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Everything posted by kalashnikov-47

  1. You are correct that kit (04720) does indeed have an Alconbury marking option. The actual airplane depicted is still at what's left of Alconbury as a gate guardian. It can be seen on Google Street View.
  2. My opinion is the same as yours. If you pull that off please document it.
  3. It was just a bunch of fit problems that I didn't catch earlier on. A lot of it was the kit's fault. I don't know if you've ever bought one of these, but he packs them into pretty small packages, probably to save on shipping costs. Being tightly packed, the resin can get misshapen. The airfoil shape of the wings at the wing root is particularly bad. It can be fixed but I just did it wrong. I have a better idea for next time around.
  4. LEM Kits La-9. It fought with me and I thought I had beaten it until I got paint on it and really saw what an irreparable mess it was. I figured out what went wrong and plan on buying another later on.
  5. I've built the LEM MiG-9 and it was pretty good. I'll definitely be in for the Yak-15.
  6. Ebay rules say items posted must be for sale now. They do not allow pre-orders, etc. I see people doing it but I do not know if ebay pulls those listings or not.
  7. I have a friend who is an insider at Takom. I get free kits from time to time and I'm going to meet up with him later this month. He has a sample Apache kit to give me. I'll definitely provide him with feedback.
  8. Any news on the Daco CM.170 or can I stop keeping my hopes up?
  9. The best model club experience I ever had was in the 1990's at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. It was a mixture of Americans and local Germans and one Arab that lives in the area. Everyone got along beautifully. I made plenty lifelong friends from that experience and about 80% of us are still in touch despite the distance between us. We have a reunion of sorts every year (November) at the USAF Museum. The chemistry between us is as good as it ever was.
  10. I was an IPMS/USA member on two occasions. Late 1970's I let the membership lapse because there was some serious infighting between two factions. I don't remember what the fighting was over. Gave them another chance in the early 1990's and different war was in progress. That was enough.
  11. Same result. On Firefox, Edge, Chrome, and Brave browsers. [EDIT] It worked on my iPhone but I don't want to deal with that small screen. I sent a message directly to Aviattic.
  12. I get this: Error code: SSL_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED_ALERT for aviattic.com. Aviattic.co.uk works fine.
  13. There's still a Red Box at the local Walmart here.
  14. I've built the Trumpeter kit but I'm not really happy with the overall shape. I bought a Hasegawa kit from ebay for a future project.
  15. I hope it ends up on blu-ray. I don't use any TV subscription services.
  16. I bought one for $500 (US) in 1997. I had to replace the main gasket once but it still runs like a champ. It was pretty expensive at the time but considering its age, it was money well spent.
  17. They will. They're very good about that. I once bought a 1/72 Airfix kit only to find two or three complete sprues missing. I let them know and they sent me a new complete kit.
  18. I got two of the high-backs, one for me and one for a friend who wasn't able to order on his own. My order went through 16 seconds after the gates opened. I thought they would sell out quickly, but high-backs were still available two hours later. I'll try to catch a bubble top next time around, whenever that is.
  19. Unfortunate. I suppose one problem is Russian stuff doesn't sell well to start with. Then add being resin kits by a little known firm. I have built his MiG-9 and have an Su-7 in progress. The fit is incredibly good.
  20. I've been suggesting a 1/32 Po-2 to ICM on social media every chance I get. It seems that would be right up their alley considering their recent releases. Thinking Night Witches here.....
  21. My main interest is cold war, so I'd be happy with any of that. MiGs, Yak-27/28, Sukhoi interceptors. Perhaps even an IL-28. LEMkits was doing a good job but seems to have gone off in other directions.
  22. Harvey is one of my FB fiends. So that's why he's been silent lately. I'll shoot a message of support over there but there's no telling how long it will be before he sees it. Thanks for the info.
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