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Everything posted by RicardoD

  1. A forest of detail parts and some of them are incredibly tiny. I have checked with my references to see what they really are in the real aircraft. For example parts 22 and 24, on the left side of the parts block below, are two things that I do not know what they are for in the real cockpit but they are here and beautifully produced. In the middle of the block are static wicks and it makes me very pleased to have such details in a kit.
  2. My kit arrived yesterday. I took more than two dozen pictures of this beauty and I will divide them into a few consecutive posts. About the kit in general? All I'm going to say is: Definitely worth the wait!!! All pictures speak for themselves and I'm absolutely not an expert to make reviewer quality comments. I may insert a few remarks here and there, though. Here we go: What you see when you remove the insert poster: A very thin copper wire for the antennae (if that is the correct word). I do not have any gadgets to measure it but to me it seems as thin as a hair thread. I guess 0.1mm, or 0.15mm maybe. A good touch that this is included in the box. Decals are perfect.
  3. I may be wrong but considering how the question is asked, to me this seems like a poll from some who has the intention to do it as a business. I would put a long wish list here. But before going into that I should know: - Who produces it, - If this is an amateur enterprise with some enthusiasm that will fade away after a few kits sold, - Are the parts 3D printed in FDM or DLP type machines, i.e filament or resin printers, - The aimed level of detail, - Some visuals to give some idea about the designer's engineering philosophy, - How important accuracy is for the manufacturer, - If the kit's parts are entirely 3D printed or some cast resin parts will be included, - How the transparent parts are produced, i.e vacform, cast or 3D printed (which is the worst), - How many decal options in average will be offered, - Who produces the decals, - How comprehensive the instructions would be, - How good it will be packed... - How good the communication with the manufacturer is maintained etc... I truly like the possibilities 3D printing gives and would love to see serious new offerings being available to us modellers for sure, but my decision to buy or not would be highly affected by most of the answers to these questions above. I would buy a 1/32 SM.79 Sparviero to start with in a hearbeat but I'd rather see it untouched unless properly produced, like the rest of my loooong wish list.
  4. 10911. I asked two days ago and they said it would be shipped third week of January. Just about a week or so should be left then...
  5. Obviously a lot of potential here. We will be discussing this kit and its variants for some years if it meets the expectations. I would generally say "if it comes alive" but the test sprues strongly suggest they are really working on it, so I keep my fingers crossed.
  6. Outstanding!! The NMF paint job is always a headache for me and look what you have achieved with that burnt part!! Looks amazing and so realistic, congratulations!!
  7. Wonderful work. The extras you have the ability to produce definitely have given the model its extra beauty.
  8. Museum quality job!! One of the best Stukas I have ever seen, great job indeed!!
  9. One of the most beautiful aircraft and camouflage ever, you have done it such justice. Great work!
  10. Very nice. The metal paint job looks cool!
  11. Their Neptune is 1/48, I think. But if anyone makes a 1/32 Neptune, they have my money this second No idea where to display it though, but I'd buy in a second.
  12. So enticing. No idea about the price but I'm ok up to $500, this does not come everyday. 3D cockpit is a must I think.
  13. Lovely Hunter. I hope some company makes a new tool of this beautiful plane in 1/32.
  14. Absolute perfection!! Did you use a masking set from the market or just cut it yourself? If it is the second one, then this is not only a master's work but also you are a very patient and skilled modeller!!
  15. Yes, sure, thanks for the time to explain. This is the logic obviously and not hard to guess. What I meant when I fail to understand the manufacturer's mind is not about comparing a Fw190 to Blackburn Skua but to highly neglected and famous airplanes of the WW2 or the jet age, no need to recite them here for we all know what they are. I truly wonder if a new Fw190 or an F-5A in 1/32 would sell better, that was my point and maybe I should have put it clearer.
  16. Steering away from the scale discussion, the real "issue" for me is that it is a "new" kit of an aircraft that has many kits already in various scales. How many Fw190 kits are there?? One can improve an existing kit with his skills, extra work, aftermarket etc. but there is a problem that some great subjects are not available at all. Once again, I fail to understand manufacturer's minds in revisiting existing subjects. They are the ones to pour lots of money in the business and they definitely know better but as a modeller I'd expect to see something really "new".
  17. I had a trip to Japan a few years ago, before Covid. There is a place called Akihabara, where you can call the Mecca of modelling and kits in Japan. The number of plastic kits there that may be of interest to anyone in this forum (or others too) are far too beyond one can find in any retailer/reseller I've seen put together in any Western country. Still they are seriously outnumbered by anime characters, RC toys and kits (mostly Tamiya), BanDai robots and stuff like that. Where there were a few people looking at the aircraft kits, there were hundreds everywhere spending their attention and money on such strange things. It should not be forgotten that firms like Hasegawa and Tamiya used to aim their own market in the first place. Japan is a country with high population which had a high interest rate in modelling during the past decades and that perfectly helped such brands to thrive. With the local market going down and split now, I really doubt Hasegawa and Tamiya are willing to invest big money in kits they are not sure will sell enough inside Japan. They are not like Trumpeter and other Chinese brands who sell half-accurate kits and still collect enough audience abroad to survive. Never say never is always a correct phrase, but I do not think we will be seeing a remarkable 1/32 release in the near future from Tamiya nor Hasegawa, who has already stopped doing that. Only ZM could come up with somethings that could be of interest and that is because they are a relatively small brand currently driven by passion.
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