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Henri Daehne correction sets for Props & Spinners


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Dear prop fanatics,


for those who are unhappy with the Revell props there is a light on the end of the tunnel.

Henri released correction sets, to order/buy via email.



01. VS-5 for Ju 87B-2/R-2 for TRU (3 delivery options available)

- only props

- props and new spinner

- props, spinner & hub


02. VS 11 for Ju 87 D. For REV & HAS (2 delivery options available)

 -  Props with hub and spinner back-plate (spinner from HAS or REV can be used)

 - Complete set props, spinner & hub


03. VS 11 for Ju 87 G € for REV & HAS (2 delivery options availabley)

- Props with hub and spinner back-plate (spinner from HAS or REV can be used)

- Complete set props, spinner & hub


04. VS 11 for He 111 H-6, only complete set 2x(propes, spinner & hub)


05. Ju 88 A-4 VS 11 line 3 und VS 11 line 6

-->  available over ebay.de.  "Baureihe 3" --> line 3


-->  available over ebay.de.  "Baureihe 6" --> line 6


06. VDM for BF 109 G-6 narrow props, spinner and hub


07. Bf 110 G/F full set


08. VDM set wide blade for BF 109 G-10 / G-14 / K props and spinner


09. Fw 190 A-9 VDM Wooden props, fan and spinner


10. Fw 190 D-9 VS 111 props and spinner



11. Bf 109 E "Cyber Hobby/Dragon" props and spinner


12. Bf 109 E "Eduard" props and spinner


13. Bf 110 C & D "Dragon/Cyber Hobby" props and spinner



You can mail to Henri to order or ask for availability or price, but please be patient if he do not replay immediately as I said his English is poor and maybe he need help from family or he is busy (work or holiday).

Henri is a very open minded funny person. It's said that he can't communicate in this forum.


Henris email:



Edit 06AUG2017

No selling over EBay only via Email




Edited by Ralph-D
No Ebay sell
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Thanks for pointing this out Ralph.


(Kevin I'm not the vendor, just making advertising for it, but I think it belong here to vendors board. If not please move it)


Unfortunately the Vendors Board is for vendors themselves to advertise their own wares - a little spot for self-promotion, as it were - so I have indeed moved the thread. It might sound like a tenuous distinction, but it exists nonetheless.



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  • 3 weeks later...

As once promised more about Henri and his props.

First of all, I would like to tanks all small and private AM frequently in LSP for their effort and time they sacrifice for us.

Talking to Henri and explaining to me the work he is doing as a private modeler I was impressed.

If this AM would calculate all the time one product is consuming and charge to it, for sure none of us would be willing to pay the price, so thanks thanks to You guys.

Because Henris English is poor -->the reason why he never will appear in LSP<-- and he deserve to be mention in our world. I do some small promotion.

I discovered Henri accidentally by searching for new props for my old Revell Dora 9. Since then we are in contact.


1. VS-9 Props for Fw 190 D-11/12 & Ta 152 available only via email, but 0.5mm to narrow. New version scheduled in December.

  BTW does somebody have drawings or picture of a D-12 hup or Ta 152 hub?




2. VS-5 for Ju 87B-2/R-2 for TRU (3 delivery options available)

- only props

- props and new spinner

- props, spinner & hub


 3. VS 11 for Ju 87 D.  For REV & HAS (2 delivery options available)

 -  Props with hub and spinner back-plate (spinner from HAS or REV can be used)

 - Complete set props, spinner & hub


4. VS 11 for Ju 87 G for REV & HAS (2 delivery options available)

- Props with hub and spinner back-plate (spinner from HAS or REV can be used)

- Complete set props, spinner & hub



5. VS 11 for He 111 H-6, only complete set 2x(propes, spinner & hub)


6. Ju 88 A-4 VS 11 line 3 und VS 11 line 6


7. VDM for BF 109 G-6 „narrow props“ props, spinner and hub






8. Bf 110 G/F full set


9. VDM for BF 109 G-10 / G-14 / K props and spinner



About the Ju 87 props Doug knows more than me, maybe he like to tell more.

I have the VS-9 props and even if they are to 0.5mm to narrow I like them and didn't regret that I bought two set of them.


You can mail to Henri to order or ask for availability or price, but please be patient if he do not replay immediately as I said his English is poor and maybe he need help from family or he is busy (work or holiday).

Henri is a very open minded funny person. It's said that he can't communicate in this forum.


Henris email:



Edited by Ralph-D
no ebay sell only via email
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Guest KingK_series



His listing is over.   I don't know how many sets he had for sale, but they are gone.  I wouldn't mind picking up a set.  Does he have a website that he sells from?


Cheers,   Ian

His listing for the He111H6 is over, but I know he has more sets and he will relist it in a day or so.


the JU88A4

BF109 F and G4

BF110G/F props are not finished or ready for sale yet.



his current list is just the He111H6

and JU87 B2, D/G


I know he has plans for many more - ie BF109E, and VDM props for JU88 and He111 P and H.


- but the trouble is getting all the information to do it right. THAT is where all the work is -

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Hello Dennis, Ian and KingK


Dennis to be true I don't know. I might to remember that he said that they are similar to the Bf 109 props (props, spinner and hub). But I will ask.


Ian, I was busy the last weeks and seem that KingK has the latest information. At the time I did this post Henri told me that he did only 16 of the He111 set. He was a bit concern that they might be not well accepted because of the price (in my opinion still a bargain if you see the amount of parts). If you really looking for the He 111 props please write to him. No website available and to order from Henri you can do it via email. No eBay required (my last information).

BTW I posted some picture, not the latest one; they are from a German Forum Henri frequently use.


Cheers Ralph

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Was able to order a set of the He-111 props and spinners, and the echo the comments of many here, they are top notch, and worth every single penny! So much better, and more accurate, than the kit parts. A definite upgrade for the detail minded.


- Dennis S.

  Westminster, CO USA

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