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Everything posted by Out2gtcha

  1. Indeed, the link is fine, it's exactly as Pete said.
  2. Great work so far. Looking forward to more!
  3. Looks terrific! I like seeing schemes you don't see built much. Well done!
  4. Any link to the 777 version of these AM engines?
  5. My triple 7 kit is the Revell kit. I'm assuming that the Zvezda offering is not the same plastic?
  6. Great looking P-51! I'd say post away, as we all enjoy seeing nice looking models, regardless of the type.
  7. Sorry to hear that...... although it can and does happen. I know it's happened to me on several occasions for sure. At least one of those models I dropped/broke ended up getting the Godzilla treatment (AKA getting retired under my boot)
  8. Only feels like -40f here with the blistering wind. Keeps the snow on the ground too.
  9. Thanks Kev. Probably should have known that.
  10. Got my daughters "Witblits morph" baby Bearded Dragon painted. I 3D printed this little guy out and painted him up as part of a larger present for her for her birthday next May. He will be put in an actual lizard tank, with lights, and a full enclosure, including the unpainted basking rock he currently sits on. Need to paint his basking rock and gather his cage and get the inside set up, but things are now processing well.
  11. Those look terrific K2! So far so good..... I've got a 1/144the triple 7 in the stash to get to. I've never done an airliner before so will likely need threads like this one to help me along.
  12. Happy B-Day Thierry! Hoping you get to fondle some plastic.....
  13. Welcome! Very nice Me-262 for sure. Well done!
  14. Well that price IS a bit disappointing for sure. I'm hoping that with time and hopefully being carried by a US shop the price may come down some.
  15. Exemplary work Michael! Really seems like a nice kit, and you've done a wonderful job with it.
  16. A most excellent model, and a fantastic finish! Well done man
  17. As always, another splendid model, and a great addition to your stable of other awesome aircraft!
  18. Max is right, the internal LSP search engine is not the best, and using Google with the additional "Large Scale Planes" works considerably better. There may also be an Me-109 SME along to help as well, as we have quite a few. Good luck!
  19. Will this kit come with an undercarriage as well?
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