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Czech model F-80 C Finished


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I have started to get a bit further into the bare metal finish. It is sorta hard to see in this pic but I have mottled the entire surface of the model with Alclad dark aluminium to give it the hand polished textured look.I am thinking a few steps ahead here and am constantly thinking about how the paint is going to look under its final clear coat. At this stage it looks very convincing. I asked the mrs (not that her opinion counts) whether it looked like it was metal and she thought it looked like I had covered it in tin foil..... I am splitting up a few panel panels by holding up a sheet of paper to the edge of each panel and spraying it with a different shade of Alclad. Some folk go a bit too far with colouring different panels too much and it takes on patchwork look of which I can't find anything like it in my references.



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I applied 90% of the decals today. Just a few more items of stencil data left and the `lil dottie' logo and stripe then it will be onto the weathering.


The kit decals are very nice and respond well to Microset and Sol.














The loadout. ZM 1000lb bombs instead of the much smaller kit ones (Thanks Simmo) and the tip tanks.



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Another solid day at the workbench applying the many finishing touches. I have started to paint the resin base, Alclad steel and a mix of earthy looking acrylic. A wash and a drybrush and it should look really cool. I loaded one wing to see how the loadout hangs now it is on its wheels. I can feel a bit of surgery coming on as the model looks a little high on the gear legs.



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Moving along and my attention has turned to some of the smaller detail and stuff that hangs off the airframe.


The 1000lb bombs that were strapped to these aircraft were kept out in the open and were very weathered by the time they were put into use.


After painting the base colour I sprayed water over the bomb and then sprinkled salt all over it.




A Lighter coat of the base colour was misted over the bomb, and once dried the salt was scraped off leaving it looking very speckled and weathered.




I then streaked an even lighter coat over the bomb to weather it even further. Once all this has a chance to dry, I will apply dirt effects.




Fitting it to the `in progress' pylon.




To lift the heavy bombs, the Aircraft was sometimes fitted with JATO bottles. I kept on noticing that the mounts that secured the bottles was an overlooked detail of the kit and was one that I wished to depict (although I wont fit JATO's)


A circle of plastic card divided in 4




Some creating cutting




Fitted. A small but noticeable difference.




I glued the undercarriage to the model in order to sand the tyres down so that the bottoms of them are flat. Here is how it looks now.




In the right sort of light, the model is looking very realistic compared to the colour photos I have of it. Lots more to go.



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