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1/32 Ju 388 Conversion


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Biggest issue I see is resin. Resin seems to draw up over time. Shrink. I have seen this with pretty much all the resin aftermarket I have used some worse than others. Aries and Eduard both have shrinkage issues. No way to fix this.  All my aftermarket stuff is kept indoors. I was shocks at how poorly an Aries D9 upgrade set fit on a Hasegawa D9 and a Eduard cockpit set that would not fit the Revell A8R8 due to the back panel shrinking. I am sitting on several HPH kits and now am wondering how bad they will have this issue. 


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39 minutes ago, Paul2660 said:

Biggest issue I see is resin. Resin seems to draw up over time. Shrink. I have seen this with pretty much all the resin aftermarket I have used some worse than others. Aries and Eduard both have shrinkage issues. No way to fix this.  All my aftermarket stuff is kept indoors. I was shocks at how poorly an Aries D9 upgrade set fit on a Hasegawa D9 and a Eduard cockpit set that would not fit the Revell A8R8 due to the back panel shrinking. I am sitting on several HPH kits and now am wondering how bad they will have this issue. 


Actually the main shrinking issue is rubber rather than resin. Once cast in a mold, resin is dimensionally quite stable. It may move because of temperature/humidity (e.g. twist) or become more brittle but not noticeably shrink. So, do not worry that much if the purchased part was Ok.

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8 hours ago, thierry laurent said:

Considering how rare the Ju88 kits are and the extent of what you should use from the plastic kit, I'm wondering why they do not consider a full kit rather than a conversion...?

Maybe tolerances for the long fuselage is a problem.  

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Hmmm, would like to see some close up pics of the production prints before spending around £110 + postage on this one. Looks like the radio rack is part of the print in the rear fuselage and can't see any parts such as seats, control column and other instrument panels mounted in the nose in the parts pictured. In general seems like a lot missing which needs scratch building. Been busy back on my AIMS 188 build so been looking through loads of reference again which also covers the 388. A bit more clarity on what you get for your money would be good.


Regards. Andy





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+1 on seeing prints first. In photos of sets I’ve seen these guys post on Facebook, they seem to have some quite noticeable layer lines. Granted, that MIGHT be prints at lesser quality on purpose to check overall fit and appearances more quickly (I do that all the time), but if those pics represent production quality I’ll be passing on this one as I lack the patience to have to sand out every surface of every part. 

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It’s interesting too that they’ve taken such time to design this set, but the renderings appear to show that all new airframe parts butt-join onto the kit plastic. Why? It would take very little time to add a plug of sorts that gives the plastic a more defined surface to mate to for strength and alignment. That’s the beauty of printing the sets though, they could be added into the design at any time :) 


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11 minutes ago, chukw said:

The props are missing the external balances. I did mention this on FB with no response.

Nice to see they care updating for greater accuracy... <_<

So far from what I'm seeing, I'm not impressed. I badly want to be proven wrong in that impression!

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Just want to see some clear pictures of the production prints but I'm guessing we won't get to see them wilhich worries me as well as from what I can see from the parts layout is no detail parts of the cockpit including seats!


Regards. Andy 

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On 5/15/2024 at 3:40 PM, Paul2660 said:

Biggest issue I see is resin. Resin seems to draw up over time. Shrink. I have seen this with pretty much all the resin aftermarket I have used some worse than others. Aries and Eduard both have shrinkage issues. No way to fix this.  All my aftermarket stuff is kept indoors. I was shocks at how poorly an Aries D9 upgrade set fit on a Hasegawa D9 and a Eduard cockpit set that would not fit the Revell A8R8 due to the back panel shrinking. I am sitting on several HPH kits and now am wondering how bad they will have this issue. 


I think the problem lies with the rubber mould, not the resin parts themselves, the more you use the mould the more it shrinks but moulds are expensive and takes a lot of time and work to make so no one really wants to throw them away after just a small number of casts

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