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Everything posted by BiggTim

  1. OOO...man! I want one of those, but they are VERY pricy!! Good on ya!
  2. You might be able to do that with matte finish mylar, like the type we use to draft on back in the "old days". I still have a stash of it that I use for scratching stuff and making patterns. You can bend it and put patterns in it very easily, and it paints wonderfully. You might be able to find it at an art supply store, though it is not used much anymore. Otherwise, I could dig mine out and mail you some if you want to try it. The only other idea I have is shrunken silk. Tim
  3. Is this the stuff? http://www.amazon.com/DELUXE-MATERIALS-DLXBD044-Perfect-Plastic/dp/B0076LAVFK/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1429032193&sr=1-1&keywords=perfect+plastic+putty
  4. I have been investigating the idea, and I have the same concerns, especially considering how nice a kit this is. Not something I want to do a lot of experimentation on!! I just have a really hard time covering up all that nice wing fold detail, but I love the looks of the plane with wings down/gear up and in flight. I may elect to replicate the wing fold areas in resin to mess around with before I make up my mind. This will probably be my winter project anyway, so I'm not in a hurry. Otherwise, you know the solution is to buy another one and just build one each way.....
  5. That's an excellent point about the rigging, I had that problem, too. The rigging wires in the kit are very stiff as I recall, which helps with that, but the weight of the wings did pull them out of the fuse a couple of times. I had to support the wings while the glue dried and bend or knurl the tips of the rigging a little to keep them secure.
  6. Loved this kit, though mine was not the float plane version. All in all, a really, really nice little kit. The fabric texture on it was excellent! Here's a link to mine... http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=53758&hl= Are you planning to paint it orange? Tim
  7. Ahhh, I see now. I knew that they did that a lot, but wasn't really sure if that's why the OP was filling them.
  8. May I infer that the P-51 wings are incorrect? If so, I am surprised at this from Tamiya.
  9. This is why I haven't been doing much model building lately. Years back, I used to collect Star Trek action figures, and got into making custom ones pretty heavily. I even got in a couple of collector magazines back before the internet days. As a result, I did a number of customs on commission for some people, most notably a friend in Illinois. I got pretty burned out on it long before he did, and quit making them in favor of model building, car restoration, and just life in general. There was one set I always wanted to try, and that my friend was always pestering me to do, so a couple of years ago, I started pecking away at it in my spare time, and recently decided to just hit it hard and get it done. For those ST fans among you, you may recall an original series episode called "Patterns of Force", where an alien society is mistakenly led down the path of the Nazis by a historian trying to help them. Kirk, Spock, McCoy don Nazi uniforms of both the Gestapo and SS at different points in the show to blend in. These figures are based on the 5" line of figures made by the Playmates toy company from about 1988 to 1998 or so. They are NOT intended to be accurate depictions of WW2 history or highly realistic. Instead, they are designed to look as though they might have been made by the toy company itself, so they will fit in with the rest of my friend's collection. About 95% of these figures are actually cast in resin from masters I made from modified figures, so I could make two sets without having to repeat too much scratch work and destroy too many real figures. Some of them are 100% resin. I made one set for him, and one for me, but I may decide to put mine on ebay. I haven't decided yet. Anyway, here they are. Selling this set is how I paid for my Tamiya Corsair!!
  10. Wait a second...didn't Radu just totally model one of these in Rhino recently? He already did all the research from what I could tell, as it was quite impressive. I believe he was planning to make a kit of it. If he is not associated with Profimodeler, maybe he should be. Might be mutually beneficial. Tim
  11. I'm sure many of you old hands have heard of Young C.Park, but I just discovered his work, and thought I'd share it for the other newbies! http://www.craftsmanshipmuseum.com/park.htm Really amazing guy, died a couple years ago, sadly. Tim
  12. Now that I finally got my Tamiya Corsair kit (and I must say it IS truly amazing!), I am curious if any of you have made the wings actually fold. I mean OPERATE up and down, not just sit statically in one position or the other like the kit is designed to do. I would also like to know if anyone has done it as an in flight display, using the stand that comes with the kit or another one. I love to see these beautiful machines in flight, and am considering it. Obviously, if I make it this way, then the wing fold question is sorta moot. I'm really excited to get this thing going, but I am also a little intimidated by the level of quality, as I want to do this one well. For the time being, I will be doing research, acquiring some references, and practicing some techniques on my current WIPS. This kit is my carrot in front of the mule (Me) to force me to get some other projects done before I can start it!! Tim
  13. Space: Above and Beyond. What do my 10 points buy me?
  14. Finally got mine today, ordered on the 19th, as I'm on the west coast. Holy cow, I have truly never seen a more incredible kit! You guys weren't exaggerating.
  15. I've been watching Chips with my kids lately on MeTV....dang it's bad!
  16. I've been pretty happy with the P-38 I have in progress so far. Not the most accurate or detailed thing I could hope for, but drastically better than the old Revell kit. Good luck! Tim
  17. I am just totally out of things to say about this. I am truly inspired and itching to try it!
  18. This very cool!! I'm really enjoying it!
  19. Looking forward to seeing what the exact parameters will be...
  20. Nice wheels up display!! I really like seeing them in flight!
  21. Dang that is so cool looking! And I gotta say, the fact that metal is metal, and paint is NOT metal really has me convinced. I see some major experimentation with chemicals coming in the very near future. That kinda sounded bad.
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