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Henri Daehne correction sets for Props & Spinners


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Silly question, but does A-9 include the D-9?






Not silly...


My sources say radial engined aircraft (ie A-9/F-9) used the 9-12176A prop blade - though not exclusively... narrower chord props could still be seen.


FW 190D-9 used the VS-9 propeller with 9-27012 C-1 blades.


So, I suspect the answer is no. I'm sure Henri will be working on some of the inline engined FW/TA 152 blades...




EDIT - looks like my sources were wrong, or I misread - I'd always defer to Henri's nomenclature - as below - as he seems to live and breath Luftwaffe propellers.. :)

Edited by mattlow
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  • 1 month later...

For Fw 190 & Ta 152 lovers the year 2015 start interesting.

The Nuremberg Toy Fair 2015 did not indicate any big news but we have the AM that fill the gap.

For those who are only interested in the prop blades (no hub and spinner) Henri is current working on it, but there is a delay ... so be more patient.

The release date is open but sure soon (1 -2 month).


Ta 152 VS 9










Edited by Ralph-D
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Just for Info:


Henri is working on some early FW190 prop. Difficulty is basically to get original parts to take a correct measurement done. Maybe I will have the possibility to take some extra when visiting Herdla or Bodø.

Altogether Henri awaits the Revell FW190 F8 just to see how it turns out to be. Questions are the diameter & depth of the Nose-Ring. Just as a fact: the Hasegawa is to small with the nose-rings inner diameter. The spinner-diameter as well. That gives the Fan an awkward look with too long and thin blades. This is also a reason Henri made a new nose ring for the A9.

So until now it is just to wait for Revell to come out with the new F8 and we will have a closer look. I tried one of the 14 blade Fans + Spinner and it gives the "new mold" A 190 the more correct look compared to the undersized original Hasegawa part.  

Edited by fockewings
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  • 2 months later...

Good news for those how are looking for new VS 111 propeller for their D-9

now available over ebay.de (germany) but are also shiped worldwide.



The VS-9 will be released approxmately in 14 days.

As fockewings mention, under work are also propeller for the new Revell F-8. According Henri information I give the revell propeller 7 points out of 10.
I do not understand why renomate companies nowadays are not working with 3D scan technology.


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Hi Guys,


I've bought most of Henri's excellent prop sets and when I saw the photos of the 190 D-9 VS111 set I went straight online and ordered a couple of sets. I've got a few Hasegawa/Revell D-9's sitting around just waiting for this particular release. They turned up a few minutes ago and they are just stunning. That's for everything, the research, the master making, the production resin castings and the lovely instruction booklet. The booklet has photos of the full size parts as well as scale drawings and a comprehensive assembly sequence with more photos and drawings. This is a really classy product and I can't wait for the Ta 152 sets to be produced, there are two Z-M H-1's and two PCM C-0's waiting for them!


One ever so slight comment and I hope Henri doesn't take this badly. There is no easy way to align the prop blades so they are all at the same angle. When I obtained some of Barracuda's 109 sets I also got their prop alignment tool. I think Henri's sets need something similar. It's just a suggestion, I'll be knocking up a little jig for my blades in the coming days.


If you haven't seen any of these models in the flesh, you're missing a real treat! This is as good as it gets.




Bruce Crosby

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Just got a couple of the D9 props and like the A9's they are excellent.  I agree it would be a nice addition for Henri to sell an alignment jig, but the details in these sets really is a compliment to the work that Henri has done.  I will be getting the TA-152 sets also.  Just beautiful work. 



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