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About 312_Karl

  • Birthday 09/05/1976

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  1. Thank you guys for all kind comments! It´s definitely time for another 1:32
  2. Hi guys, all stripes, hinomaru roundels and tail code are airbrushed using masks. I used decals only for small stencils. The blue color is GSI C323 (pale blue for japanese planes) with several drops of Tamiya Blue (XF-8 flat blue). It is darker in the real light conditions. I would like to see the color picture (not colorized) of Reisen from Hiryu or Soryu (or Tainan Kokutai).
  3. Hello guys, this is my first contribution to the forum. It ís a well known Reisen from Tamiya in 1:32 scale. This model depicts the plane with the serial number 5349 from the carrier Hiryu during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Aftermarket parts: HGW seatbelts, metal submachine gun barrels, resin wheels. Colors: Tamiya, GSI Creos (Gunze C) Enjoy!
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