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Hi all,


I confess, somehow I am not happy sticking shake and bake kits together. I tried the Trumpeter Swordfish (great fit, good detailing) or the Special Hobby Buffallo (lousy kit, bad fit). I was stuck.


Recently I came accross the old seventies vintage Revell Beaufighter, It hit me and hit me hard. This was what I was looking for. But, wrong canopy (old style) and wrong tailplane (flat). This was the solution, converting the thing, hacking away at it etc. etc.


And that is what I have been doing for the past week or so. Waiting for Derek to finish his conversion set was not an option (sorry Derek) So I will have to do it myself. I haven't made my mind up yet to make a Mk VI or a Torbeau using the Swordfish' torpedo. Somewhere along the line the solution will show itself, I think.


Don't you just love these old but still sound kits.


Here are the first pics showing the converted tailplanes, the span had to increased as well and of course I wanted seperate control surfaces. The wingtip lights were made by using thick perspex ( a leftover from the Halifax cockpit), drilling some holes, glue with superglue and then sand away. But it is fun fun.


Hope you like it.










I too have begun to take a shine to these older kits! Love the lines of the Beau, and am looking forward to seeing more of your work!


Great work Cees. I am delighted that you are making and modifying this kit - I have seriously been considering making something very similar for the AOOB GB.


Excellent, I agree these old Revy kits are still fun to upate and modify. I have enjoyed my Mossie kit so far.


Keep posting Cees,


On a tangent, did you ever start that FM Halifax kit I sent you?


Will follow along here as well, since I have the Lodela Torpbeau with the vac alternate stabs, and vac Torpedo. :) Will need some hints for the spartan interior as well....


Hi Ron,


Yes, that one is still underway, some pics I posted in the converting a Lancaster into a Manchester thread. Fuselage ready to be closed, wings and tail finished.




Any pics of the Lodela parts? Some years ago I saw the boxing of this version but didn't buy it a the time. Always wondered what the additional parts looked lik.



Posted (edited)



Any pics of the Lodela parts? Some years ago I saw the boxing of this version but didn't buy it a the time. Always wondered what the additional parts looked lik.




Sure.............. I get off work in few hours, and will be going home to get some zzzzzzs, so in the next day or two Ill dig the kit out and take some pics of the vac parts.



Edited by Out2gtcha
Posted (edited)

Some more progress,


Two pics showing the seperated and lenghtened horizontal tail surfaces. Some more filling needs to be done then

details such as stitching, actuator arms etc added.


This evening I finished the small louvres inside the carburettor intakes, a vertical rod goes straight through both of

them, making this a very difficult job. I had to drill a hole through the top. At least it worked. The opening for the landing

lights are also opened up. Similar to the Hurricane set up but double. I will have to see Jeroen's Hurricane thread how he

did it.


Finally the cannon troughs as modelled by Revell don't look like the real thing. Opening up the holes and then careful

filing created the elliptical openings. Pffhew, I need to lie down now.



















Edited by Cees Broere

Love progress Cees. Clean work on the tail planes. Funny that I'm doing the exact same thing this evening on my Hs129.


Posted (edited)

Nothing spectacular, but pogress nevertheless,


Did some experimenting on the collector ring using Miliput, this will make the inside less toylike and gives the

impression of a collective exhaust. Also the beginnings of the cockpit interior, the basis kit part is usable and

I had the blind flying panel left over from the ID Halifax, it is the rounded version while the Beau used the

square one, but once installed who will notice. Work is now concentrating on the oil cooler intakes and louvres.








Edited by Cees Broere

Some pics of the Hercules engines, and tail surfaces after a lot of sanding.

And the finished oil coolers with some paint and weathering on.









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