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Tamiya 1/32 F4U-1A

Wolf Buddee

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Looks really nice so far, Wolff.


Cant remember if we discussed this, but the contact points of the engine exhaust pipes and intake manifold tubes, result in lots of contact points at the rear of the powerplant. i discovered that if there is any paint buildup (enamel) where the engine components come together as the components are "stacked", the engine can get "longer" and it won't be evident until the cowl ring, upper and lower cowl segments and cowl flaps come together towards the painting stage.


So, just do a lot of fit checking of the engine cowl pieces as the engine goes together so the gaps between cowling segments don't get out of hand.


I have Corsair Number 3 in the works, but its a secondary priority right now.



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Thanks David, I've actually been test fitting all the parts as much as possible to make sure anything I add to the engine doesn't interfere with any of the kit components. I've also been masking off any contact areas between the front and rear banks of cylinders to make sure I've got good surface areas for glue contact. So far everything fits like a dream. Thanks for the cautionary note though as what you've stated makes perfect sense.




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I strugled with the center wing to fusaloge fit. Had to do some serious sanding on both.....Harv

That fit problem was related to paint Harvey? You're not supposed to apply it with a roller, LOL! Seriously though, that was rough fit issue to resolve.




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Wolf, I came across several fit issues on my build, and each and every case it was unwanted paint or CA. I've never built a kit with such close tolerances. But hey, live and learn........Harv :popcorn:

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Thanks John, if you like I can fill the ends of my exhaust for now and the re-thin them once you're done, LOL!


Drew, thanks for checkin in my friend! With the amount of rain we've been getting we should be re-naming Abbotsford Paris eh? Either that or start building Arks!




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Harvey , it took 60 hours and my corsair was together with no issue . The pictures are still in your cell phone. Groundbreaking design and yes , you do have to follow the instructions :)....and no rollers  :innocent: ..Bad Wolf

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Harvey , it took 60 hours and my corsair was together with no issue . The pictures are still in your cell phone. Groundbreaking design and yes , you do have to follow the instructions :)....and no rollers  :innocent: ..Bad Wolf

Yeah but did you have any paint on your model Martin? ;)




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Ok, to ensure that we don't have a full page without some kind of WIP pics, I've taken some photos of the completely painted front cylinder bank and another of the rest of the major pieces that make up the engine assembly. I've begun fitting the pieces that make up the oil transfer pipes between the rocker covers for the 2nd row of cylinders using 0.64mm styrene rod. Once the glue has completely set on the bits of styrene rod they'll be sanded back until they're almost flush with the rocker covers. I'll then use stretched sprue to fill the gap between the rocker covers and then slip vinyl tubing over the stretched sprue to represent the rubber hoses. The whole process is much easier than the description.








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