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190D9 question

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I'm working on an early D9, with the 5 piece cowling. J Crandall indicates serial block 210... as having the early, 5 piece cowl, ergo...the early flat canopy/ armor/support. Got it.

 In going through my copy of

Green Hearts by Urbanke, I find profiles of serial block 210... with late bulged canopies. Retrofit?  Field mod? I found a few profiles I really liked in Green Hearts, but want to try to get it right.

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Hi Mike, I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly, but very often abandoned FW 190 D-9s were photographed without a canopy.  

It's possible that, when in doubt, the designer of the color profile chose to randomly place a bulged canopy.

If you're sure that the D-9s with the 210xxx serial block had a flat canopy, then leave it as it is and ignore the color profile.

This color profile is certainly wrong.

Edited by Furie
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Good point. The early D9s had the 5 piece gun cowl; sources indicate within 210xxx werk number range. I was assuming flat canopy, but wonder about the exceptions. Your response certaily makes sense. I had not considered that.

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Right, the bulged canopies didn't have one. The bulged canopies also had a quite noticeable bulkhead

behind the armor headrest too.

Not sure about this one ...




... looks like it could be a replacement as Thierry described. ???



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Mike, from what I've read, the early style has the simplified armor/ support, which this has. I think canopy styles could be switched, plane to plane, but not canopy types from early to late, if that makes sense. 

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Could use some help: trying to find info on Lt. waldemar Soffing of 

I/JG 26  late '44- early '45. A profile of his D9 would be fantastic, even a description would help.

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