early in her career. Also of note is even though it is a contemporary of both the Belle and DR2, she has the Type 2 turret dome:




Of course, things changed, here she is later with a new nose and a single fifty:




"Delta Rebel" with a thirty and a fifty:




"Delta Rebel" with a pair of fifties and if you look carefully, there is a thirty in the lower right side of the nose. Also the odd thirty in the small side window:




So yes, I think the kit should come with the dimpled nose but I don't see it as a disaster.

Edited by Karl H
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