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Everything posted by dennismcc

  1. I got really excited there when I saw the Fulmar and Battle two subjects on my 1/32 wish list but unfortunately they are 1/48, never mind I have a large stash. Cheers Dennis
  2. Looking forward to see you work your magic on this one, gotta love a Hurricane. Cheers Dennis
  3. Looks really good, a fine looking miniature Hurricane. Cheers Dennis
  4. Yes and it is a shame that Edgar is not around to check out the Kotare Spitfire, his review of the Revell Spitfire was great and certainly helped me build the kit, I am an average modeller so I only corrected what I thought was the main items and left the ones that I did not have the skill (or knowledge) to fix. But the point is whether it was correct to the nth degree or not I thoroughly enjoyed the build and was very happy with the result. I really appreciated your chipping in with your knowledge of the Spitfire and please keep it up. Cheers Dennis
  5. Belated best wishes from me as well. Cheers Dennis
  6. Lots of thinking too little modelling is my problem, my poor old Re 2005 just needs a little shove to cross the finish line but I am spending lots of time researching my next build and the build that I will do on the side. Plus real life life gobbles up most of my time, hove to clone myself. Cheers Dennis
  7. Looking good, no superb would be a better choice of wording. Cheers Dennis
  8. This should be interesting I'm just doing some research before starting to build the same kit. Cheers Dennis
  9. Bigger subjects in 1/35 does not sound bad to me, I used to build multi engined subjects in 1/48 but they were still very small and fiddley, I would be interested to see how big some of the four engined kits would turn out compared to 1/32 kits. And no I am not interested in doing the maths to find out! Cheers Dennis
  10. That must be very satisfying Max, it looks good to me. Cheers Dennis
  11. I'm with Max on this one, it looks too realistic to be a model, and 2 weeks, it takes me that long to open the box, read the instructions and start cutting parts from the sprues. Great job. Cheers Dennis
  12. Looks superb which is lucky as I have two of them. Cheers Dennis
  13. I would like the new TBD book but it is not available in the UK yet, tried to buy it from Germany but the price of postage was prohibitive. Cheers Dennis
  14. Wow those look impressive, would need to make sure that my magnifier was handy. Cheers Dennis
  15. Great output, quality and quantity, I'm just finishing my only 2023 build. Cheers Dennis
  16. Clear parts can be such a pain, I know to my cost ,not a good experience. Cheers Dennis
  17. This is fine work the work on the figures is ever so impressive, way beyond me. Cheers Dennis
  18. Well by dodging Christmas gatherings and stuff I managed to get some more done on the Re, very enjoyable it was too though I do not like decals much these seem to have gone on well. I will probably find out when I apply the satin/matt coat, that's usually when the silvering shows up. Cheers Dennis
  19. Thanks Max, I've just about picked the Macchi C200 as my next victim, but alongside it will be a Trumpeter P47D build to keep the frustration level down and because my display cabinets are woefully lacking in US subjects.. Both the PCM rag wing Hurricane and Tempest kits turned out great with a bit of patience I'm sure that you will make a fine job of them as per your current build. Cheers Dennis
  20. What an attractive and unusual paint scheme, looks great. Cheers Dennis
  21. Hi Mike I think that I have just decided to build another PCM kit, but I will build it alongside a more modern kit to keep me sane. Cheers Dennis
  22. That looks a very satisfying modelling session, it looks very good. Cheers Dennis
  23. Merry Christmas everyone, hope you had or are having a great day, mine was very family filled. Cheers Dennis
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