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Well I'm not real happy about this; main IP assembly is wider than the area it's supposed to fit into, meaning some of the instrumentation is going to be lost. :( I'll keep playing with it, and see what I can figure out.



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The moment of truth; the ceremonial "closing of the fuselage halves". Fit of most parts is more than acceptable, (except the IP). With any luck, tomorrow or Monday I begin painting.







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I hate it when this happens. Removing shock cone temporarily while working on fuselage, I didn't realize I had gotten super glue on my thumb; this is the result. A little sanding, a little polishing,...


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My general M.O. is to postpone doing what I don't like, but today I thought I'd reverse that sort of thinking. I didn't really want to rework pit sills, but I simply cannot abide with their not being flush, so I intend to fix it. Small pieces are being added (sill runs uphill, towards nose), and once thoroughly dry, will be sanded flush, minor details added back, and repainted. At the same time, I'm covering up some gaps around aft bulkhead, using what Sheperd Paine referred to as "creative gizmology".



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Looking good mate, I am following this build in the hope that it will inspire me to get mine down from the shelf of doom and finish it!



Bummer; I was following your lead. Sills are all blocked in now, awaiting filler. I'll dust out after finishing the sanding portion.



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