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JMP Chevrolet G7107


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1 minute ago, LSP_Ray said:

Nice! Surprised about the decals! I probably wouldn't have dared use them, but then I have a large stash of Archer Transfers to go to.


I forgot to mention that I did test them on a mule first, so that gave me the confidence to proceed.



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I've finally hit a snag that's stumped me. Today I ruined the star decal on the bonnet (hood):




I've been trying to eliminate the silvering around the star itself, which ironically you can't even see in this photo (quite obvious on the bumper, however). After throwing everything I could at it with only minor improvements, I decided I'd just paint over it. So I set about finding some suitable circle masks to cover the white border, but completely neglected to protect it with a clear coat first! I've tried to paint the damaged areas back in, but the results are underwhelming to say the least. And to top it all off, the software I use to create and cut masks is not currently working properly, which I've detailed in a post on Scale Model Paint Masks.


So for the moment I'm completely stuck on this one, and it might be time to push it aside for a while. I can at least get the wheels done and fitted I guess. Looks like the Dodge truck will be getting some more love now! And maybe some of my neglected aircraft builds...



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Thanks, Ray. Those trucks seem to sport an extra set of rear wheels, but I doubt that matters with respect to the markings. I really like the big star though, and it helps lift an otherwise pretty mediocre model. I'll strip it off and leave it off as a last resort.



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So I fixed the decal. It's not great (especially close up), but it passes the quick-glance test, and that's enough for this particular project. For the record, I cut paper masks with a compass cutter and wet them so they'd stick to the model. And they almost did! I had to engage in a bit of back and forth before deciding enough was enough. It's just a platform to practise some weathering, now.





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I think I can finally see the end of the tunnel on this one. I spent this evening working on the weathering of the cab, and I don't think it's turned out too badly. One thing I've discovered is that I suck at rust effects! Something to work on, I guess.




This is just a quick test-fit of the parts. The wheels are not finished, so ignore them for now. The weathering has been tricky, as working with oils over an enamel base is fraught with danger, and it did cause a few problems, despite most of the Olive Drab having been sealed with SMS Clear Flat (an acrylic lacquer). I need to figure out how to weather the cab roof convincingly, and then I'll probably add some dust effects and move on to final assembly. I still need to scratch-build a side mirror to replace the anaemic and thoroughly unconvincing PE one that comes in the kit, plus remember to add the PE door handles and windscreen wipers.


I'm also contemplating making a little road base for it now, just for the sake of the exercise. It's another thing I haven't done since I was a kid, and would like to start doing that sort of thing more. Won't hurt to try!





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OK, getting down to the wire with this one. The weathering is done and the wheels are on:






I always feel like I'm a bit timid with my weathering, but at least no one can accuse me of overdoing it!


I've since attached the tray, but want to let the CA cure for as long as possible before I handle it again, since there's only 4 small contact points to hold the two assemblies together. After that I can start finishing and attaching the remaining details, and start thinking about a small road base for it.



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