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109-F kits


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I just noticed Trumpeters new 109-F at the LHS. I haven't read any reviews of it and I was wondering how it stacks up against the Pro-Modeler version ?






The Hasegawa-based Pro-Modeler kit was a G-4, not an F-4. Neither Hasegawa nor Pro-Modeler made an F series kit, however Hasegawa is due to release an F-4 very soon.

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Well, I've got several 21st CT kits and plenty of elbow grease! :mental:

I also quite like the 21st Cent kit. It is also essentially an early G but is priced well and definitely re-workable.


I am looking forward to the new Hasegawa release (Along with everyone else)

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The soon to be released Hasegawa '109F kit appears to be pretty good looking in the available photos, while the Trumpeter kit is actually a 'G-2 with some accuracy issues even at that.


Your question...which is better? Do you like your 4 door sedans with V8 or V6? The answer is always it depends.


I would tend to think Steve has a fairly good handle on it. However, in saying that the Trumpeter kit is likely to give you a lot more parts and details. Its also likely to be 1/3 cheaper than the Hasegawa kit in about a year.


Up to you and it depends on your criteria for making a purchase choice.


Cheers Matty


PS...not the Revell though.

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Hi Vaughn


I know you don't like doing resin, so the Aires conversion set for the Hasegawa kit is out (it is very nice mind you).


With the skills you've shown us here a good route would be to buy the Revell-Monogram-Pro Modeller boxing of the Hasegawa G-4 and work backwards from there (these used to be quite cheap on eBay). I'm certain it has been done on this site, with a list of necessary changes. Hasegawa wing already incorporates the round wells found on many Fs and allows for opening up to squared which was found on many others. It is eminently do-able.


New tool Has. will be state of the art (though if they are retaining wings from existing G kits the radiator outlets may be missing the additional outlet..?) and quite expensive (especially for us in Europe).


Taking a longer view - Eduard intend to release a series which should also be very nice, quite pricey (£40-45 in UK) for the ProfiPack (PE, multiple markings, masks) but later still we shall undoubtedly see a weekend edition which will sell for approx half the Profi Pack (just bought some E-1 WE edition for £19.99 each).



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Considering how easy it really is to convert an early 'G back to an 'F, I'm kind of surprised about all the hooha related to the '109F kit. I've got an 'F-2 nearly done (stalled due to the mass of other projects, personal and professional, that have forced themselves to the head of the line) and would likely not bother with ever getting the new kit (the 'F isn't my fav version).

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Personally; I'm holding out for the Hase F-4.

Still. Even though we've been waiting for half a decade or so.


Considering how easy it really is to convert an early 'G back to an 'F, I'm kind of surprised about all the hooha related to the '109F kit.

True, it is fairly easy. But, some of us like having the required parts right in the box. The G-4 kit has almost enough of the major parts for an F-4z, but lacks the small, un-booted tail wheel and leg. I'm not much interested in sourcing aftermarket parts, either.


After see what Lynn Ritger has to say about the Trumpeter F-4 kit, bring on the Hasegawa F-4. :speak_cool:



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Wellll, considering the sow's ears I've worked on in the past, doing a 'G to 'F conversion is dirt simple. Heck, I could do a 'B from a 'K, or vice-versa, but wouldn't bother due to the waste of time rather then the difficulty.

In general, I'm surprised at the reaction of so many modelers to the suggestion of trying various "impossible" modifications, especially as massive conversions and ultra-detailing (not to mention scratch-built wonders) are fairly common currency in the hobby.

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Hi Vaughn


I know you don't like doing resin, so the Aires conversion set for the Hasegawa kit is out (it is very nice mind you).


With the skills you've shown us here a good route would be to buy the Revell-Monogram-Pro Modeller boxing of the Hasegawa G-4 and work backwards from there (these used to be quite cheap on eBay). I'm certain it has been done on this site, with a list of necessary changes. Hasegawa wing already incorporates the round wells found on many Fs and allows for opening up to squared which was found on many others. It is eminently do-able.


New tool Has. will be state of the art (though if they are retaining wings from existing G kits the radiator outlets may be missing the additional outlet..?) and quite expensive (especially for us in Europe).


Taking a longer view - Eduard intend to release a series which should also be very nice, quite pricey (£40-45 in UK) for the ProfiPack (PE, multiple markings, masks) but later still we shall undoubtedly see a weekend edition which will sell for approx half the Profi Pack (just bought some E-1 WE edition for £19.99 each).




Hey Matt


I'm amazed at the storm around this topic.. I've been very busy with no time to log on, much less model, for the past weeks and I've finally started catching up on the firestorm created by the Trumpy 109 F. or rather, some peoples comments about it. I appreciate everyones comments on this thread and the helpful insights. I realized the Pro Modeler was an early G but as several have commented, it's not that hard to back date to an F . I guess what the question should have been was what the new 109 was like... from what I've been able to pick up it is not what perhaps it should be and the Pro Modeler mods would be an easier fix.


I think I'll stick to obscure aircraft and odd ball stuff... no need to get warped out of shape... modeling IS supposed to be fun !


Thanks everyone !



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Considering how easy it really is to convert an early 'G back to an 'F, I'm kind of surprised about all the hooha related to the '109F kit. I've got an 'F-2 nearly done (stalled due to the mass of other projects, personal and professional, that have forced themselves to the head of the line) and would likely not bother with ever getting the new kit (the 'F isn't my fav version).


I built my own conversion before either Aires or the G-4 kit came out. I know what it takes to do that - while it's not "hard" it's certianly not "simple" nor strightforward. But a new F kit isn't the main thing I'm excited about. What really excites me about this new F kit from hasegawa is that they retooled the fuselage and appear to have fixed a significant shape issue that exists in all versions of the 1/32 kit!


So this causes me to ponder converting F kits in to Gs (including g5/6)series as - the conversion to the G is much much simplier than the G to the F..


I'm very much looking forward to a kit I can toss together and paint with ease and will FINALLY have the correct nose profile! I'll start with an F but I'm pretty sure I won't stop there!






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