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"Vac Macchi Saga"


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 Hakan, Kevin and Mike ,

Thank you very much for your kindly comments Guys. I very much appreciate them all.

@ Mike don't need any extra parts at the moment but I did get a canopy for the Macchi several years ago. Thank you for that.

Highest Regards,

Gregory Jouette

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I finally got my long on order batteries Staurday afternoon. There's not a whole lot of photos as of yet,but here's the latest.


  When I stalled on this project several years ago I had fouled up the wing roots something awful. So much so I really thought this Macchi was a complete write off. After years on the shelf of doom I restarted the project. It took a day to figure out just how to carry out the repairs.Although I don't have any photos of the repair underway as I didn't take any new photos at the time. Suffice it to say I used much putty and plastic to fill my awful previous work.

As she is today all primed and scribed and a few additional details added.




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Continued ....





 The beginning work on her canopy. This isn't PE but rather my preferred plastic sheet. The sharp eyed may have noticed the gun sight,still far from complete.The plan is to windshield frame in the same manner. If all else fails I'll piece it together as per the original.



 That all for now guys. As always any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated.

Highest Regards,

Gregory Jouette

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Many thanks my old friend. Since I took the last photos the ol'bird has been primed with Tamiya White Primer .I've also have the areas masked off for the fuselage band and tail cross then reprimed again with gray primer. Weather permitting I hope to break out the airbrush to paint the wheel wells then move on to the blue-gray for the rest of her underside. No smoke rings this time around she's SAI build Macchi,just to be a little different from my other Macchi 202's. There are some injection parts used for this one like the tailplanes and dust filter from the 21St Century kit . Robbed a spinner cap from my PAC Macchi 205 kit to be used along with a modified Revell ME.109 prop and tail wheel from the spares box.


Highest Regards,

Gregory Jouette

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  • 2 years later...

Hello All,

It's hard to believe it has been nearly three years since I last updated this long assumed dead thread.But then again health issues do tend to do that to you. Without further ado I present the completed Vac Macchi Saga.









Now finally complete at last. Began in 2009 and completed in 2016,now that's a personal record for the longest project for me.Damned  health issues anyway!


As always any and all comments are welcomed and much appreciated. Thanks for looking.

Highest Regards,

Gregory Jouette

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Kevin and Andrew,

Many thanks my old friends. Your comments and all the likes gathered tonight are very much appreciated.

Highest Regards,

Gregory Jouette


PS: By the way I have a new LSP project just beginning. I'll post a new build thread as soon as I have something to show. Yeah it another Italian job,this time a Fiat G-50.

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Bitchin Macchi Greg! I love Italian WWII fighters. Built a few in 48th and 72nd over the years and recently have so been wanting to do one in 32nd. Not much out there, but I hope that changes in the near future.


BTW, how did you fasten that window frame to the clear vac canopy? Amazing work.


Mike V

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Thank you very much my friend. Great to hear from another Italian aircraft fan. To answer your question the framing was fastened with canopy glue then sealed with Future.Took multiple attempts for me to get it right though,but worked out well in the end.

Highest Regards,

Gregory Jouette

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