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Everything posted by Out2gtcha

  1. There are also some cool decal and accessories sets available from Aviatic as well if you have any desire for that sort ot thing, or if shipping wouldn't be an issue.
  2. I would think a (car door?) Tiffie would be a reasonable choice for a company like Kotare; single engine, popular, no currently available new tool IM kit and flown by New Zealand pilots.
  3. I would definitely buy a P-51B, but Im not even all that much into them, I just think its a very popular aircraft/airframe that most people know that has no current modern new tool kit, which kind of amazes me. It seems like some someone announced or announces one, and others are afraid to release one for fear of duplication. I think as long as Kotere does the model well, sticks to what they do best and makes it something fairly popular, with a need for a niche (aka no current new tool or at lease well done IM kit out) I think whatever they do will sell fairly well.
  4. Welcome to LSP! Love it so far! Yes, as Kev mentioned your English is far superior to my Spanish. Indeed, a very nice kit that has very few nigles, save the warped wings and delicate usually broken when you get the kit middle wing cockpit surround. I completed mine a few years back as Vosses machine and had a fun time building it for sure. I really liked the kit. I did however make my own masks for the cowl face. Looking forward to seeing more!
  5. This is a good point, as I do like ZM kits and have built several, but some of the internal detail is lost on me since I'm not an open panels/interior exposed kind of model builder. I'd prefer a model focused on exterior shape and dimensional accuracy. Not to say ZM kits aren't accurate, but I feel Id like more of the cost and R&D to be put to the overall accuracy of the models looks.
  6. Shame that happened, but it sure doesn't look bad from the pics!
  7. Looks great! Other than the extremely poor way Haswgawa separated the fuselage, it's a pretty decent kit. Well done!
  8. Missed this one! Well done, and very much agree, a fun build for sure
  9. Amazing work! I really like all the added details and realistic weathering for sure.
  10. It's a bit of a rough line to walk, since it does slightly open up to peoples wishes for what they want Kotare to make and not what they think Kotare will make. I think we'd all appreciate keeping the thread to the latter.
  11. So sorry to hear that Mike, that sounds horrible. My father had kidney stones and I waited in an ER waiting room with him for 45 min before even being seen. IIRC he said it was the worst pain he'd ever felt. Here's hoping you have a successful and full recovery.
  12. Great work! Black is super tough to get interesting looking.
  13. Indeed, my brother built that kit way back in the day and it was in my room on a shelf that I took over from him after he left my parents place. I was fascinated with that model, it was so cool!
  14. I really hope someone like Kotare, ZM or HKM does a new tool LSP P-51B. It's got to be one of the most popular subjects out there that does not currently have a good (or available) LSP version.
  15. I just don't think the technology or infrastructure has caught up to a point where the average driver can use an EV for everything you use an ICE vehicle for. At some point, I believe the battery/charging technology as well as the infrastructure will in fact catch up. I'm just not sure how long that may take.
  16. I've found 91% alcohol works and so does lacquer thinner. You just have to make sure you wipe it up before it sets at all.
  17. Isn't that a pretty bird!! That first pic is especially nice.
  18. Honestly I'd say a very well known aircraft/airframe like a F6F, P-47 or P-38 (although IMHO the latter slightly less likely because of size and complexity) would be more likely than some. Almost anyone who knows anything about WWII or likes aviation knows what a Hellcat, Jug and Lightning are. As was stated above, I also think they are much less likely to re-do 1/32 kits that have been previously put out by Tamiya, think P-51, F4U, A6M2 and such. Although they did do a Spitfire, it was a completely different bird than Tamiya did.
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