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  1. Hello everyone, After a long break from the hobby, I'm back with another 1/32 Fw , this time is revell's FW190 F-8 The painting scheme will be the following , founrd on Kommandeur decal sheet KD4805, I dont actually own this decal sheet but i am going to use it as reference in order to prepare painting masks for the camo and markings I also have many aftermarket sets including the bessin sets from eduard. unfortunately i couldn't find either either landing gear replacements or Henri Daehne propeller.. She will also be displayed with an open engine.. so, here is the kit and the two brassin sets
  2. *NOW TAKING PRE-ORDERS!* Dear Luftwaffe fans, The time has finally come to pull the trigger on our new project, 'Axis Wings'! Chandos Publications, in association with Robert Forsyth at Chevron Publishing, will soon realise a long-held ambition to release the first in what we hope will be a long-running compendium relating to the Luftwaffe and co-belligerent air forces. Drawing on the talents of many well known names in the Luftwaffe research and writing community, each issue will be packed with stories, photographs and artwork. There are many fascinating pieces of information on the Axis air forces that are still unpublished, that are too short for a regular book, but are also too important to sit on a hard drive ad finitum. ‘Axis Wings’ aims to make these stories known, accompanied by specially commissioned artwork, and photographs from private collections. Each issue will be approximately 200 pages long, in a softcover format, and is aimed at historians and model makers. Initially we plan to release two issues per annum.The success of this project very much depends on how well the concept is received, but as long as there is a demand we will keep working. We hope that ‘Axis Wings’ will grow organically, and become self-perpetuating, and to that end we welcome the submission of stories, photographs and comments for future editions. The PDF files are with the printers, and we hope to take delivery of issue 1 by the end of February 2024. Issue 2 will hopefully follow a few months later. The book is ready to pre-order, so please head on over to the shop section of the website (link below) to secure your copy. As usual we will be working with our distribution partners around the World, so if you want to wait until they stock the item then please feel free. We will also be listing the item on our eBay (UK) page, and there you can order the item and pay any relevant taxes at source. All in all, we have tried to cover all bases when it comes to obtaining your copy of this exciting new book! https://www.chandospublications.co.uk/product/axis-wings-the-luftwaffe-and-co-belligerent-air-forces-compendium/
  3. Hallo Installation of the resin Bf 109 K-4 cockpit set for Hasegawa from Aires number 2044 . The kit is the Bf 109 K-4 1/32 from Trumpeter. Since the set from Aires is destined for Hasegawa, a lot of modification work was necessary to fit in the Trumpeter kit: 1. Sanding the side walls of the kit 2. Adapting the side panels of the Aires set to the kit: the side panels were too long and there were overlaps with the instrument panel. 3. The covers for the centreline MK 108 were too long, therefore I had to shorten the cover. This created finally a gap, but it is not visible when assembled. 4. The firewall to the engine was too high. 5. Engine mounts are now only an auxiliary support, the engine is only fixed latteraly by the exhaust scoops and in the front from oil cooler for the reduction gear. 6. Installation of the top MG 131 on the cowling, as the bases for the MG were lost due to the rebuild engine installation Finally, the Aires set fits into the model and I was glad to have found a proper solution. Thanks to the input from the forum! Happy modelling
  4. White 12 is now complete. Here's a link to the build: Here are the final photos. Thanks for looking!
  5. Greetings fellow modelers: After building a few 1/48 scale kits, I'm back to take a crack at another 1/32 Dora. I've decided on White 12, Wk Nr. 500408 from 5./JG 301. Here's some nice artwork from IBG's new 1/72 release. I tend to gravitate to the Mimetall camo schemes for some reason. I'll be using the Hasegawa ST-19 kit with a number of aftermarket items for the build. The aftermarket goodies include: Aires cockpit upgrade HGW riveting set Eagle cals #32-61 HGW seatbelts Yahu instrument panel One man army stencils Synthetic ordnance works landing gear Quickboost Exhaust Eduard canopy masks Quickboost gun barrels Master metal gun barrels Barracuda wheels Eduard exterior detail set I wanted to use a Henri Daehne spinner and prop kit, but unfortunately Henri has shut down his shop in Germany for good due to the economic situation. I'll have to make do with the kit prop and spinner. Mr. Color lacquers along with Tamiya acrylics will be the main paints used. Here are some photos of the front office, which is now complete. I've also completed the engine plug with some extra plumbing and wiring. Starting on next steps to close up the fuselage. Thanks for looking. Comments and critiques are always welcome.
  6. Not quite 100 percent even now she still fights back I have the Revel one to build at some point hoping it will be easier than this,
  7. Hi everyone, I am off another month yet but before my last surgery I got some new sets 3D printed. So to be clear I am not taking orders - I just thought you might like to see them. I also had started selling the decals from my 1/32 Bf 109 G-2 and G-4 conversion sets as stand alone items. So I wish you all a happy Christmas and look forward to hearing from you perhaps at the end of January. 24P001 Luftwaffe airfield set - 2x Type C Trestle and 2x Wheel Chocks £24.00 32P031 Luftwaffe airfield set - 2x Type C Trestle and 2x Wheel Chocks £18.00 32D029 Bf 109 G-2 (as found in set 32P015) £7.50 32D030 Bf 109 G-4 (as found in set 32P016) £7.50
  8. Hello guys! It's been a while since I uploaded something in here. This is my first 1:32 109 in a long time, Hasegawa's G-6 with markings for Erich Hartmann's aircraft.
  9. Hi Everyone here is a preview of my next figure - a Luftwaffe fighter pilot in cold weather flight gear. Figure has been measured to have left arm resting on a Fw 190 tail plane. Will advertise when ready, thanks for looking.
  10. Hello, folks! Paid a visit to Rechlin Luftfahrtmuseum these days. Rechlin was THE test- and evaluation center of the German air forces from the end of WW1 to the end of WW2. From Fokker to Focke-Wulf, so to say. After WW2 it became a Soviet air field, housing f. e. Mig-23s and Mig-27s. A part of the facilities was rebuild into a large communication equiment storage for the East German NVA. Another part was made into a shipyard building small fast attack crafts and modern lifeboats. Nowadays it is a museum about all 3 branches. Been there some years ago, but they recieved a plethora of new and amazing stuff. So it was about time for another visit, armed with my trusty camera: You know what this is? Great news that is! We have a Do-335 in Germany! The only original one is at Udvar in the US of A. We got a replica, using as much of original parts as possible. Yes, it will be shown as a B with wing guns! Dunno, why the image is sideways. The orignal image is upright. Forgot to take a photo of the whole thing. I've got carried away by something different. Wait for the end of this post Tank Ta-154 replica. Was build by cabinet maker apprentices from Paderborn (Germany) years ago as a training project. DFS assault glider. Remember the Bronco kit? The type used to assault Eben Emanel fortress in Belgium. This? Fokker D.VII without covering. There is also a complete replica in full Lozenge wear. Not to mention a Dreidecker. A Junkers D.I replica. An Etrich Taube. Siemens-Schuckert D.III. Junkers F13. Replicas alltogether. Not to forget WW2 rebuilds: A Me-262 with some original parts. A rebuild He-162 Volksjäger. Reichenberg IV suicide bomb. Cockpit replicas of the Ju-388, Arado Ar-234, Me-109 and other stuff. A Buchon, rebuild into a 109 G2. A lot of engines. Like this one: Hirth engine that powered the Bücker 131. If you want more photos to superdetail your ICM engine, just ask me. I have a full walkaround set. This is the Lilienthal glider. Otto Lilienthal was the first human to build and succesfully fly an aircraft! Anno 1891 was this. The story behind this rebuild is also amazing: It was built by an 14 years old schoolboy from Munich as a school project. He used the original Lilienthal drawings, that were made public by the Lillienthal brothers themselves. It took him a full year with a lot of ons and offs. Guess you know about this phenomenon Finally the very special and unique thing of the Rechlin museum that carried me away. Guess you know what this is? Gotha Go-60. A very promising German late war project (the Luftwaffenministerium even had some real toughts to stop the Horten IX /Ho-229 fighter project in favour of this one). Due to it's layout fast and capable, with heavy armament (4x 30mm MG 108 firing forward, 4 more upwards) and a 3 man crew! Where the navigator and the radar operator were positoned? Lying in the left and right wingroots, with a small window in the leading edge Guess THIS is something you will not find in 1:1 scale anywhere in the world. Except in Germany I have a lot of more photos if you are in need of images. Look here what stuff they have at Rechlin. This was a very enjoable day, indeed! (not to mention cruising the Autobahn with 200 km/h speed the whole way ) Enjoy! - dutik
  11. A new sheet from Fantasy Printshop: FP-1130 Current Luftwaffe Insignia Have fun! Iain
  12. Hello guys I finished another Messerchmit BF 109...what else This is 109 Nr. 13 in my collection and its a Revell kit with mix of Eagle Calls and Hasegawa decals. Unfortunaly I had problem with EC decals, both number 7 decals along with two fuselage crosses just disengrated when put in the water. Luckily for me had Hasegawa boxing with same markings so I used those . That's why there is a slight difference in decal color. As for the model itself this is my third Revell Bf 109G-6 finished along with one G-10 and I really starting to hate that landing gear and prop assembly. Rest of the model is more than ok with exception of MG covers which I replaced with resin ones. Model painted with Model Master Authentic enamels with Valejo varnishes. Here are some pictures, hope u like the model One is Hasegawa kit ..Can u guess which one
  13. Here are some photos of my Airfix Bf 109E-3 in Franz von Werra's markings.
  14. We take a look at a brand new 1:24 resin figure set from Elan13 - Luftwaffe Pilot with dog WW2: Have fun! Iain
  15. Just finished this one. This was on the shelf of doom for quite a while. I had purchased the kit for quite cheap and, due to the shape issues of the kit, it ended up being the last Bf 109 in my kit stash, so I figured I would go ahead and build it. However, I managed to destroy the canopy/windscreen parts before completion and also started to be really annoyed by looking at the shape issues, so I just shelved it. I finally decided to use a vac canopy from my spares and modify it to fit. I also sanded down the huge sharp corners that come off the trailing edge of the wing root fairing, into the rear fuselage. The fuselage cross section still leaves a lot to be desired, but this did improve the overall look of the fuselage, even if only slightly. But, don't even get me started on shape of the nose! In any case, I was able to complete it by adding the canopy mentioned above, MM enamels, oil and pastel weathering. The main decals were from the kit, but the unit/number markings were from a few different sources in my spares and represent an aircraft flown by 1./JG 2 around the Battle of Britain. I also added a few bits from scratch in the somewhat strange looking cockpit. In my rush to finish it, I introduced plenty of problems on my own, but the goal was to just finish it and then decide what I'm going to do next. I would really like to get into the Multi-Engine GB, but not sure what I'm going to do next. Anyway, I'm calling this one done (and I'm also likely done with Trumpeter, spare a couple of kits I already own that are from their "A team", which has apparently disappeared). Thanks for looking, John
  16. This is representation of Erla-built Bf 109G-14 "Black 13" from15./JG5 at Kjevik, Norway in 1945. All A.M.U.R. Reaver sets, such as spinner & airscrew, cowling and oil cooler fairing with radiator mesh were used. The plane had late-war finish with several shades of RLM76 on lower surfaces and 75/82 on top.
  17. My entry will be the new HK Do-335 H-6 night fighter kit. I am going to use the extended wing option to make a B-8 variant. Since this is a "Luftwaffe '46" topic, I can have some fun with the night fighter camo and markings. I'm using Eduard photo etch, resin tires, and a few other goodies.
  18. Well there she is. A bit late in the weekend, but finally had time to take pictures and post them here. This is my latest build. I started this build in June 2016 but it stalled due to becoming a father again, so the better part of 2017 was a lost year for modelling. Anyway, it doesn't matter, because I finished the bird! When I first heard of this conversion I had to have it. I had seen pictures of it as a kid and it always struck me as such an advanced design, almost alien like. I bought the excellent book about this plane from Cristoph Vernaleken and Martin Handig. These men have done a lot of research on this subject and their book and website http://ju388.de is invaluable if you want to model this plane. But I have to say, the book is not written with the modeler in mind. So I think that about 30/40% of my time went into research. John form AIMS did a stellar job in researching and creating the conversion, but there was still room for improvement.. With a lot of searching on the web, visiting several obscure forums, and with a little help from people here, I had enough info to make the most accurate representation of it to my ability. In the process you learn a lot about your subject which is one aspect I like about modeling. Anyway, I'm not going to repeat all the steps I have taken in the build. If you're interested you can visit my WIP-thread here on LSP: Link. But I'll give a short summary of what I used for this build. Model: Revell Ju88 A4 Conversion: AIMS Ju388 L-1 Aftermarket: Henri Daehne propellers Anttena: scratch build with Albion Alloy fit and slide tubes Instrument panel: Designed and 3D printed instrument panel Painting: Mr. Paint (primarily) Weathering: AK Interactive Paneliner So, there you have it. Without further ado, here are the pictures. Please feel free to ask questions or give critique (don't hold back, I can take it). Wouter
  19. Revell is adding a Fw 190 A-8 Rammjäger to its 1/32 scale lineup. The kit is scheduled for release next spring, and will hopefully include the external armor for the fuselage and canopy.
  20. Hi all, Today is the day. I'm officially going to call this build done! For the past one and a half year this build was in my mind. Lot's of fun, a lot of learning and a few mistakes made this a very rewarding experience. I couldn't wait to share some pictures with you guys so that's what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll write a little longer piece in the near future, but for now I'll let the pictures do the talking. Enjoy! Cheers, Wouter
  21. In the spring of 1940, the German Reichsluftfahrtministerium's (RLM) Technical Office asked the Arado company at Brandenburg/Havel to undertake the design of a bomber/photographic reconnaissance aircraft to be powered by the new turbojet engines under development at Junkers and BMW. No performance details were specified, except that the aircraft should be capable of covering Britain as far north as the naval base at Scapa Flow. The design work at Arado resulted in the first design E370 (Erprobung). On basis of this design the first prototype Arado Ar 234 A - V1 (Versuchsobject) was constructed and flown for the first time on July 30. 1943. Later it was considered to use the less powerful BMW 003 turbojet engines in two more prototypes with four engines. On the prototype (V6) Wrk. Nr. 130006 four BMW engines was mounted separately under the wings, using the mounts for the rocket boosters for the outer engines. This was to become the worlds first four engine'd aircraft. Wrk. Nr. 130006 was given the code GK+IW and it's maiden flight was done on the 25. April 1944. The prototype of the Arado Ar 234 A (V6) Wrk. Nr. 130006 GK+IW with the characteristic 'take off dolly'... The base kit for this build is Fly Models Arado Ar 234 B-2. The build required some massive conversion to the kit. Fuselage was narrowed. The fuselage was later widened to accommodate the landing gear in the production models. Engine nacelles have a different form to fit the early BMW 003 engines. Landing skids under each nacelle. Complete 'overhaul' of the cockpit canopy and instruments. The characteristic 'take off dolly' had to be scratch build.
  22. Hello Guy's, I'm warming up for my next build, the HPH Cat can't take forever, right? This project is one of my favorite Luftwaffe aircraft, the Arado Ar 234 'Strahlflugzeug' Haven't quite decided on the subject yet, there are several interesting subjects that can be done from this kit... Aftermarket stuff: Got a nice book from Valiant Wings on the Arado, with a lot of details : "The Arado Ar 234 A Detailed Guide To The Luftwaffe's Jet Bomber" Extra decals from Fly Models, the night fighter version. I have also been 'harvesting' the necessary aftermarket parts for this build: Instrument panel from Yahu Models Laser seatbelts from HGW Paintmasks from New Ware & Pmask Late Luftwaffe paint set from HATAKA Late Luftwaffe Cockpits from MIG Air weathering set German Late Fighters - MIG AIMS Luftwaffe RB 50/30's for the camera bay. Jumo 004 engine sprues from Trumpeters Me 262. Photoetch sets: Me-262 engine PE set from AIMS Jumo 004 basket - Tinyland Service panel set - Tinyland Wheel blocks - Tinyland The plan is to display, at least one of the Jumo 004 engines open + detailing the camera bay of the Arado Ar 234. Can't wait to start this 'ordinary' build and get away from all the resin parts of the Cat... Cheers: Kent
  23. Does anyone know the correct colour for the canvas covering the inside of a BF 109E wheel well. Previous threads have suggested faded blues to olive greens. I'm currently building Eduards 1/32 BF109 E-4 profipack. The instructions suggest black for the well walls, (I assume they mean the canvas) and aluminum for the roof of the wheel bay. Any 109 experts out there that can clarify for me. Thanks in advance Tim
  24. Here's my Me 262 A-1a Kit: Revell Scale: 1/72 Replacement parts: the starboard engine is a resin part by CMK. While this part is very nicely detailed, it leaves a sizeable gap at the joint between the engine and wing. To fill in the gap, I used generous amounts of Tamiya putty. After lots of wet sanding, the gap was gradually filled in and smoothed. It took a lot of elbow grease, though! The canopy is by Rob Taurus. It's very clear and looks great. In contrast, the canopy supplied by the kit is thick, a poor fit, and has no framing. Scratch-built details: epoxy (wheel bay and interior side-wall components), and thin, transparent hobby wires for the electrical wiring. I also used a spare rod from an academy Me 262 kit. I trimmed this piece with a hobby knife, and glued it next to the canopy tub. In the Revell kit, the details in the wheel bay and underneath the cockpit tub are great. Unfortunately and inexplicably, however, Revell decided to cover up the wheel wheels!!! Using a sharp hobby knife, I removed the plastic covering up the wheel wells. Next, I did a bit of sanding to smooth out the wheel wells' edges. Main Paints: Tamiya As-16 Light Grey, As-29 Grey-Green, AS-12 Bare Metal silver, Xf-22 RLM Grey; Model Master (Enamels) RLM 70 & 71 I hand-painted the squiggles on the wings' uppersurface using a very fine, sharp-pointed Tamiya brush (Item 87074). I used enamel Model Master RLM 70 for these dark green squiggles. The original photos of the subject aircraft reveal that these squiggles on the wings were crisp and rather well-delineated. On the other hand, the same photos show that the squiggles on the fuselage were somewhat wider and definitely less well delineated. The squiggles on the fuselage also show two distinct tones, whereas the monotone appearance of the squiggles on the wings suggests the use of one very dark color. The base color for the wings is Tamiya AS-29 Grey-Green. The fuselage base color is AS-16 light grey. The squiggles on the fuselage consist of the Model Master paints for RLM 70 &71. For the fuselage squiggles, I traced the outlines on thin notecards. I then cut around the outlines with a hobby knife. In this way, I used pieces of notecard as templates. I taped the templates onto the fuselage with bits of Tamiya masking tape before spraying the relevant areas with the airbrush. This process was very time-consuming! Speaking of airbrushes, this was my first experience using one. Some of the squiggles on the fuselage were painted with a very basic Tamiya badger 350 airbrush, while others were painted with Tamiya's Spray Work airbrush. It wasn't until after I had already started the painting process that I upgraded and bought the Tamiya “Spray Work set. Needless to say, I found the Spray Work airbrush to be superior and it gave me much more control when painting. Decals: A mix of Cutting Edge decals and EagleCals decals. In my experience, EagleCals decals are the best. They are very thin and slide on beautifully. Check out the decal representing the rectangular shaped stencil underneath the windscreen on the port side. I got it from a decal sheet belonging to a Limited Edition hasegawa kit. Any comments and feedback is much appreciated! Regards, Jon
  25. In Volume II of Kagero's Focke-Wulf series there is a depiction of a bomb toting Fw 190 with the name "TANJA" below the cockpit. According to the notation accompanying the profile the aircraft is an A-8 assigned to JG 51. However the profile appears to depict an A-5 or A-6, not an A-8 with the large bulged fuselage weapon access panel . I have found one photograph of the aircraft which unfortunately does not clarify the issue for me. So can anyone shed any light on what version of Fw 190 the machine actually was?
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