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Found 25 results

  1. Ive waited a long LONG time to see this...................a 1/32nd F7F Tigercat on my bench!!!!! I almost thought it may never come true, but HpH sure put those fears to rest. [/size]Anyone here who knows me, knows this is my all time favorite air frame, and ever since the first time I laid eyes on my big brothers 1/72nd Tigercat I was hooked.[/size] This is the newly released 1/32nd F7F Tigercat from HpH models. Its all resin, and the kit itself is very detailed with a ton of parts. I wont go into a ton of intense details about the kit itself upfront, as I have already done a full review of the kit. See here: HpH F7F-3P Tigercat LSP IBR This is going to be a long journey if I'm honest. I have resin experience and experience with HpH kits, and both of these lead me to believe that is will be an exceptionally intense and complex build. But since I have more passion for this air frame than pretty much any other out there, so it will be brought to fruition, of that you can be certain. Lets see what we have shall we? Standard fare here, Ill show some pics of the kit itself pulled from my IBR. The HpH F7F comes hollow molded in resin, and really is the bees knees when it comes to detail. The box is quite sturdy, and comes compartmentalized with all parts bagged and wrapped in bubble wrap: This will NOT be a small model when done either! The details and overall surface detail that HpH includes are really phenomenal: Engine parts and some fuselage internal detail: Its going to take a heck of a lot of weight to keep this big girl on her nose: MORE....................
  2. Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina Flying Boat - Bureau number 7277/20 of VP-93 US Coast Guard 1942-43. This Catalina was assigned to the Greenland Fleet Air detachment at Bluie West One (Narsarsuaq) during WW2. HPH's Cat is a truly wonderful kit, yes it's expensive, but it also contains everything you need to build this iconic amphibian. Photo etched parts from Eduard, HGW seatbelts and other printed textile objects. Brass barrels for the machine guns and a nice decal sheet. Yes it is a resin kit and it requires a lot of cleanup of the parts. Sometimes it felt almost like scratch building, yeah you got all the parts, if you can find them, but they all needed preparation before painting and assembly. Some skills working with epoxy and super glue are also needed. But the bottom line is, you are really in for a treat with all of the interior detailing that HPH has been putting into this 'Gentle Giant'. Figures are Alpine, D-Day and Evolution Miniatures. Interior detailing of the cockpit... Radio, engineer and bunks... Observers station and aft compartment. Anchor, well it is also a boat. The characteristic platform to perform maintenance at sea. Access ladder to the blisters + antenna installation. Thumbs Up HPH! Thanks for looking: Kent https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=64724
  3. We take a look at the new de Havilland Vampire F Mk3 kit from Infinity Models. Have already started building it... Iain
  4. mark31


    Im going to build the L-39 Albatros from hph First i whant to go for a TA-7C but iff i look to my program for this year it will not going anywhere with the vacform So build will go slow du to my work but i will try it What i have About markings i dondt have any idee yet So now a bit more resaerch about colors and we can start with the cockpit Mark
  5. Hi folks, I hesitated a long time before posting this thread. I’ve a quite weird modelling practice that is not really compatible with WIP threads as I love working on multiple projects over years. I’m moving from one to another one and come back later. Moreover, in spite of the fact I’ve two SLR digital cameras and various lenses, I do not really use them that much anymore as it is quite time-consuming to prepare everything (batteries, lenses, support, etc.). So, taking pictures is not that easy and finally I’m simply using my mobile camera most of the time! However, this lockdown period changed the way I’m working. I never worked so much on a kit in what I consider to be a short amount of time. I thought about putting that thread in the Cold War group build but as we are now quite close to the end, this makes more sense to be located in the general WIP forum. Why an early MiG-27? Well, when I was a teenager, I received the Hasegawa 1/72 MiG-27 and I was immediately attracted by her mud-mover badass look! To me few jets have this brute stance. One major exception is another of my old favorites: the BAC Jaguar. Alas, this is another missing link in large scale. I was hooked and when the Trumpeter MiG-23 was released, I immediately hoped the 27 would follow… but it never came…! So, for quite some time, I hesitated before purchasing the LEM-Ruporator kit even if this was the only existing option. This was their very first 1/32 model, it had quite mixed reviews on the web and the shapes looked suspect to me. However, the casting looked incredible. Finally, this project became far more complicated than initially foreseen. The ones who know me will not be surprised seeing another Frankenstein creature developed in my laboratory ;-) Now, take a deep breath before reading the following posts!
  6. For this anniversary GB, I will attempt to build a Me 410 A1/U4. The plan is to use the HPH Me 410 A1 to build a Viermot killer fitted with a 5cm Bordkannon. I have pretty decent reference materials so I will attempt to scratchbuild the entire BK5 and fit it within the bomb bay. As with every HPH kit, all you need is already in the box but for the BK5 I will use the Schatton modelbau brass barrel and ammo rounds, which are absolutely gorgeous. I have done some prep work, the most important one being going through Wouter's Me 410 build several times, this will be an invaluable help for this build. I am not expecting a ton of progress until February as I need to finish my F-15Ra'am for the Desert GB, but I have already made a dent on cockpit. Some pics: Kit box Schatton modelbau BK5 Barrel and ammo: Reference materials: What I am aiming for: Cockpit parts prepared for primer Cheers, David
  7. "News directly quoted by Mirek of HpH Models. Infinity Models will be the brand for injection molded planes from HpH. First kit will be the 1/32 SB2C Helldiver. Release is scheduled for 2nd quarter of 2020. First production run will be 1000 kits. Planned for the future are in 1/32 scale: DH. Vampire Mk.3/ Mk.5, Westland Wyvern, Aichi D3A Val, Savoia-Marchetti SM.79, Douglas A-20 Havoc and Bristol Beaufighter Mk.X. There will be no more new resin kits from HpH except some large model projects like the Me-323 Gigant and maybe SR-71 in 1/32."
  8. I finally decided to challenge myself and my skills and start this baby. Cat is one of my favourite plane so hopefully I will enjoy the whole build. I followed Kent's great build few months ago and still keep his WIP as a huge inspiration. However I will take simplier approach. My plan is to finish it almost ready to start, so gear down, floats up, canopy and blisters open. Like this one... I would like to finish it as a OA-10 s.n.44-33876 of the 2nd Emergency Rescue Squadron. This particular plane took part in mission with callsign "Playmate 42" on 4th March 1945. Crew of 1st Lt. Frank Rauschkolb rescued 17 crewmembers from 3 downed B-25's. You can read the story here There is great site www.pbyrescue.com dedicated to 2nd ERS, full of info, pics and run by Jim Teegarden. Jim kindly allowed me to post photos from the web site so I do with his permission. Even I'm reffering to March 1945 mission , I will finish it as shown on several photos from 1944. Upper side of the wings weathering will allow me to play a lot There are some unpaited replaced parts visible so again some specific stuff. The kit for my own build of the builds I have printed instructions And parts cleaning has started such a great detail... I want to build it as accurate as possible so every advice or suggestion is more than welcome. Thanks for looking jan
  9. This will be my contribution to this GB Ta 154 is very interesting plane and even there is no significant combat history related to it, I like a lot the design. I'm expecting easy build and no issues except the front gear leg Part count is lower than usual with HPH kits. Surface is simple, only subtle weathering at the end. I will run this as a side project along the rescue Cat build The kit I have started the wings yesterday. Thanks for looking jan
  10. Place holder for the mo - but a statement of intent for this GB - with caveat that it may not be completed in time and I have other projects to get finished/progress with. Need to get the review of the HpH kit finished and posted (all photos now done) and then I'll make a start. Iain
  11. Hi all, Today is the day. I'm officially going to call this build done! For the past one and a half year this build was in my mind. Lot's of fun, a lot of learning and a few mistakes made this a very rewarding experience. I couldn't wait to share some pictures with you guys so that's what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll write a little longer piece in the near future, but for now I'll let the pictures do the talking. Enjoy! Cheers, Wouter
  12. Hi guys I finally managed to finish Uhu the perfect kit of amazing aircraft - it was my most challenging build so far. It's not my best job and there's a lot of faults caused by myself, however I like it a lot the biggest issue is the geometry of the whole model and the glazed part of the canopy on the other hand, you get perfect surface and interior details already looking forward to another HPH plane painted with Mr. Color and Mr. Paint, weathering done with AMMO of Mig Jimenez stuff. Glue used - mainly HPH epoxy and different Loctite's superglues WIP thread for this build here thanks for looking and your comments jan
  13. The highlight of my modelling career until now. I have aquired the HPH PBY-5A Catalina... An old dream come true. I'm really excited about this project.
  14. The journey of thousands and thousands of miles………………………. It truly has been. I've wanted to build a large scale Walrus for years, and when HpH announced theirs I was in heaven! I never had the upfront cash to buy one outright from the likes of Hannants, (where it was over-priced) so I started looking at the LSP trader forums at the start of the year. Thanks to ErigG, a good mate of his and his want for a rare DH Comet of mine, I finally got an HpH Supermarine Walrus of my own! The VERY long journey of this kit started as the kit was built in the Czech Republic, and then shipped to Hannants in the UK for distribution: Czech Rebublic to UK = 548 Nautical Miles / 1017 Kilometers Next, it was purchased by ErigGs mate in Australia: UK to Australia = 9,459 Nautical Miles / 15223 Kilometers The kit was then purchased by me, from Erics mate Che: Australia to US = 9,445 Nautical Miles / 15201 Kilometers So all in all, this Walrus is quite and world traveler, having traversed more than 19,400 nautical miles to get to my doorstep from whence it was created. Neat! Having just finished up a “quickie†feel good type WIP build, I thought long about what to start next. I got out a my vac T-cat………………….then did the same thing I always do with it, and that's get it out, look at it, then promptly decide it would be WAY too much work to get right, and put it back. Got out my Tam P-51, but just wasn't feeling it, and would have needed to order wet transfers for the foil part…………..so I put it back too. Then I walked by the small pile of kits in my PC room, not yet put away in my basement stash area. Buried 2nd from the top was the inconspicuous box for the Walrus. I had SO much fun putting my last WIP/bipe together, that this one really spoke to me, and I do think its time for a major one, which this WIP will definitely be. Although the kit decals have been reported to be very good, I (of course) just cant leave things alone, and have to make this one a bit different from the OOB scheme. Ian @ Ad Astra made me a set of custom masks for the Walrus from a Walrus based off of the HMS Cumberland, painted for “Operation Torch†in 1942. For those that don't know, Op –Torch (initially called operation Gymnast) was the British-American invasion of French North Africa during the North African Campaign of WWII which started on 8 November 1942. This will be the fairly standard seen Walrus 4 camo pattern on top, with shadow shading on the lower upper surfaces, and sky on the undersides. The Operation Torch markings were painted on the British aircraft, using older US roundels: This was due to the Allies believing that the Vichy French forces would not fight, partly because they harbored suspicions that the Vichy French navy would bear a grudge over the British action at Mers-el-Kebir in 1940, so they over-painted any visible British markings with older style US markings. Any of you familiar with HpH will know of their high standard of quality and especially detail, but for those that are not as familiar, I will give a quick run down of what we get in the box. Let's get started and see what we have then!
  15. Well, I am not sure, if this has appeared here already... HPH is preparing an LSP DC-3 https://ipmsnymburk.com/forum/viewtema.php?ID_tema=39718
  16. https://ipmsnymburk.com/forum/viewtema.php?ID_tema=39718&page_d=0&idp_d=0&idc_d=1&show_html= Text : In HpH Models company are also working on model of MiG-23BN fighter in 1/18 scale. It will be very limited edition at the beginning of which was a order from a foreign customer.
  17. Hi guys, time to start my summer project #2... I realized, that 3 HPH kits I have, represents 33% of my current stash so its time to start to build it so it will be my first HPH model and first all resin model, so looking forward to this OOB build, with just some small extras if needed. I did not see lot of Uhu`s builds on the web so will try to cover it with lot of pictures and hope that I will do justice to it. I love this style of model content, you really do not have to buy anything And yes, one of the reasons I have started Uhu is that I need some material for Sandy seatbelts because dont want to use PE ones anymore and will try wet transfers for the first time so Im happy Ok, main parts needs some carefull cleaning... used lot of water, Tamiya fine knife and Radu`s fine saws 8 for this job... and it went quickly and well... thanks for looking jan
  18. hello to you all recievd yesterday and yes i know a lot off you guys are waiting for this kit Normaly i didnt whant to start it yet but sommithing is saying get me build So here is the kit. in the box a lot off resin so a lot off clean up to do the first thing thast out off the wrapping the choclate first step in the instructions front wheelbay Mark
  19. Slovakian Focke-Wulf Fw 189A-1 It's been a while. I've had a serious run of bad luck with forum builds in the last couple of years, with the ones that I try to feature being more prone to screwing up, such as the awful P-39 Airacobra kit from Kittyhawk. My bin can certainly overfloweth. In an effort to buck the trend, I thought I'd build perhaps my most ambitious project yet....the HpH Fw 189A-1 resin kit. What could possibly go wrong! If you want to take look at the review I wrote for this, check HERE This is a very new project for me, and I'll post a few photos in the next days. Work so far consists of cleaning up the main components, such as the boom halves, stabiliser, wing, wing centre section, engine cowls etc. I have also glued the steel reinforced spar to the centre section and the outboard wing spares. For this, I'm using HpH's own epoxy glue with a 24hrs waiting time. CA will be used for everything else. This kit is supplied with an amazing set of 'Wet Transfer' decals which contain no carrier film. All that is left on the model after application, is the ink. All I will use here though are the stencils, as this model will be finished in a scheme over than what is supplied. For this build, I will depict a Slovakian machine. I've always had a hankering for a Slovakian scheme ever since seeing it supplied with the old Matchbox 1/32 Bf 109E-3 kit. Markings on this will be airbrushed, with masks courtesy of Miracle Masks. The Slovaks operated the A-1, as well as the A-2 versions. This is what I aim to achieve. This one is progressing nicely, and if you take your time in measuring, measuring again, and measuring once more, and then even checking your last measurement, then you should have no problem. Casting block removal takes a few evenings, but it's not too bad a chore. There is so much geometry in this model that you need to ensure that a good number of parts align under test fit before committing to any glue. For example, you need to ensure that you make sure the nacelle sides align with the front of the lower centre section. You also much make sure that the leading edges align and that the rear trailing edges of the wing are in line. On top of that, the lower nacelle fuse section must dry fit properly and the recesses for the centre section landing flaps must the same width along the length of it. If you fail, the PE parts won't fit. Test-fitting the upper nacelle deck must also show the width is correct there. Lastly, mocking up the tail booms and stabiliser should prove a perfect fit to the assembled wing, with the stabiliser being horizontal and the wing tips angled equally on each side. It sounds a nightmare, but a few evenings of preparation and care will pay off. Oh, I also get kit No.003!! So this is either production kit #3, or the third to have popped from moulds, including the tests. Either way, this is pretty cool. HpH epoxy is also excellent and can be mixed in minute quantities. You can also manipulate several hours later, allowing for last minute tweaks. So far.....so good.
  20. I did not see this here: http://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=105045&start=825
  21. HpH Tigercat released... http://www.hphmodels.cz/hph/f7f-tigercat-132-2/?lang=en Any colour you like, as long as it's blue Tony
  22. Did you ever build a kit as a kid, perhaps multiple times? For me, it was the old Monogram 1/48th Helldiver with all the working gizmos. Like many, I dreamed one day somebody would come to the rescue and produce a "museum quality" 1/32 Helldiver that I didn't need to buy more stuff to make it what it should have been. Well folks, Today is the day! One VERY nicely packed box arrived from HpH this morning and suffice it to say I am absolutely in awe of what they have created for me to build. I will spend the next day or two ( or more) carefully cleaning up the thin casting wafers and flash, and then it's into the "bath" to remove any oils present. I am hoping by Friday I'll be able to show you this thing with some primer on the parts, maybe even a little color! I am very impressed with the level of detail on ALL the parts from the metal to the resin. All of this kit is executed with such precision, and the instructions on the DVD are very clear ( at least to me so far) on where things go. I'm lucky and I have a copy of the - 4's pilot handbook I found online, and what I can identify in the cockpit and Radio Operator/Gunner positions is exactly what I see on the photos of the real deal. I would like to ask one favor. If you have reference material you would like to post for me to assist in the build, that you do so at my request and not just randomly on my post. Please ASK me in PM first. Believe me I love help, I'd just like to keep this thread informative, fun to watch and on track without folks having to read through 3 pages of discussion and pics of whose colors are right or wrong or what shape has an issue etc. I may post a few more pics here after the formal review is posted in a little while. Hopefully this will be the incredible journey that I have hoped for when dreaming about a 1/32 Helldiver. Based on my initial impressions, this kit will do it for me! I look forward to you following along. Paul
  23. Hi all, While looking for reference material for this build, I noticed a sheer lack of 1/32 Ohka builds out here! One or two Lone Star builds, but no HPH model 11 builds, or Radu Model 22 builds. I already finished the companion Reichenberg from this kit: http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/3464-fi103-reichenberg-132-hph-resin-kit/ which is great in detail and accuracy, as is this Ohka from what I can find out. If you want to find out more about these kits, here's my review: http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/2553-132-fi-103-reichenberg-re-4a-and-kugisho-ohka-model-11/?hl=ohka So here's where I'm at:
  24. To steep for me. Would Like one of these. Liked this little bird ever since I saw it the first time. http://www.hyperscale.com/2015/reviews/kits/hph32040rreviewjv_1.htm http://www.hyperscale.com/2015/reviews/kits/hph32025rreviewjv_1.htm Cheers, Dave
  25. Hi all, Here's my manned V1. 1/32 resin HPH kit. The railbed is from Trumpeter. Resin figure from Warriors. Build log here: http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/2632-hph-reichenberg-re-4a-piloted-v-1/ Cheers, Jeroen
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