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Derek, I do enjoy painting, that's a fact. How good at it I am I'm not sure, but I do enjoy it. Continuing with the worst (most work related), areas, I've continued with prep on the rear end. All together, about two hours of sanding so far. (Chomping at the bit to try my new Iwata.)



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Happy news for me; I received the Iwata to Paasche adapter (can't use the Iwata without it), tried it, and this little Iwata kicks booty! Now if I can just find my poor little lost lamb parts,...

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There may be a bright spot after all; two of my wayward parts have now been recovered;... they were "hiding", the sneaky little things. Seizing the opportunity, I painted the bottle and little gizmo that I had created, and glued the scoop looking thingy (technical term), on, so that I won't run the risk of losing it again. I'm a happy guy, at least for the moment.



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Now that I'm sensing a certain amount of optimism that I'll eventually be able to finish this, I'm continuing work on the various seams and gaps around ill fitting parts. Since in the past, I've had troubles with seams splitting open on large aircraft, I'm now adding a bevel to one joining surface, then filling the resultant trough with super glue.



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Well guys, it looks as if though providence has intervened on my behalf; yet another wayward piece has turned up, and is now securely glued in place. Looks like I may be able to start painting this weekend after all.



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I have this one waiting in the wings....going to do the Polish AF with the Swordfish on the sides...(took awhile to find that set of 'cals...hope they are good.)


Going to be strictly OOB, (except for the 'cals)...not good enough for AM stuff like the office.


Looking quite beautiful Kevin.


Something about these, the extreme angles and rocket, yet airplane shape....I don't know, caught my eye the very first picture I saw.


Watching and patiently awaiting to see you cross the finish line with this one Kevin. :popcorn:





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I have this one waiting in the wings....going to do the Polish AF with the Swordfish on the sides...(took awhile to find that set of 'cals...hope they are good.)


Going to be strictly OOB, (except for the 'cals)...not good enough for AM stuff like the office.


Looking quite beautiful Kevin.


Something about these, the extreme angles and rocket, yet airplane shape....I don't know, caught my eye the very first picture I saw.


Watching and patiently awaiting to see you cross the finish line with this one Kevin. :popcorn:





Thanks very much. I too am rather enjoying it. The Mig 21 is near the top of my list of favorite jet fighters.

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